Category:Cyornis pallidipes
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IOC Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Cladus: Reptilia • Cladus: Archosauria • Classis: Aves • Superordo: Neognathae • Ordo: Passeriformes • Subordo: Passeri • Superfamilia: Muscicapoidea • Familia: Muscicapidae • Genus: Cyornis • Species: Cyornis pallidipes (Jerdon, 1840)
Cyornis pallipes (orth. err.)
- English: White-bellied Blue Flycatcher
- български: Cyornis pallipes
- català: papamosques panxablanc
- Cebuano: Cyornis pallipes
- čeština: lejsek bělobřichý
- Cymraeg: Niltafa torwyn
- dansk: Hvidbuget Niltava
- Deutsch: Keralablauschnäpper
- Esperanto: Blankaventra blua muŝkaptulo
- español: Papamoscas ventriblanco
- eesti: Ghati sininäpp
- euskara: Cyornis pallipes
- فارسی: مگسگیر آبی شکمسفید
- suomi: ghatinsinisieppo
- français: Gobemouche à ventre blanc
- hrvatski: zapadnogatska muharica
- magyar: Cyornis pallipes
- italiano: Pigliamosche blu panciabianca
- 日本語: シロハラヒメアオヒタキ
- ಕನ್ನಡ: ಬಿಳಿ-ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಯ ನೀಲಿನೊಣಹಿಡುಕ
- lietuvių: baltapilvė mėlynoji musinukė
- മലയാളം: കാട്ടുനീലി
- norsk bokmål: Hvitbukfluesnapper
- Nederlands: Keralaniltava
- norsk nynorsk: Kvitbukflugesnappar
- Diné bizaad: Dǫ́ʼiiyiyiitsahí dootłʼizhí bitłʼaaʼ łigaaígíí
- polski: dżunglówka turkusowa
- português: papa-moscas-de-barriga-branca, papa-moscas-azul-dos-gates-ocidentais
- português do Brasil: Papa-moscas-azul-dos-gates-ocidentais
- русский: Белобрюхая нильтава
- slovenčina: niltava bledonohá
- српски / srpski: Belotrba plava muharica
- svenska: ghatsflugsnappare
- தமிழ்: வெள்ளை வயிற்று நீல ஈபிடிப்பான்
- Türkçe: Malabar mavi sinekkapanı
- українська: нільтава індійська
- Tiếng Việt: Cyornis pallipes
- Winaray: Cyornis pallipes
- 中文: 白腹仙鹟
- 中文(繁體): 白腹仙鶲

Wikispecies has an entry on:
- IOC link: Cyornis pallidipes (Jerdon, 1840) subcat
Cyornis pallidipes (Jerdon, 1840) (old web site) (Least Concern)
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Original combination | Muscicapa pallipes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Cyornis pallidipes"
The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.
04090 Asamak 042421A.jpg 1,024 × 705; 480 KB
Blue flycatcher (51757754397).jpg 2,448 × 2,448; 4.09 MB
White bellied blue flycatcher 2.jpg 2,227 × 1,762; 1.28 MB
White bellied blue flycatcher 3.jpg 2,431 × 1,817; 1.51 MB
White bellied blue flycatcher 4.jpg 2,121 × 1,824; 1.39 MB
White bellied blue flycatcher female, , Dandeli, KA, India.jpeg 2,405 × 1,707; 1.02 MB
White bellied blue flycatcher.jpg 1,904 × 1,768; 1.21 MB
White bellied blue flycatcher.ogg 6.0 s; 86 KB
White Bellied Flycatcher Female, Dandeli, KA, India.jpeg 3,000 × 2,250; 953 KB
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher (46504785904).jpg 2,026 × 1,519; 682 KB
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher (49078167408).jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.02 MB
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher (49078697411).jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 953 KB
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher (49078898372).jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 749 KB
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher (49443871806).jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 1,021 KB
White-bellied blue flycatcher (Cyornis pallidipes), OMH, Dandeli, India.jpeg 4,000 × 3,000; 1.56 MB
White-bellied blue flycatcher female, Ganeshgudi, Karnataka, India.jpg 800 × 530; 307 KB
White-bellied blue flycatcher male, Ganeshgudi, India.jpg 640 × 424; 147 KB
White-bellied blue flycatcher OMH.jpg 1,684 × 1,179; 1.71 MB
White-bellied Blue Flycatcher SM.jpg 1,852 × 1,324; 2.14 MB
White-bellied Blue flycatcher, Dandeli, India.jpeg 2,926 × 2,090; 977 KB
White-bellied Blue-flycatcher (8466197264).jpg 1,153 × 771; 156 KB
White-breasted Blue Flycatcher (40078016011).jpg 715 × 1,024; 427 KB
WhitebelliedFlycatcher.svg 750 × 750; 49 KB