Category:Edward Verrall Lucas
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scrittore inglese (1868-1938) | |||||
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Data di nascita | 12 giugno 1868 Londra | ||||
Data di morte | 26 giugno 1938 Marylebone | ||||
Paese di cittadinanza |
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Scuola frequentata |
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Occupazione | |||||
Fratello/sorella |
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Premio ricevuto | |||||
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Questa categoria contiene le 5 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 5.
Pagine nella categoria "Edward Verrall Lucas"
Questa categoria contiene un'unica pagina, indicata di seguito.
File nella categoria "Edward Verrall Lucas"
Questa categoria contiene 83 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 83.
Advisory Ben; (IA advisoryben00luca).pdf 1 218 × 1 881, 264 pagine; 11,32 MB
All the World Over London (East) – The Diamond Jubilee.jpg 200 × 130; 38 KB
Another book of verses for children (IA anotherbookofve00luca).pdf 910 × 1 233, 460 pagine; 23,01 MB
Bernard Barton and his friends- a record of quiet lives (IA bernardbartonhis00lucaiala).pdf 795 × 1 304, 208 pagine; 7,81 MB
Bernard Barton and his friends- a record of quiet lives (IA bernardbartonhis00lucarich).pdf 827 × 1 322, 210 pagine; 10,73 MB
A Boswell of Baghdad - with diversions (IA boswellofbaghdad00lucaiala).pdf 545 × 987, 264 pagine; 7,17 MB
Character and comedy (IA charactercomedy00luc).pdf 622 × 1 002, 260 pagine; 7,7 MB
Character and comedy (IA charactercomedy00luca).pdf 622 × 1 010, 260 pagine; 7,24 MB
Character and comedy (IA charactercomedy00lucaiala).pdf 637 × 1 027, 256 pagine; 7,32 MB
Character and comedy (IA charactercomedy00lucarich).pdf 650 × 1 020, 256 pagine; 10,17 MB
Charles Lamb & the Lloyds (IA charleslamblloyd00luca).pdf 722 × 1 141, 342 pagine; 10,13 MB
Cloud and silver (IA cloudsilver00luca).pdf 714 × 1 081, 200 pagine; 8,12 MB
Adventures and enthusiasms (IA cu31924013642339).pdf 677 × 1 104, 352 pagine; 5,11 MB
Landmarks, by E.V. Lucas (IA cu31924013642495).pdf 658 × 1 025, 332 pagine; 4,66 MB
London Lavender; an entertainment (IA cu31924013642537).pdf 645 × 1 018, 328 pagine; 5,11 MB
Mr. Ingleside (IA cu31924013642552).pdf 664 × 1 010, 344 pagine; 5,76 MB
Over Bemerton's; an easy-going chronicle (IA cu31924013642602).pdf 668 × 1 029, 304 pagine; 5,11 MB
A wanderer in Holland (IA cu31924028343998).pdf 812 × 1 245, 430 pagine; 10,2 MB
A wanderer in Paris (IA cu31924028348757).pdf 766 × 1 150, 460 pagine; 12,02 MB
Roving east and roving west (IA cu31924029875964).pdf 685 × 1 072, 234 pagine; 3,29 MB
Domesticities - a little book of household impressions (IA domesticitieslit00lucaiala).pdf 610 × 939, 212 pagine; 4,79 MB
E V Lucas woodcut.jpg 954 × 1 012; 513 KB
Edwin Austin Abbey, royal academician; the record of his life and work (IA edwinaustinabbey01luca).pdf 1 089 × 1 512, 650 pagine; 22,14 MB
Edwin Austin Abbey, royal academician; the record of his life and work (IA edwinaustinabbey02luca).pdf 1 068 × 1 489, 568 pagine; 19,12 MB
Fireside and sunshine (IA firesidesunshine00luca).pdf 627 × 1 012, 256 pagine; 7,29 MB
Fireside and sunshine (IA firesidesunshine00lucaiala).pdf 608 × 993, 264 pagine; 6,66 MB
The flamp ; The ameliorator ; and The schoolboy's apprentice (IA flampameliorator00lucaiala).pdf 364 × 608, 176 pagine; 3,33 MB
Forgotten tales of long ago.djvu 2 244 × 3 166, 460 pagine; 10,61 MB
Forgotten tales of long ago (IA forgottentalesof00lucarich).pdf 839 × 1 185, 460 pagine; 21,35 MB
Forgotten tales of long ago (IA forgottentalesoflucas).pdf 1 125 × 1 612, 460 pagine; 21,77 MB
The friendly town - a little book for the urbane (IA friendlytownlitt00lucaiala).pdf 556 × 908, 404 pagine; 17,12 MB
The friendly town; a little book for the urbane (IA friendlytownlitt00lucarich).pdf 606 × 935, 410 pagine; 16,29 MB
The gentlest art; (IA gentlestart00luca).pdf 614 × 977, 450 pagine; 18,28 MB
The gentlest art, a choice of letters (IA gentlestartchoic00luca).pdf 612 × 1 010, 448 pagine; 15,12 MB
Giving and receiving; essays and fantasies (IA givingreceivinge00luc).pdf 662 × 1 066, 224 pagine; 6,82 MB
Harvest home (IA harvesthome00lucaiala).pdf 564 × 962, 200 pagine; 6,19 MB
Harvest home (IA harvesthome00lucarich).pdf 641 × 1 022, 188 pagine; 8,46 MB
Her infinite variety; a feminine portrait gallery (IA herinfinitevarie00lucarich).pdf 600 × 960, 396 pagine; 17,85 MB
In gentlest Germany (IA ingentlestgerman00lucarich).pdf 658 × 1 068, 132 pagine; 5,94 MB
The ladies' pageant (IA ladiespageant00lucaiala).pdf 479 × 766, 402 pagine; 15,66 MB
Landmarks (IA landmarksluc00lucaiala).pdf 714 × 1 129, 356 pagine; 11,48 MB
Landmarks (IA landmarkslucas00lucaiala).pdf 754 × 1 127, 336 pagine; 9,99 MB
The life of Charles Lamb (IA lifecharleslamb02luca).pdf 731 × 1 183, 488 pagine; 24,87 MB
The life of Charles Lamb (IA lifeofcharleslam00lucaiala).pdf 750 × 1 237, 868 pagine; 44,1 MB
Listener's lure; a Kensington comedy (IA listenerslureken00luca).pdf 745 × 1 141, 304 pagine; 11,81 MB
Listener's lure - an oblique narration (IA listenerslureobl00luca).pdf 610 × 1 029, 304 pagine; 9,2 MB
A little of everything (IA littleofeverythi00lucaiala).pdf 583 × 989, 200 pagine; 10,48 MB
Loiterer's harvest (IA loiterersharvest00luca).pdf 593 × 983, 282 pagine; 11,6 MB
Loiterer's harvest (IA loiterersharvest00lucaiala).pdf 579 × 1 020, 280 pagine; 8,38 MB
London lavender (IA londonlavender00lucaiala).pdf 731 × 1 125, 352 pagine; 11,6 MB
London Lavender; an entertainment (IA londonlavenderen00luca).pdf 762 × 1 137, 326 pagine; 11,22 MB
Mixed vintages, a blend of essays old and new (IA mixedvintagesble00luca).pdf 572 × 968, 200 pagine; 5,97 MB
More wanderings in London (IA morewanderingsin01luca).pdf 639 × 1 093, 422 pagine; 18,31 MB
Mr. Ingleside (IA mringleside00lucarich).pdf 750 × 1 118, 336 pagine; 13,93 MB
Old fashioned tales (IA oldfashionedtale00lucarich).pdf 829 × 1 216, 428 pagine; 25,34 MB
Old lamps for new (IA oldlampsfornew00luca).pdf 589 × 1 018, 282 pagine; 10,71 MB
Old lamps for new (IA oldlampsfornew00lucaiala).pdf 577 × 970, 278 pagine; 7,37 MB
One day and another (IA onedayanother00luca).pdf 597 × 1 068, 268 pagine; 14,1 MB
One day and another (IA onedayanother00lucaiala).pdf 610 × 1 014, 268 pagine; 7,01 MB
Over Bemerton's, an easy-going chronicle (IA overbemertonseas00lucaiala).pdf 747 × 1 129, 304 pagine; 9,09 MB
The phantom journal and other essays and diversions (IA phantomjournalot00lucaiala).pdf 572 × 970, 244 pagine; 6,41 MB
Portrait of Edward Verrall Lucas.jpg 1 053 × 1 511; 634 KB
Rose and Rose (IA roserose00lucaiala).pdf 700 × 1 089, 240 pagine; 8,72 MB
Rose and Rose, a story (IA roserosestory00luca).pdf 731 × 1 135, 300 pagine; 10,87 MB
Roving east and roving west, with a front (IA rovingeastroving00lucaiala).pdf 670 × 1 104, 170 pagine; 5,39 MB
The second post, a companion to "The gentlest art" (IA secondpostcompan00lucaiala).pdf 583 × 943, 296 pagine; 14,84 MB
Specially selected, a choice of essays (IA speciallyselecte00lucaiala).pdf 666 × 1 110, 160 pagine; 6,14 MB
A swan and her friends (IA swanherfriends00lucarich).pdf 727 × 1 212, 57 pagine; 2,42 MB
Swollen-headed William - painful stories and funny pictures after the German! (IA swollenheadedwil00luca 0).pdf 981 × 1 406, 48 pagine; 3,42 MB
Swollen-headed William; painful stories and funny pictures after the German! (IA swollenheadedwil01luca).pdf 995 × 1 400, 48 pagine; 2,73 MB
Urbanities; essays new and old (IA urbanitiesessays00luca).pdf 683 × 1 108, 200 pagine; 8,17 MB
Variety Lane (IA varietylane00lucaiala).pdf 558 × 989, 200 pagine; 6,13 MB
Verena in the midst; a kind of a story (IA verenainmidstkin00luca).pdf 722 × 1 120, 292 pagine; 10,22 MB
The vermilion box (IA vermilionbox00lucaiala).pdf 679 × 1 120, 322 pagine; 10,17 MB
A wanderer in Florence (IA wandererinfloren00luca).pdf 877 × 1 356, 530 pagine; 24,97 MB
A wanderer in Florence (IA wandererinfloren00lucaiala).pdf 687 × 1 054, 524 pagine; 18,89 MB
A wanderer in Holland (IA wandererinhollan00luca).pdf 743 × 1 147, 480 pagine; 18,65 MB
A wanderer in Holland (IA wandererinhollan00lucaiala).pdf 675 × 1 093, 440 pagine; 15,71 MB
A wanderer in Holland (IA wandererinhollan01luca).pdf 672 × 1 045, 446 pagine; 22,36 MB
A Wanderer in London (IA wandererinlondon01luca 0).pdf 643 × 1 075, 470 pagine; 15,3 MB
A wanderer in Paris (IA wandererinparis01luca).pdf 697 × 1 079, 458 pagine; 18,68 MB