Category:Constantine Samuel Rafinesque
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französischer Polyhistor (1783-1840) | |||||
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Gebursdai | 22. Oktuuber 1783 Konstantinopel | ||||
Sterewdai | 18. September 1840 Philadelphia | ||||
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Constantine S. Rafinesque's Notes N. 17, pages 124 and 125, 1818 (7996906315).jpg 7.323 × 4.951; 3,83 MB
Constantine S. Rafinesque's Notes N. 17, pages 126 and 127, 1818 (7996911598).jpg 7.323 × 4.951; 3,73 MB
Constantine S. Rafinesque's Notes N. 17, pages 64 and 65, 1818 (7996906943).jpg 7.246 × 4.951; 3,8 MB
Constantine S. Rafinesque's Notes N. 17, pages 86 and 87, 1818 (7996906665).jpg 7.323 × 4.951; 3,54 MB
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque.jpg 900 × 1.024; 469 KB
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque.png 1.131 × 1.406; 973 KB
Notice of the botanical writings of the late C.S. Rafinesque (IA cu31924029642695).pdf 750 × 1.383, 26 sidjen; 855 KB
Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or, Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary (IA ichthyologiaohie01rafi).pdf 858 × 1.341, 186 sidjen; 5,99 MB
The pleasures and duties of wealth (IA pleasuresdutieso00rafi).pdf 916 × 1.477, 44 sidjen; 4,39 MB
PSM V40 D742 Constantine Samuel Rafinesque.jpg 1.910 × 2.312; 1,12 MB
Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesce, 1820).jpg 2.181 × 1.469; 3,28 MB
Rafinesca.JPG 638 × 756; 79 KB
Rafinesca2.JPG 537 × 430; 36 KB
Rafinesque 2.jpg 306 × 400; 26 KB
Rafinesque Constantine Samuel 1783-1840.png 482 × 657; 176 KB
Rafinesque.AtlanticJournal.1832-1833..jpg 200 × 300; 21 KB
Sur les animaux polistomes et porostomes. (IA surlesanimauxpol00rafi).pdf 879 × 1.470, 20 sidjen; 1,62 MB
Sur quelques animaux hybrides. (IA surquelquesanima00rafi).pdf 900 × 1.472, 24 sidjen; 2,41 MB
Walamolum01.jpg 567 × 421; 92 KB