Category:ESO Images - Galactic
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These are images taken of objects within our Galaxy by the various telescopes of the European Southern Observatory.
Media in category "ESO Images - Galactic"
The following 196 files are in this category, out of 196 total.
2M1101AB VHS.jpg 351 × 351; 33 KB
2M1207b - First image of an exoplanet.jpg 2,311 × 2,168; 191 KB
A deep infrared view of the Orion Nebula from HAWK-I - Eso1625a (rotated).jpg 12,412 × 16,373; 98.9 MB
A deep infrared view of the Orion Nebula from HAWK-I - Eso1625a.jpg 16,373 × 12,412; 56.95 MB
A starry superbubble.tif 1,744 × 1,760; 6.39 MB
AB7 Excitation Nebula (eso0310a).tif 4,961 × 4,956; 70.41 MB
AB7 Excitation Nebula.jpg 4,961 × 4,956; 12.23 MB
Abell 24.png 1,632 × 1,633; 12.56 MB
ACT-CL J0102−4915.jpg 1,530 × 1,182; 1.05 MB
Around the star-formation region Gum 19 (RCW 34).jpg 4,000 × 3,907; 15.23 MB
Artist’s impression of the black hole binary system in NGC 3201.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 1.41 MB
Barnard 68 (eso0102a).tif 4,193 × 4,193; 50.39 MB
Barnard 68 (with infrared) - Eso0102b.jpg 2,301 × 2,286; 6.94 MB
Barnard 68.jpg 4,193 × 4,193; 9.65 MB
Beta Pictoris b - The universal relation between mass and rotation speed of planets.jpg 2,999 × 2,249; 3.72 MB
Beta Pictoris b time lapse.jpg 2,628 × 1,950; 694 KB
Betelgeuse in Orion (with annotations).jpg 4,337 × 1,814; 8.05 MB
Cats-paw-eso.jpg 7,738 × 8,038; 88.29 MB
Center Milky Way.jpg 988 × 962; 670 KB
COMBO-17.jpg 6,512 × 6,512; 9.43 MB
Cometwestoriginal.jpg 999 × 709; 443 KB
Comparison of views of the globular star cluster NGC 6362 from WFI and Hubble.jpg 6,541 × 3,299; 10.87 MB
Cone Nebula - ESO VLT - eso2215a.jpg 1,639 × 1,682; 334 KB
Dust ring around HR 4796A (eso1417a).jpg 1,000 × 1,000; 251 KB
Dwarf galaxy IC 1613.jpg 7,100 × 4,829; 21.28 MB
ESO - Beta Pictoris planet finally imaged (by).jpg 989 × 985; 636 KB
ESO - Model Image of Cepheid L Carinae (by).jpg 3,508 × 2,047; 1.01 MB
ESO - Phot-42c-08-fullres (by).jpg 3,000 × 1,519; 418 KB
ESO - Planetary System Around HD 69830 II (by).jpg 3,000 × 2,250; 4.46 MB
ESO - The Carina Nebula (by).jpg 5,828 × 3,524; 11.68 MB
ESO 577-24 FORS2 VLT.jpg 1,609 × 1,751; 842 KB
ESO Very Large Telescope images the Medusa Nebula.jpg 3,293 × 3,430; 4.38 MB
ESO's VLT reveals the Carina Nebula's hidden secrets - Eso1208a.jpg 13,005 × 8,502; 97.98 MB
ESO- N 164 Nebula in the LMC-phot-34e-04-fullres.jpg 1,744 × 1,644; 3.15 MB
ESO- NGC 2108 Stellar Cluster in the LMC-phot-34h-04-fullres.jpg 702 × 668; 665 KB
ESO- Reflection Nebula around HD 87643-phot-28a-09-fullres.jpg 1,600 × 1,600; 458 KB
ESO- Stellar Nursery-M 17-Phot-24a-00-normal.jpg 3,000 × 2,940; 1.44 MB
ESO-Arches Cluster.jpg 1,122 × 1,021; 293 KB
ESO-Betelgeuse.jpg 1,230 × 1,230; 86 KB
ESO-BN KL Complex in the Orion Nebula-phot-12c-01-normal.jpg 478 × 688; 253 KB
ESO-Centre of the Tarantula Nebula.jpg 1,084 × 847; 844 KB
ESO-Cepheid stars NGC 300.jpg 1,258 × 968; 1.5 MB
ESO-DEM L 144 LMC-phot-31d-03-fullres.jpg 902 × 897; 1.2 MB
ESO-DEM L 159 Nebula KMHK 840 and 831 clusters LMC-phot-31c-03-fullres.jpg 1,307 × 1,043; 1.76 MB
ESO-DEM-L-297 Nebula in the LMC-phot-34f-04-fullres.jpg 906 × 1,039; 1.13 MB
ESO-Dust Lanes in the Tarantula Nebula.jpg 1,109 × 1,007; 1.49 MB
ESO-Eta Carinae-phot-17a-08-normal.jpg 1,001 × 1,005; 754 KB
ESO-Filaments in the Tarantula Nebula-phot-34b-04-fullres.jpg 1,628 × 1,422; 2.49 MB
ESO-Galactic Plane-Phot-24c-09-fullres 002.jpg 2,978 × 4,000; 1.21 MB
ESO-Galaxy Cluster in the Capodimonte Deep Field.jpg 3,000 × 2,496; 4.74 MB
ESO-Globular Cluster KMHK 1137-2- in Tarantula Nebula.jpg 998 × 1,110; 1.85 MB
ESO-Globular Cluster NGC 2100 in the Tarantula Nebula.jpg 1,108 × 1,151; 2 MB
ESO-Head of Column in the Eagle Nebula.jpg 800 × 599; 102 KB
ESO-IRS2.jpg 947 × 934; 184 KB
ESO-L. Calçada - Triton (artist's impression).ogv 26 s, 1,280 × 720; 16.62 MB
ESO-M42-Phot-03a-01.jpg 2,758 × 2,786; 4.22 MB
ESO-M87.jpg 1,640 × 1,265; 417 KB
ESO-Messier 12-Phot-04a-06.jpg 1,600 × 1,598; 386 KB
ESO-N44-central region-LMC-phot-31b-03-fullres.jpg 3,303 × 2,648; 8.43 MB
ESO-Nebula DEM L 297 in the LMC-phot-34f-04-fullres.jpg 906 × 882; 1.12 MB
ESO-NGC 3576-phot-17b-08-normal.jpg 1,039 × 1,105; 1.1 MB
ESO-Pillars in Tarantula Nebula-Phot-13d-06-normal.jpg 882 × 792; 749 KB
ESO-R Coronae Australis Complex-Phot-25b-00-hires.jpg 3,000 × 2,992; 7.15 MB
ESO-RCW 38.jpg 2,946 × 2,944; 1.46 MB
ESO-RCW108-Details-Phot-30b-00-hires.jpg 2,298 × 2,418; 5.77 MB
ESO-RCW108-Phot-30a-00-fullres.jpg 2,295 × 2,285; 7.53 MB
ESO-RCW120-Phot-40-08-fullres.tif 1,872 × 2,348; 10.21 MB
ESO-RCW86.jpg 1,672 × 947; 571 KB
ESO-Ring-shaped-Nebula-phot-34a-04-fullres.jpg 8,392 × 8,328; 53.91 MB
ESO-SN 1987A and the Honeycomb Nebula-Phot-50b-06.jpg 720 × 657; 688 KB
ESO-SNR 0543-689 in the LMC-phot-34c-04-fullres.jpg 906 × 878; 1.08 MB
ESO-SNR B0544-6910 in the LMC-phot-34d-04-fullres.jpg 941 × 906; 1.25 MB
ESO-SNR-0543-689-LMC-phot-34c-04-fullres.jpg 906 × 1,039; 1.1 MB
ESO-SNR-B0544-6910-LMC-phot-34d-04-fullres.jpg 941 × 1,071; 1.27 MB
ESO-Tarantula Nebula-phot-14a-02-hires.jpg 4,511 × 4,462; 10.82 MB
ESO-The Eagle Nebula.jpg 3,000 × 2,992; 12.37 MB
ESO-The Gum 29 Nebula-phot-37-08-fullres.jpg 8,228 × 8,277; 19.67 MB
ESO-The Omega Nebula-phot-25a-09-fullres.jpg 3,069 × 3,069; 2.2 MB
ESO-The Stellar Cluster Hodge 301.jpg 803 × 791; 696 KB
ESO-The-N164-Nebula-LMC-phot-34e-04-fullres.jpg 1,744 × 1,949; 3.22 MB
ESO-Trumpler14-cluster.jpg 3,440 × 3,156; 946 KB
ESO-VLT-Laser-phot-33a-07.jpg 3,888 × 2,583; 11.71 MB
ESO.-L. Calçada-Nick Risinger - Eso1241a - A journey to Alpha Centauri.ogv 1 min 10 s, 1,280 × 720; 58 MB
Eso0316c.tif 1,908 × 680; 690 KB
Eso1208aforuserbox.png 45 × 45; 6 KB
Eso1441a.jpg 8,628 × 8,324; 50.6 MB
Eso1517a.tif 5,000 × 3,144, 2 pages; 16.16 MB
Eso1532a.jpg 3,188 × 2,950; 1.86 MB
Eso1641c.jpg 1,571 × 1,335; 866 KB
Eso9946a.jpg 1,280 × 1,280; 402 KB
ESOcast 150 Light.webm 1 min 22 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 52.44 MB
ESO’s 60th anniversary image- the Cone Nebula as seen by the VLT (eso2215a).tiff 1,639 × 1,682; 19.01 MB
ESP- N44C in LMC-phot-31e-03-fullres.jpg 968 × 966; 1.05 MB
Exoplanet retrograde WASP-8b.jpg 3,000 × 2,120; 1.31 MB
First ever image of a multi-planet system around a Sun-like star (eso2011a).tif 1,310 × 1,310; 1.13 MB
First ever image of a multi-planet system around a Sun-like star.tif 990 × 990; 906 KB
FSR1735.jpg 794 × 782; 208 KB
Giant cosmic networks (potw2322a).jpg 6,697 × 6,698; 12.9 MB
Giant cosmic networks (potw2322a).tiff 6,697 × 6,698; 84.11 MB
Giant Star HD 47536.jpg 800 × 800; 535 KB
Gliese 581 c - ESO Impression.jpg 6,000 × 4,314; 2.18 MB
Helix Nebula.jpg 7,059 × 6,535; 14.11 MB
IC 1295 -VLT(FORS1) Ru bessBv bess.png 2,080 × 2,048; 6.44 MB
IC 2631-Eso1605a-crop.png 6,380 × 6,380; 81.3 MB
IC 4406.jpg 2,310 × 2,442; 1.48 MB
IC5148-50 VLT(EFOSC)RHA-692BOIII-687.png 1,030 × 1,030; 1.09 MB
Lagoon Nebula.jpg 1,841 × 1,808; 2.92 MB
LHA 115 - N 76A - Eso0310a.jpg 4,961 × 4,956; 3.47 MB
Lupus 3 dark cloud.jpg 8,828 × 8,607; 63.91 MB
M16 - Eagle nebula.jpg 1,328 × 1,606; 1.34 MB
M24 - VST - potw2237a.jpg 16,823 × 16,823; 89.76 MB
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula.jpg 2,044 × 2,042; 1.74 MB
M42 - The Orion Nebula.jpg 3,486 × 3,391; 2.05 MB
M42.jpg 2,758 × 2,798; 4.59 MB
M55-3point6-m copy.tif 4,000 × 3,932; 26.39 MB
Menzel 1 - EFOSC.2003-02-04T08 59 53.985.png 1,030 × 1,030; 247 KB
Messier 17 (ESO).jpg 2,487 × 2,513; 1.55 MB
Messier 17 ESO.jpg 1,280 × 1,320; 300 KB
Messier 17.jpg 3,747 × 3,742; 4.35 MB
Messier 78 (eso1105a).tif 8,679 × 8,411; 187.67 MB
Messier 78.jpg 8,679 × 8,411; 38.33 MB
Milky Way from La Silla.tiff 3,769 × 2,513; 13.38 MB
Motion of "S2" and other stars around the central Black Hole.ogv 19 s, 256 × 256; 565 KB
New VISTA snap of star cluster 47 Tucanae.jpg 8,246 × 8,246; 30.09 MB
NGC 1850.jpg 1,040 × 1,042; 1.32 MB
NGC 2100.jpg 2,029 × 1,956; 2.21 MB
NGC 2264 KH 15D.jpg 1,889 × 1,866; 3.49 MB
NGC 2467 and surroundings (eso0544a).tif 10,557 × 10,557; 196.43 MB
NGC 2467 and Surroundings.jpg 10,557 × 10,557; 73.43 MB
NGC 2770, SN 2007uy and SN 2008D.jpg 1,195 × 1,725; 477 KB
NGC 3603 Cluster.jpg 1,600 × 1,600; 441 KB
NGC 371.jpg 2,065 × 2,068; 2 MB
NGC 5189.jpg 963 × 963; 365 KB
NGC 6729.jpg 2,139 × 2,140; 1.39 MB
NGC 6778 - VLT(FORS2) - ROIIIBOIII3000.png 2,048 × 1,034; 356 KB
NGC 6905 - VLT(FORS2) - RHaBOIII.png 450 × 525; 119 KB
NGC 7252.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 2.94 MB
Ngc1261eso.jpg 506 × 508; 58 KB
NGC2070-cc.jpg 3,264 × 4,000; 1.9 MB
NGC2081-cc.jpg 1,480 × 1,857; 593 KB
NGC3603 - ESO VISTA - Potw2245a-crop.jpg 2,733 × 3,316; 6.77 MB
NGC3603, NGC3576 - ESO VISTA - Potw2245a.tif 9,052 × 5,090; 86.87 MB
NGC6334 3-6-m-photographic-1986-cc.jpg 3,876 × 4,000; 1.63 MB
OGLE2-TR-L9b.jpg 1,280 × 853; 207 KB
Omega Centauri Hubble 2009 field over ESO.WikiSky.jpg 2,200 × 2,200; 1.42 MB
Pale Red Dot.jpg 1,280 × 853; 326 KB
Phot-12a-01-normal.jpg 666 × 677; 265 KB
Phot-12b-01-normal.jpg 479 × 686; 137 KB
Phot-26b-06.jpg 2,473 × 2,117; 5.54 MB
Potw1012a.jpg 963 × 963; 516 KB
Potw1550a.tif 846 × 846; 2.06 MB
Primera foto planeta extrasolar ESO.jpg 778 × 772; 55 KB
Protostar HH-34.jpg 4,961 × 4,961; 4.28 MB
RCW38.jpg 2,908 × 2,795; 3.65 MB
Sagittarius A Light bulb.jpg 1,089 × 779; 114 KB
Southern part of the spectacular N44 H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud.jpg 3,984 × 3,996; 6.61 MB
Spectacular star-forming region known as the Flame Nebula, or NGC 2024.jpg 7,546 × 9,233; 73.46 MB
Spirals with a Tale to Tell.jpg 1,200 × 1,200; 85 KB
Star cluster NGC 2367.jpg 8,667 × 8,179; 54.01 MB
Star cluster NGC 6752.jpg 8,221 × 8,023; 57.05 MB
Star cluster RCW 38.jpg 4,455 × 4,494; 5.77 MB
Tarantula Nebula and its surroundings.jpg 7,872 × 7,861; 44.83 MB
Tarantula Nebula R136 labeled.png 448 × 448; 134 KB
Tarantula Nebula.jpg 2,046 × 2,042; 2.99 MB
The brilliant star VFTS 682 in the Large Magellanic Cloud.jpg 1,832 × 1,836; 1.5 MB
The Dumbbell Nebula (eso9846a).tif 2,044 × 2,042; 23.93 MB
The globular star cluster NGC 6362.jpg 7,189 × 7,001; 30.17 MB
The Helix Nebula.png 7,059 × 6,535; 75.08 MB
The hidden fires of the Flame Nebula.jpg 12,564 × 15,283; 36.75 MB
The Lupus 3 dark cloud and associated hot young stars (eso1303a).tif 8,828 × 8,607; 224.28 MB
The Orion Nebula and cluster from the VLT Survey Telescope.jpg 16,877 × 13,107; 65.05 MB
The planetary nebula Fleming 1 seen with ESO’s Very Large Telescope.tiff 1,382 × 592; 1.75 MB
The sky around the dwarf galaxy IC 1613.jpg 8,892 × 8,293; 27.78 MB
The sky around the young star MWC 480.jpg 3,993 × 4,000; 13.61 MB
The spectacular star-forming Carina Nebula imaged by the VLT Survey Telescope.jpg 17,383 × 18,656; 84.89 MB
The star cluster Messier 18 and its surroundings.jpg 4,000 × 2,630; 6.12 MB
The star cluster Messier 7 (eso1406a).tiff 8,344 × 8,094; 202.59 MB
The star cluster Messier 7.jpg 8,344 × 8,094; 54.25 MB
The star formation region NGC 2035 imaged by the ESO Very Large Telescope.tiff 3,438 × 3,445; 23.2 MB
The star forming cloud RCW 34 (eso1521a).tiff 3,439 × 3,500; 20.69 MB
The star forming cloud RCW 34.jpg 3,439 × 3,500; 3.81 MB
The Vela supernova remnant imaged by the VLT Survey Telescope (eso2214a).tiff 22,845 × 22,845; 1.12 GB
Two very different glowing gas clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud.tiff 3,418 × 3,418; 20.59 MB
V445 Puppis.jpg 504 × 349; 54 KB
V445-Puppis.jpg 1,000 × 1,000; 60 KB
Vela supernova - VST - Eso2214a.jpg 22,845 × 22,845; 157.33 MB
VLT SPHERE and NACO image of L2 Puppis.jpg 1,104 × 1,104; 54 KB
VLT SPHERE image of L2 Puppis.jpg 1,104 × 1,104; 47 KB
Westerlund 1 by ESO WFI.jpg 1,261 × 1,261; 556 KB
Westerlund 2.jpg 795 × 800; 344 KB
Wide-field view of the sky around 51 Pegasi.jpg 4,939 × 5,851; 11.03 MB
Wide-field view of the sky around the Medusa Nebula (eso1520c).tif 8,525 × 8,748; 158.96 MB
Wide-field view of the sky around the Medusa Nebula.jpg 3,898 × 4,000; 14.41 MB
Young Stellar System Caught in the Act of Forming Close Multiples.jpg 1,280 × 1,284; 64 KB