
- (en) Census
- (af) Sensus
- (ar) تعداد السكان
- (ast) Censu de población
- (be) Перапіс насельніцтва
- (be-tarask) Перапіс насельніцтва
- (bg) Преброяване на населението
- (br) Niveradeg
- (ca) Cens de població
- (ckb) سەرژمێریی دانیشتوان
- (cs) Sčítání lidu
- (cv) Çырав
- (cy) Cyfrifiad
- (da) Folketælling
- (de) Volkszählung
- (el) Απογραφή
- (eo) Popolnombrado
- (es) Censo (estadística)
- (et) Rahvaloendus
- (eu) Zentsu (estatistika)
- (fa) سرشماری
- (fi) Väestönlaskenta
- (fr) Recensement de la population
- (ga) Daonáireamh
- (gl) Censo
- (he) מפקד אוכלוסין
- (hi) जनगणना
- (hr) Popis stanovništva
- (hu) Népszámlálás
- (ia) Censo
- (id) Sensus
- (io) Censo
- (is) Manntal
- (it) Censimento
- (ja) 国勢調査
- (jv) Sènsus
- (ka) ცენზი
- (kn) ಜನಗಣತಿ (ಗಣತಿ)
- (ko) 인구 조사
- (la) Census
- (lt) Gyventojų surašymas
- (lv) Tautas skaitīšana
- (mk) Попис
- (ml) കാനേഷുമാരി
- (mn) Хүн амын тооллого судалгаа
- (ms) Banci
- (nds) Zensus
- (nl) Volkstelling
- (nn) Folketeljing
- (no) Folketelling
- (pl) Spis statystyczny
- (ps) سرشمېرنه
- (pt) Censo demográfico
- (qu) Runa yupay
- (ro) Recensământ
- (ru) Перепись населения
- (sh) Popis stanovništva
- (simple) Census
- (sk) Sčítanie obyvateľov, domov a bytov
- (sl) Popis prebivalstva
- (sn) Kuverengwa kweVanhu
- (sq) Census
- (sr) Попис становништва
- (su) Sénsus
- (sv) Folkräkning
- (sw) Sensa
- (te) జనాభా గణన
- (tr) Nüfus sayımı
- (uk) Перепис населення
- (ur) مردم شماری
- (vi) Điều tra dân số
- (war) Senso
- (yi) צענזוס
- (zh) 人口普查
See also these related categories:
These categories may contain more census information. | |
survey designed to collect data about all members of a population | |||||
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This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Media in category "Census"
The following 102 files are in this category, out of 102 total.
De-Volkszählung.ogg 2.1 s; 20 KB
De-Zensus.ogg 1.8 s; 18 KB
En-us-census.ogg 1.2 s; 14 KB
Fr-recensement.ogg 1.4 s; 17 KB
Nl-volkstelling.ogg 1.4 s; 16 KB
1850 Novaya Ushitsya Burgher revision list sample.png 4,228 × 3,332; 16.22 MB
1880 U.S. Census Daniel C. Stover.jpg 3,864 × 4,592; 1.33 MB
1900 census Blake.gif 2,880 × 2,904; 1.26 MB
1900 census Brookins.gif 2,432 × 2,668; 1.03 MB
1900 census Snead Wardlaw.gif 2,624 × 2,811; 1.16 MB
1910 census Cyril Colnik.jpg 4,018 × 2,868; 1.37 MB
1910 census in Hungary.png 774 × 620; 64 KB
1925 census Vivienne Baber family.jpg 6,018 × 4,274; 3.99 MB
1929 world population estimate.png 1,382 × 794; 126 KB
2000 World Census of Agriculture – Methodological Review.pdf 1,239 × 1,760, 118 pages; 5.87 MB
Medical Heritage Library (IA 841 × 1,418, 286 pages; 14.17 MB
A street in an Istanbul Muslim mahalle of the 1870s (15001801248).jpg 2,142 × 1,371; 505 KB
An Istanbul family of modest means (15187999332).jpg 1,470 × 2,019; 934 KB
Apple iPhone 8 for NRFU Operation in 2020 US Census 1.jpg 436 × 942; 38 KB
Apple iPhone 8 for NRFU Operation in 2020 US Census 3.jpg 435 × 937; 37 KB
Brev til Trondheim kommunale folkeregister (1946) (18926226926).jpg 3,612 × 4,798; 15.47 MB
Censo2012.svg 1,932 × 747; 11 KB
Censo2024.svg 3,599 × 1,593; 25 KB
Census 1851, Throckley.jpg 2,904 × 2,248; 662 KB
Census Attitudes, 2020.png 1,666 × 1,496; 504 KB
Census.svg 940 × 415; 1.53 MB
Children from a well-to-do family (15188377875).jpg 1,288 × 1,978; 407 KB
Completed Results of the 2019 Viet Nam Population and Housing Census.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 842 pages; 9.04 MB
Design of National Census Commemorative Medal back.jpg 701 × 1,367; 265 KB
Design of National Census Commemorative Medal front.jpg 685 × 1,365; 262 KB
Detail of News Posters (8739905113).jpg 485 × 497; 124 KB
Distribution of US and CA households by income relative to CE poverty lines.png 1,288 × 1,005; 108 KB
Econ-Census-Donut-2012-03.png 513 × 511; 48 KB
Enumerator in census of Kazakhstan 2021.jpg 720 × 1,280; 73 KB
Enumerator.jpg 1,936 × 1,936; 1.46 MB
Ethnicity and race in censuses.png 1,336 × 626; 41 KB
Father and daughter, 1924. (15001700540).jpg 2,286 × 3,450; 1.18 MB
Galatista.City.Ottoman.Cencus.1732.jpg 689 × 852; 163 KB
Has country completed a population census in last 10 years., OWID.svg 850 × 600; 138 KB
Husband and wife, early 1920s. (15001811057).jpg 1,035 × 1,644; 317 KB
John Chapman 1800 Census record with highlight.jpg 4,879 × 5,684; 8.13 MB
Konduktør Arne Andreassen i sommeruniform (1937) (4271494196).jpg 2,088 × 3,567; 2.86 MB
LA Bethell 1881 Census.pdf 4,150 × 2,875, 2 pages; 2.31 MB
Languages in censuses.png 1,336 × 626; 56 KB
Last census in the world.png 1,357 × 628; 31 KB
Lastcensus.svg 1,592 × 900; 403 KB
London-chinese-new-year-2011 census campaign.jpg 600 × 400; 304 KB
Main results and metadata by country (2006–2015). World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 404 pages; 2.9 MB
Mainland China Foreign Nationals By Country of Origin 2010.png 966 × 600; 35 KB
Letzte Volkszählung Weltkarte.png 1,357 × 628; 34 KB
Mission Santa Clara padrón (14299093844).jpg 3,795 × 2,714; 1.7 MB
Modelformulier1846.JPG 1,704 × 2,272; 809 KB
Morzhovoi 1897 Census Where Born.jpg 300 × 300; 15 KB
National agricultural census operations and COVID-19.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 5 pages; 413 KB
Nr. 47 Hartvik Hansen (1904) (4270748983).jpg 1,464 × 2,225; 1.44 MB
Number of Irish Speakers and Non Irish Speakers 1851 - 1926.pdf 1,993 × 3,054; 62 KB
Number of population according to the counts over the years.jpg 766 × 376; 52 KB
On an annual census.djvu 1,713 × 2,860, 22 pages; 686 KB
Padron Zaragoza 1920 Amparo Poch.JPG 4,608 × 3,456; 2.74 MB
Padron Zaragoza 1924 Amparo Poch.JPG 4,446 × 2,622; 1.18 MB
Participa En EL CENSO 2020.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.57 MB
Philippoteaux The Numbering of the Israelites.jpg 2,014 × 1,407; 2.31 MB
PITCSA Generations.svg 1,191 × 743; 138 KB
Pittsburgh vs. US Diversity 2010-2016.png 800 × 800; 44 KB
Pohled do sálu počítače Cyber 180 pro Sčítání lidu 1991.gif 200 × 136; 22 KB
Population de La Rochelle de 1821 à 2004.png 1,024 × 768; 24 KB
Population Statistics Korea 1910.djvu 1,500 × 2,187, 447 pages; 7.3 MB
Population Time Series Graph.jpg 787 × 485; 73 KB
Primeaux, Floyd Nathan - Ponca - Male - DPLA - 23e62ed03009ca168b32a9a28d810940.jpg 2,400 × 2,400; 544 KB
Primeaux, Roswell Genice - Ponca - Male - DPLA - 640d4351a38ae2bd035427ae07611eee.jpg 2,416 × 2,432; 562 KB
Racial makeup of the US 2010.png 1,537 × 1,097; 73 KB
Racial makeup of the US 2020.png 3,527 × 2,198; 284 KB
Região Norte de Araraquara 2022.png 770 × 490; 488 KB
Região oeste.png 700 × 440; 407 KB
Região sul de Araraquara.png 1,000 × 550; 541 KB
Religion in Albania graph.png 481 × 289; 9 KB
Sample ACS data table.png 747 × 331; 38 KB
South Willingham Population and Household Trends.jpg 1,108 × 515; 61 KB
Spaniards in Venezuela by state.png 4,280 × 4,353; 1.29 MB
Statistiques.JPG 2,475 × 1,639; 724 KB
Strandhytten i Ilsvika (1986) (13399464484).jpg 2,613 × 4,426; 8.3 MB
Sálový počítač CDC 3200 pro Sčítání lidu 1970.gif 200 × 159; 13 KB
Sčítací operát 1857.png 1,055 × 780; 686 KB
Sčítací operát 1869.png 1,105 × 736; 632 KB
Torleif Kjønstad (f. 1899) (8717576564).jpg 686 × 1,169; 498 KB
Transcription form of 1885 (15001811627).jpg 4,704 × 3,314; 1.99 MB
Transcription form of 1907 (15188375985).jpg 3,769 × 2,622; 1.64 MB
UK Census 1881 - High Head Castle.jpg 2,880 × 2,340; 857 KB
US-Population-Center-Illinois-and-Missouri.png 639 × 669; 160 KB
Wedding photograph, 1933 (15165347656).jpg 926 × 1,502; 277 KB
Wexford Millionaires in Mountmellick (8741021052).jpg 2,000 × 1,433; 1.37 MB
Whitkahu census areas.jpg 1,452 × 878; 45 KB
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020, Volume 2 – Operational guidelines.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 350 pages; 21.98 MB
Yen Chia-kan at Police Radio Station 1956.jpg 1,365 × 1,691; 1.53 MB
मलेरियारोगः २०११.jpg 333 × 261; 44 KB
구리시의 총인구수.png 481 × 289; 13 KB