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Category:Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa

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IOC Classification: DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • CladusReptilia • CladusArchosauria • ClassisAves • SuperordoNeognathae • OrdoColumbiformes • FamiliaColumbidae • GenusCryptophaps • Species: Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa (Brüggemann, 1876)
<nowiki>Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; foltoshasú gyümölcsgalamb; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Merpati Sombre; Colomen dywyll Swlawesi; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; کبوتر تیره; сулавески тъмен гълъб; Sulawesidue; پھکا کبوتر; セレベスバト; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; حمامه قاتمه; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Dirbekora (Cryptophaps); celebesinharmaakyyhky; Umbra kolombo; holub pralesní; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Carpophage des Célèbes; pagutuvi; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Fleckenbauch-Fruchttaube; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Сулавесский тёмный голубь; Merpati murung; Rotangowiec; Tåkedue; Notenduif; Сулавеси пӹцӓлгӹ кӓдӹ; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; plodožer škvrnitý; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Sombre Pigeon; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Sulawesiduva; specie di uccello; পাখির প্রজাতি; madárfaj; especie de páxaru; Вид птиц; rhywogaeth o adar; espécie de ave; speiceas éan; вид птица; Art der Gattung Fleckenbauch-Fruchttauben (Cryptophaps); spesies burung; oiseau; نوع من الطيور; fugleart; вид птахів; soort uit het geslacht Cryptophaps; especie de ave; fugleart; druh vtáka rodu Cryptophaps; lintulaji; species of bird; نوع من الطيور; druh ptáka rodu Cryptophaps; fågelart i Indonesien; Piccione scuro; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Carpophaga poecilorrhoa; Garlica szarogłowa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; colom de ventre escatós; Fleckenbauch-Fruchttauben; Rotsteiß-Fruchttaube; Cryptophas poecilorrhea; Fleckenfruchttaube; pombo-da-celebes; pombo-sombrio; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa; Paloma culipinta</nowiki>
Sombre Pigeon 
species of bird
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IUCN conservation status
Endemic to
Common name
SpeciesCryptophaps poecilorrhoa
Taxon authorFriedrich Brüggemann, 1876
Authority file
Wikidata Q1002666
IUCN taxon ID: 22691847
NCBI taxonomy ID: 2953381
ITIS TSN: 177399
GBIF taxon ID: 2495912
Avibase taxon ID: 8642054798623F87
Xeno-canto species ID: Cryptophaps-poecilorrhoa
iNaturalist taxon ID: 3679
eBird taxon ID: sompig2
ADW taxon ID: Cryptophaps_poecilorrhoa
IRMNG ID: 10589930
BirdLife taxon ID: 22691847
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Media in category "Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa"

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