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<nowiki>Coll; Coll; Coll; Coll; Coll; Coll; Cola; 科爾島; Isle of Coll; 科爾島; Coll Island; קול; Colla; 科爾島; 科尔岛; Coll; Coll; Coll; Cola; 科尔岛; Coll; Coll; 科尔岛; Coll Island (pulo sa Hiniusang Gingharian); Coll; Colla; Coll; Colla; Coll; コル島; 科爾島; Coll; Coll; Κολλ; Coll; isla y parroquia en las Hébridas Interiores, Escocia; île du Royaume-Uni située en Écosse; pulo ing Britania Raya; pulau di Britania Raya; אי וקהילה בהברידיים הפנימיים, סקוטלנד, בריטניה; eiland van het Verenigd Koninkrijk; illa i parròquia a les Hèbrides Interiors, Escòcia; Insel im Vereinigten Königreich; a Belső-Hebridák egyik szigete Skóciában; island and parish in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland; pulo di Inggréh; ö i Storbritannien; Isla; Île de Coll; Isle of Coll; Coll; Eilean Cholla; Cola; Coll; Isle of Coll; Isle of Coll; האי קול; Colla; Coll</nowiki>
island and parish in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland
Platja de l'illa de Coll
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Instance of
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Located in or next to body of water
Heritage designation
  • International Dark Sky Community (2013–)
  • 5 km
  • 15 km
  • 195 (2011)
  • 7,685 ha
  • 7,600 ha (1930)
official website
Map56° 37′ 43.14″ N, 6° 33′ 41.02″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q194451
VIAF cluster ID: 315129647
GND ID: 105395557X
Library of Congress authority ID: sh88003470
J9U ID: 987007541621905171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 5420246
TOID: 4000000074586774
Vision of Britain place ID: 16934
Gazetteer for Scotland place ID: parishes/parfirst441, features/featurefirst1508
Vision of Britain unit ID: 10146355
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Coll is an island located west of Mull in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland


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