Category:Economy of India
Nationale economie | |||||
Media uploaden | |||||
Is een | |||||
Subklasse van | |||||
Valuta | |||||
KKP per hoofd van de bevolking |
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Bruto binnenlands product |
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BBP per hoofd van de bevolking |
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Reële groei van het bruto binnenlands product |
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Inflatiepercentage |
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Totale reserves |
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BTW-percentage |
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Locatie | India | ||||
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Deze categorie bevat de volgende 66 subcategorieën, van de 66 in totaal.
Media in categorie "Economy of India"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 46 bestanden, van in totaal 46.
100 Rupees (5581364584).jpg 4.310 × 2.594; 2,32 MB
1591191404 Global-Economy.jpg 402 × 300; 19 kB
1591191404 Global-Economy.svg 322 × 240; 20 kB
Cash percent of GDP India BRICS 2015.svg 743 × 400; 9 kB
China india gdp.jpg 802 × 456; 49 kB
Consumables plant.JPG 325 × 216; 20 kB
Consumer Confidence Index.png 901 × 335; 17 kB
Copper in Ancient India.pdf 939 × 1.497, 96 pagina's; 14,18 MB
Déficit commercial (biens) de l'Inde avec chine.png 528 × 430; 47 kB
East Coast Economic Corridor Map.jpg 819 × 615; 56 kB
ECEC and Economic Corridor Developments in India.jpg 2.541 × 3.281; 1,12 MB
Economic connections between US, EU, China, Russia and India.png 492 × 522; 41 kB
Economics case study (2).png 960 × 720; 19 kB
EUR-IDR.png 1.276 × 873; 21 kB
Framework for a Coastal Economic Corridor.png 614 × 505; 93 kB
GDP per capita development in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.svg 850 × 600; 46 kB
GDP per capita development of India.png 1.029 × 650; 35 kB
GDP rate of India, 1901-2021 (hy).png 998 × 426; 66 kB
Growth rate of Indian GDP and employment.jpg 2.788 × 1.296; 731 kB
Historic GDP per capita in India.svg 850 × 600; 39 kB
India Annual GDP Growth Rate - World Bank.png 800 × 545; 29 kB
India bonds.webp 5.340 × 1.563; 272 kB
India exports April 2020 estimates.png 1.458 × 561; 31 kB
India Exports Treemap 2017.svg 900 × 900; 546 kB
India human development index though 2021.svg 1.653 × 993; 8 kB
Indian commercial-trade-deficit.jpg 838 × 358; 50 kB
Indian current-account-deficit.jpg 833 × 418; 32 kB
Indian forex reserves.png 512 × 316; 54 kB
Inflation of India.svg 578 × 338; 24 kB
Iron in Ancient India.pdf 933 × 1.260, 116 pagina's; 5 MB
Merchandise exports by continent of destination, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 26 kB
NDP Per Capita of Indian States and UT's, 2024-25.png 3.818 × 4.600; 1,23 MB
Nhai.png 437 × 538; 313 kB
- 390 × 92; 16 kB
PMJDY bank accounts.svg 1.119 × 549; 15 kB
Rollover risk.jpg 550 × 356; 51 kB
Russia v India income share.png 1.232 × 800; 987 kB
Sanjay Ghodawat Group.png 424 × 283; 6 kB
The Swadeshi movement, a symposium. Views of representative Indians and Anglo-Indians (IA swadeshimvmtsymp00madriala).pdf 670 × 1.054, 336 pagina's; 12,45 MB
Vývoz 2017.png 909 × 599; 29 kB
Wiki entry.jpg 822 × 584; 107 kB
Zaměstnanost 2007 -2017.png 1.163 × 666; 88 kB
Zaměstnanost podle sektorů 2010.png 1.278 × 794; 80 kB