Category:Carmenta (mythology)

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Carmenta, also known as Nicostrate, or Nicostrata, was the Roman goddess of childbirth and prophecy.

<nowiki>Carmenta; Carmentis; Carmenta; Carmenta; Carmenta; Carmenta; Carmenta; Καρμέντα; کارمنتا; Кармента; Кармента; Carmenta; カルメンタ; Кармента; Carmenta; Carmenta; Karmenta; Кармента; Carmenta; Carmenta; Carmenta; Carmenta; Karmenta; Carmenta; Кармента; Carmenta; 卡尔门蒂斯; Roma mitolojisinde doğum tanrıçası; divinité romaine; divinità romana; Roman goddess of childbirth and prophecy; римская богиня-прорицательница; římská bohyně; mythologie; Nicostrata; Carmentis; Nicostrata; Carmentis; Carmentis; Carmentis</nowiki>
Roman goddess of childbirth and prophecy
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Said to be the same asNicostrate
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