Category:Celestial mechanics
English: Category: Celestial mechanics.
Русский: Категория: Небесная механика.
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English: Celestial mechanics is an application of physics, particularly Newtonian mechanics, to astronomical objects such as stars and planets. Diagrams: see also Category:Astronomical diagrams.
This category has the following 31 subcategories, out of 31 total.
- Culmination (5 F)
- Dark flow (2 F)
- De revolutionibus drawings (286 F)
- Lagrange points (88 F)
- Libration (152 F)
- Planetary transit diagrams (32 F)
- Sidereal and synodic day (11 F)
- Velocity dispersion (8 F)
- Yarkovsky Effect (5 F)
Media in category "Celestial mechanics"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 236 total.
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06Au.png 900 × 607; 71 KB
07Au.png 900 × 607; 66 KB
08Au.png 900 × 607; 62 KB
09a-2moonperts.jpg 2,385 × 929; 98 KB
09Au.png 900 × 607; 63 KB
2bodies.png 320 × 240; 1 KB
3bodies.png 640 × 480; 45 KB
AnalemmaVitruvii.jpg 2,326 × 1,591; 302 KB
Animation of Levi-Civita transformation for Kepler orbits.webm 26 s, 720 × 400; 492 KB
Animation of the Pythagorean problem of three bodies.webm 1 min 14 s, 480 × 480; 1.47 MB
Apoapsis.tif 3,508 × 2,835, 2 pages; 56.93 MB
Apoastro.png 563 × 422; 8 KB
Apside general scheme.png 476 × 331; 12 KB
Apsidi.png 960 × 720; 37 KB
Artemisanalemmarp.jpg 840 × 449; 73 KB
Bahngeschwindigkeiten eines Planeten.png 862 × 666; 46 KB
Ballistic-trajectories-planet.svg 600 × 600; 3 KB
Ballistic-trajectories-planet2.svg 720 × 440; 4 KB
Bi-elliptic transfer r-ratio14.svg 800 × 760; 4 KB
Bi-elliptic transfer.svg 768 × 580; 4 KB
Bi-parabolicTransfer.pdf 1,152 × 700; 20 KB
Bi-parabolicTransfer.png 692 × 420; 23 KB
Box orbit begin.png 640 × 480; 3 KB
Box orbit begin.svg 512 × 410; 17 KB
Box orbit full.png 640 × 480; 7 KB
Box orbit full.svg 512 × 410; 17 KB
Box orbit resonance.png 640 × 480; 2 KB
Box orbit resonance.svg 512 × 410; 6 KB
CDMS parameter space 2004.png 1,027 × 683; 164 KB
Celestial Equator.png 252 × 102; 10 KB
Celestial meridiator.png 960 × 720; 39 KB
CELESTIAL PLUMBERS.jpg 13,170 × 13,170; 16.22 MB
Chutelune.png 200 × 181; 2 KB
Chutelune.svg 257 × 276; 3 KB
Circular orbit of planet with (eccentricty of 0.0).gif 900 × 675; 2.04 MB
Circular restricted 3-body problem.png 1,659 × 1,659; 286 KB
Circunferencia - 2.png 193 × 211; 2 KB
Clausius.png 601 × 518; 7 KB
Clock for meridiator.png 960 × 720; 26 KB
Colure-it.png 634 × 590; 216 KB
Colure-it.svg 774 × 684; 7.15 MB
Colure.png 760 × 590; 222 KB
Colure.svg 774 × 684; 7.18 MB
ComparisonComparisonZoom.pdf 1,233 × 947; 26 KB
ComparisonComparisonZoom.png 823 × 632; 14 KB
Congiunzione superiore e inferiore IT.svg 744 × 1,052; 9 KB
Course du soleil.png 794 × 487; 54 KB
Daflippi tropical year.png 500 × 160; 18 KB
Daylight Map, nonscientific (0900 UTC).jpg 1,000 × 500; 262 KB
De-Apsis.ogg 1.9 s; 18 KB
Definition d'orbite 001.png 566 × 656; 45 KB
Diagram O-C 1.jpg 261 × 192; 4 KB
Diagram O-C 2.jpg 260 × 191; 5 KB
Diagram O-C 3.jpg 261 × 191; 5 KB
Earth-Venus transit diagram.svg 740 × 540; 16 KB
Earths orbit and ecliptic bn.PNG 906 × 926; 77 KB
EarthsOrbit de.png 1,200 × 1,100; 73 KB
EarthsOrbit en.png 1,200 × 1,100; 72 KB
EarthsOrbit mk.png 1,200 × 1,100; 238 KB
Eccentric.png 523 × 529; 17 KB
Ecliptic and invariable plane.svg 400 × 320; 37 KB
Eclipticadiagrama.png 661 × 161; 12 KB
Elementi orbitali luna.jpg 526 × 483; 53 KB
Ellipitical orbit of planet with an eccentricty of 0.2.gif 900 × 675; 2.05 MB
Ellipitical orbit of planet with an eccentricty of 0.5.gif 900 × 675; 2.16 MB
Ellipitical orbit of planet with an eccentricty of 0.8.gif 900 × 675; 2.17 MB
EllipseInPolarCoords2.svg 658 × 437; 25 KB
Elongacja zach i wsch.jpg 715 × 271; 28 KB
Elongatie1 af.jpg 600 × 200; 20 KB
Elongatie1.jpg 600 × 200; 12 KB
Enckes method.PNG 397 × 300; 24 KB
Encontro 1.png 274 × 272; 3 KB
EpPlanetas.png 1,242 × 866; 17 KB
Eqdt wiki.png 722 × 422; 71 KB
Equant.png 522 × 527; 17 KB
Equation of time (Chinese).png 699 × 572; 31 KB
Equinox positions.png 742 × 236; 10 KB
Equinox positions2.png 3,249 × 2,653; 616 KB
Equinoxes-solstice EN.svg 450 × 280; 26 KB
Equinoxes-solstice ES.svg 450 × 280; 26 KB
Esfera de Hill.jpg 639 × 581; 29 KB
Flaech1.png 780 × 484; 22 KB
Flaech2.png 780 × 808; 29 KB
Flaech3.png 921 × 954; 33 KB
Flammarion - La planète Mars, Tome 1-f254.svg 1,490 × 1,490; 100 KB
FlightPathAngle.svg 1,052 × 744; 22 KB
GAUSS JPG.jpg 300 × 372; 20 KB
Geo-elevationrp.png 800 × 677; 69 KB
Geo-elevationswonp.png 800 × 677; 38 KB
Geoausleuchturp.png 560 × 280; 65 KB
Geobeamsizerp.png 880 × 578; 9 KB
Geocentr.jpg 800 × 600; 23 KB
Giorno siderale e solare.jpg 777 × 581; 64 KB
Giorno siderale solare.PNG 343 × 447; 8 KB
Gravitational lens-full.jpg 702 × 531; 43 KB
Gravitational slingshot.svg 700 × 400; 1 KB
Gravitationsbeschleunigung.png 266 × 223; 4 KB
Gravity assist Mercury et Messenger.png 485 × 268; 13 KB
Heliocentric orbit.jpg 800 × 600; 23 KB
Heliosynchronous orbit.svg 800 × 800; 4 KB
Hemisfery niebieskie.svg 350 × 410; 16 KB
Hirtenmond.png 2,544 × 572; 52 KB
Igso3063.jpg 512 × 591; 89 KB
Impact parameter straight line.svg 252 × 252; 3 KB
Impulsive maneuver.svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
Initial condition for the Pythagorean problem of three-bodies.svg 432 × 432; 25 KB
InsolationSummerSolstice65N.png 1,000 × 245; 76 KB
InsolationSummerSolstice65NObliquityOnly.png 1,000 × 247; 39 KB
Interkontinentalrakete,Ellipsenbahn.png 807 × 1,501; 28 KB
Jacobi const zero velocity suface curve.png 900 × 711; 146 KB
Jup-Hil-24-04.png 280 × 300; 13 KB
Kepler Fock projection.svg 1,600 × 1,200; 10 KB
Kepler hodograph3.svg 429 × 425; 21 KB
Keplerbahnen.png 507 × 520; 41 KB
Keplero velocità areolare.jpg 376 × 165; 8 KB
Keplers equation(mirror).png 595 × 600; 66 KB
Keplers equation.svg 800 × 800; 50 KB
Konjunktion.png 367 × 304; 19 KB
Konjunktionqu.png 367 × 304; 31 KB
Kozai mechanism Hamiltonian.svg 810 × 1,620; 198 KB
La terre pour equation du temps.svg 333 × 279; 7 KB
Lancering.svg 620 × 220; 35 KB
Laplace Runge Lenz vector2.svg 1,920 × 1,080; 12 KB
Längengradproblem.svg 1,600 × 1,200; 81 KB
Mars close appr.png 759 × 444; 24 KB
MarsDeltav.svg 744 × 1,052; 42 KB
Maré.jpg 205 × 65; 10 KB
Mean anomaly diagram-ar.png 908 × 899; 256 KB
Mean anomaly diagram-ko.png 2,128 × 2,108; 430 KB
Mean anomaly diagram.png 2,128 × 2,108; 435 KB
Mese siderale.png 960 × 720; 876 KB
Miscarea de revolutie terestra.png 820 × 586; 82 KB
Molniya.jpg 610 × 299; 216 KB
Moon trajectory.png 407 × 148; 3 KB
Moon trajectory1.png 800 × 392; 19 KB
Moon trajectory1.svg 1,600 × 223; 2 KB
Moons orbital capture.svg 1,585 × 366; 377 KB
MovingJupiter (en).jpg 234 × 209; 9 KB
MovingJupiter cs.jpg 234 × 209; 9 KB
MovingJupiter.jpg 234 × 209; 10 KB
Mécanique céleste (1829) (14585344948) (cropped).jpg 1,047 × 1,081; 257 KB
Mécanique céleste (1829) (14585344948).jpg 2,371 × 3,132; 1.58 MB
Nachylenie osi obrotu.png 760 × 590; 257 KB
Nachylenie osi obrotu.svg 774 × 684; 7.15 MB
Nasa-dark flow-large.jpg 4,369 × 2,803; 3.57 MB
Near Earth Asteroid Orbit Types da.svg 744 × 744; 14 KB
NearEarthAsteroidOrbitTypes-de.svg 300 × 400; 4 KB
NearEarthAsteroidOrbitTypes.svg 300 × 400; 3 KB
Nl-Omloopsnelheid-article.ogg 1 min 21 s; 816 KB
Numerical solution of Pythagorean problem of three bodies.svg 432 × 432; 96 KB
Nutation perioden.svg 965 × 749; 611 KB
Obliquite plan ecliptique.png 760 × 590; 230 KB
Obliquity of the ecliptic +1800...+2200.png 1,229 × 900; 27 KB
Obliquity of the ecliptic -8000...+12000.png 1,229 × 900; 30 KB
Obzorníkové souřadnice.svg 1,025 × 688; 38 KB
Orbit of Moon es.jpg 960 × 720; 89 KB
Orbit of Moon.jpg 960 × 720; 37 KB
Orbit2.png 500 × 582; 10 KB
Orbital General Transfer.svg 990 × 765; 73 KB
Orbital radius and angular separation.png 1,392 × 1,362; 37 KB
Orbital Rosette.gif 450 × 342; 19 KB
Orbital Two-Impulse Transfer.svg 990 × 765; 70 KB
Orbitas-Kepler-segunda-ley-01.svg 1,054 × 804; 10 KB
Orbite-lune-soleil.png 483 × 321; 8 KB
Orbits 1280 PlanetX2.jpg 850 × 638; 48 KB
Osservazione celeste.png 760 × 590; 232 KB
Periastro o Periapsis.jpg 3,508 × 2,835; 618 KB
Periastro.JPG 563 × 422; 26 KB
Periods Slika 02 b.jpg 612 × 557; 31 KB
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (1723) (14596013370).jpg 1,428 × 470; 199 KB
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (1723) (14782204302).jpg 1,102 × 1,366; 265 KB
Planet axis comparison.png 706 × 402; 79 KB
Poynting-Robertson effect a.png 604 × 860; 13 KB
Poynting-Robertson effect b.png 604 × 860; 13 KB
Poynting-Robertson effect.png 1,248 × 868; 25 KB
Poynting-Robertson effect.svg 737 × 516; 44 KB
Precession node moon.svg 500 × 156; 14 KB
Precessione.PNG 464 × 287; 34 KB
Precessione2.PNG 450 × 285; 24 KB
Precessione3.PNG 450 × 285; 24 KB
Precessione4.PNG 450 × 285; 25 KB
Precessione5.PNG 932 × 289; 35 KB
Precessione6.PNG 1,118 × 289; 93 KB
Primera ley de Kepler.svg 235 × 172; 8 KB
Problem of longitude.svg 1,600 × 1,200; 82 KB
Ptolemaic system.png 522 × 542; 20 KB
Quadrature (astronomy) mk.svg 490 × 419; 54 KB
Quadrature (astronomy).png 523 × 447; 17 KB
Quadrature (astronomy).svg 490 × 419; 14 KB
Quartchutelune.png 147 × 140; 1 KB
Retrog.jpg 337 × 372; 17 KB
Retrogadation1.png 574 × 356; 2 KB
Rotación Sincrónica con la Traslación.jpg 864 × 744; 62 KB
Rownolezniki niebieskie.svg 380 × 355; 23 KB
Rétrogradation Mars.jpg 609 × 623; 47 KB