<nowiki>Bambini di Dio; Isten gyermekei; The Family International; Children of God; Gia đình Quốc tế; 上帝之子; Фамилија љубави; Copiii Domnului; ファミリー・インターナショナル; Tanrı Övladları; Дети Бога; The Family International; Rodzina; Family International; Children of God; Famille; La Familia Internacional; Familjen; Kansainvälinen perhe; The Family International; La Familio Internacia; The Family International; Meninos de Deus; nuovo movimento religioso; Groupe sectaire créé en 1968; gerakan agama baru Kekristenan yang didirikan oleh David Berg di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1968; nyandlig rörelse ofta betraktad som sekt; Christelijke sekte; новое религиозное движение; secta religiosa; Sekte; Controversa seita religiosa cristã norte-americana; Christian new religious movement founded by David Berg in 1968 in the United States; kristana nova religia movado, fondita de Davido Berg en 1968 en Usono; 邪教组织; Nou moviment religiós cristià fundat per David Berg el 1968 als Estats Units d'Àmèrica; Nens de Déu; Teens for Christ; The Children of God; The Family of Love; The Family; La Família I; TFI; GoC; Children of God; Enfants de Dieu; The Family International; TFI; Teens for Christ; The Children of God; Childen of God; COG; The Family of Love; Family of Love; The Family; Family International; TFI; Teens for Christ; The Children of God; Children of God; COG; The Family of Love; Family of Love; The Family; La Familio; Infanoj de Dio; 家庭国际; Niños de Dios; Familia Internacional; TFI; COG</nowiki>
The Family International
Christian new religious movement founded by David Berg in 1968 in the United States