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English: In Orthodox Christian art, the Deësis is a traditional representation of Christ Pantocrator enthroned, flanked by the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist (Ioannes Prodromos), sometimes angels and saints.

<nowiki>Deesis; Déisis; Дэісус; Деисус; Deisi; Deësis; Deesis; Дэісус; Դեիսուս; Дейсис; Деисис; Deesis; デイシス; Дејзис; Déesis; Deésis; Deesis; Деісус; Deësis; deészisz; Deesis; Deësis; Deesis; Deesis; ديسيس; Δέησις; Deisis (Aja Sofija); tema iconografico cristiano; künstlerisches Thema mit Christus zwischen Maria und Johannes dem Täufer; artistic theme of Jesus flanked by the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist, sometimes with other saints; temat kompozycyjny związany z ikonografią chrześcijańską; ikonografické téma Krista mezi Pannou Marií, Janem Křtitelem, někdy s dalšími svatými; икона с Христом в центре и Богоматерью с Иоанном Крестителем по бокам от него; Deisis; デイスス; Deisis; Déïsis; deesis; Deesis; Deisis; deisus; Deesis; Деисис; Деисусный ряд; Ангельский деисус; Деисусный чин; Дейсис; Deesis; Deësis; Deisis; Deisis; Deesis</nowiki>
artistic theme of Jesus flanked by the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist, sometimes with other saints
icon of the Deesis
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Instance of
  • artistic theme
Subclass of
DepictsJesus, Mary and John the Baptist
Authority file
Wikidata Q1207453
GND ID: 4395707-9
Library of Congress authority ID: sh95009575
BabelNet ID: 01640575n
J9U ID: 987007566186205171
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Media in category "Deesis"

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