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Category:Church of the Holy Apostles (Constantinople)

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<nowiki>iglesia de los Santos Apóstoles; Szent Apostolok temploma (Konstantinápoly); Apostoleion; ilesia de los Santos Apóstoles; Церковь Апостолов; Apostelkirche; Царква Апосталаў; Սուրբ Առաքյալների եկեղեցի; 圣使徒教堂; Dêra Hewariyên Pîroz; Havariyyun Kilisesi; 聖諸使徒聖堂; كنيسه الرسل المقدسه; Церква Дванадцяти апостолів; ecclesia Sanctorum Apostolorum; Dêra Hewariyên Pîroz; Preĝejo de la Sanktaj Apostoloj; Црква Свети Апостоли; chiesa dei Santi Apostoli; église des Saints-Apôtres; Crkva Svetih apostola; Храм сьвятых Апосталаў; Chrám svätých Apoštolov; De Hellige Apostels Kirke; کلیسای حواریون مقدس; אפאסטאלן-קלויסטער; kostel svatých Apoštolů; Свети Апостоли; Igreja dos Santos Apóstolos; کلیسیائے رسل مقدس; Apustuļu baznīca; Biserica Sfinții Apostoli; Црква Светих апостола у Цариграду; cerkev svetih apostolov; Church of the Holy Apostles; església dels Sants Apòstols; Kościół Świętych Apostołów; Gereja Rasul Suci; Apostelkyrkja; Eglwys yr Apostolion Sanctaidd; Müqəddəs Həvarilər kilsəsi; כנסיית השליחים הקדושים; Kılisay Havariyun; Apostlakyrkan; Apostlite kirik; Church of the Holy Apostles; كنيسة الرسل المقدسة; Ναός των Αγίων Αποστόλων; Рәсүлләр чиркәве; edificio religioso di Istanbul; nécropole des empereurs byzantins; хрысьціянскі храм у Стамбуле (Турэччына); ilesia n'Estambul; церковь и императорский мавзолей в Константинополе; Kirchengebäude in Konstantinopel; basílica cristã; kishë; Kirke i Istanbul; biserică ortodoxă; Εκκλησία στην Κωνσταντινούπολη; gereja di Turki; tidigare kyrka och mausoleum i Konstantinopel, Turkiet; chrześcijańska bazylika wybudowana w Konstantynopolu w 550 r.; כנסייה שעמדה בקונסטנטינופול; kerkgebouw in Turkije; cerkev in cesarski mavzolej v Turčiji; dêra Stembolê; Constantinopla; kyrkje og keisarmausoleum i Konstantinopel; church and imperial mausoleum in Turkey; كنيسة في تركيا; kostel v Istanbulu; Constantinoble; iglesia de los Santos Apostoles; 聖使徒大聖堂 (コンスタンディヌーポリ); 聖使徒教会; Szent Apostolok-templom (Konstantinápoly); Szent apostolok-templom (Konstantinápoly); Царква сьвятых Апосталаў; Dêra Şandiyên Pîroz; Hagioi Apostoloi; Apostoleion; Polyándreion; Mausoleum of Constantine; Mausoleum of Theodosius; Mausoleum of Justinian; Hagioi Apostoloi; Apostoleion; Kobstantinov navzolej; Teodozijev mavzolej; Justinijanov mavzolej; Ἅγιοι Ἀπόστολοι; Dêra Şandiyên Pîroz</nowiki>
Church of the Holy Apostles 
church and imperial mausoleum in Turkey
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Instance of
Named after
Dedicated to
LocationIstanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey
Architectural style
Founded by
  • 6th century
End time
  • 1461
Religion or worldview
Map41° 01′ 11″ N, 28° 56′ 59″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q586568
VIAF cluster ID: 139843487
Library of Congress authority ID: no93038758
NL CR AUT ID: kn20090401029, ko20211097602
National Library of Israel ID (old): 001407684
J9U ID: 987007467576205171
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English: The Church of the Holy Apostles, also known as the Imperial Polyandreion — a Christian basilica built in Constantinople (then the capital of the Byzantine Empire) in 550.
  • The church was built to preserve the holy relics of the twelve Apostles, however only a few relics could be obtained. The church was rebuilt during the reign of Justinian I. It was cruciform in plan with five domes. It had a projecting narthex and an atrium. Building materials left from construction of the Hagia Sophia were used.
  • All emperors who ruled since the time of Constantine I to Constantine VIII were buried there. Alexios III Angelos had the graves of the emperors looted to obtain revenues. In the Latin invasion of 1204 the tombs were once more pillaged and robbed of their relics. Portions of the church had fallen into ruins in the 14th century.
  • In 1453, after the Islamic Ottoman conquest, it was granted to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, however because of its ruinous condition it was abandoned by the Patriarch. built on the ruins of the Church of the Holy Apostles ,
  • In 1461 the ruins of the Church of the Holy Apostles was demolished by Sultan Mehmed II to make way for the new Fatih Mosque.


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