Category:Crystal Palace in Hyde Park
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- The Crystal Palace (book) (90 D)
Medien in der Kategorie „Crystal Palace in Hyde Park“
Folgende 13 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 13 insgesamt.
Crystal palace 1851.jpg 2.000 × 1.224; 515 KB
Crystal Palace - season 1856, programme (IA crystalpalacesea00unse).pdf 677 × 1.156, 6 Seiten; 346 KB
Tallis's history and description of the Crystal Palace, and the Exhibition of the World's Industry in 1851; (IA cu31924021897255).pdf 1.070 × 1.514, 406 Seiten; 19,03 MB
General view from transept, looking east LCCN2005677864.jpg 1.536 × 1.222; 267 KB
General view from transept, looking west LCCN2005677863.jpg 1.536 × 1.198; 225 KB
Great Exhibition, NW corner of building, HF Talbot, 1851 (cropped).jpg 2.037 × 1.199; 254 KB
Great Exhibition, NW corner of building, HF Talbot, 1851.jpg 2.532 × 1.770; 315 KB
Indian rubber boat, pontoons, etc. LCCN2012646366.jpg 1.123 × 1.536; 230 KB
Remembrances of the Great International Exhibition, 1862 (IA remembrancesofgr00unse).pdf 945 × 845, 24 Seiten; 3,72 MB