Category:Chinese temples

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<nowiki>tempio cinese; temple chinois; кітайскі храм; templu chinu; temple xinès; 中华庙宇; chinesischer Tempel; công trình tín ngưỡng dân gian Trung Hoa; Kelenteng; Miaoyu; Tampékong; 中華廟宇; kitajski tempelj; 中国の寺院; kelenteng; 中華廟宇; วัดจีน; Keng-biō; מקדש סיני; Chinese tempel; 中華廟宇; चीनी मंदिर वास्तुकला; 中华庙宇; 사원; Chinese temple; ĉina templo; 中华庙宇; čínský chrám; tempio per il culto delle religioni cinesi; 中華の民間信仰に基づく祭祀施設; храмы для практыкаваньня кітайскай народнай рэлігіі; 崇敬中華民間習俗/神教的地方; 崇敬中華民間習俗/神教的地方; Gebäude für religiöse Zwecke in China; temple used for the practice of Chinese folk religion; templos utilizaos pa la práutica de la relixón popular china; 中國或華人民間信仰的祭祀場所; tempat ibadah agama tradisional Tionghoa; kitajsko svetišče; 廟宇; храм; King-biō; Keng; King; Biō; Sī; Sû; Tông; Tiān; Tîng; 宮廟; 宮; 廟; 寺; 祠; 堂; 殿; 亭; 宮廟; công trình tín ngưỡng dân gian Trung Quốc; temple; Chinese temple architecture; 中華廟宇; 寺庙; 寺廟; 中国寺院; 中華の寺院</nowiki>
Chinese temple 
temple used for the practice of Chinese folk religion
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  • People's Republic of China
  • Taiwan
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  • Vietnamese temple
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English: Chinese temples — temples which are used for the practice of Chinese folk religion in China.


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Media in category "Chinese temples"

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