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Category:Chauchilla, Peru

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Español: El Cementerio de Chauchilla se encuentra a unos 30 Km de Nazca, en el Perú. Contiene momias, restos óseos y fragmentos de cerámica del periodo Nazca al aire libre.
English: The Cemetery of Chauchilla is located 30 Km away from Nazca, southern Peru. It has mummies, human bones ands skulls and some pottery pieces at open air.
<nowiki>Cementerio de Chauchilla; チョウチラ墓地; Чаучила (кладовище); Çauçilla qəbiristanlığı; cementiri de Chauchilla; Friedhof Chauchilla; Cemitério de Chauchilla; Chauchilla Cemetery; cimitero di Chauchilla; Chauchilla Cemetery; Nghĩa trang Chauchilla; cimitero del Perù; Friedhof in Peru; בית קברות בפרו; cultural heritage site in Peru; مقبرة في بيرو; об'єкт культурної спадщини в Перу; begraafplaats in Ica, Peru; Chauchilla</nowiki>
Chauchilla Cemetery 
cultural heritage site in Peru
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Heritage designation
Map14° 58′ 59.88″ S, 74° 55′ 34.68″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q2390928
OpenStreetMap way ID: 73635316
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Media in category "Chauchilla, Peru"

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