Category:Election campaigns
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Questa categoria contiene le 10 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 10.
File nella categoria "Election campaigns"
Questa categoria contiene 30 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 30.
1997 Lurambi Campaign.jpg 576 × 323; 95 KB
A vehicle used for Voters Education exercise in south east Nigeria.jpg 480 × 640; 432 KB
Antonin Svahla.jpg 311 × 403; 67 KB
Approaches to election campaign communication research.png 960 × 720; 31 KB
Area shot of polling units.jpg 4 088 × 2 352; 3,04 MB
Cable car over Funchal highway (26321009369).jpg 5 184 × 2 920; 6,04 MB
Campaign Poster.jpg 3 456 × 4 608; 4,72 MB
Crowd gathered for election day, Nome, Alaska, 1902 (HEGG 182).jpeg 768 × 610; 105 KB
De Valera addressing a crowd.jpg 993 × 1 391; 659 KB
EN CAMPAÑA.jpg 720 × 540; 89 KB
Fionan Lynch electioneering.tif 4 886 × 3 043; 14,4 MB
Fionán Lynch electioneering.jpg 607 × 372; 39 KB
Georgian Dream Street Signs.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 3,33 MB
Grande Caminhada do Majoritário.jpg 900 × 600; 342 KB
Grandpa Lecturing.tif 4 886 × 3 043, 2 pagine; 14,21 MB
Jawaharlal Nehru 1951-52 election poster.jpg 269 × 350; 21 KB
Kampánystart (4).jpg 5 120 × 2 265; 1,79 MB
Kampánystart.jpg 5 119 × 3 392; 2,71 MB
POLITIEK- Hoe probeert een politicus jouw stem te winnen-.webm 16 min 7 s, 1 920 × 1 080; 275,9 MB
Prime Minister Morarji Desai endorsing Rajda for his second term as an MP.jpg 2 628 × 1 904; 789 KB
Roger Randrianomanana logo.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 3,02 MB
Roger Randrianomanana poster in Mananzara.jpg 3 456 × 4 608; 3,6 MB
Suffragette series electioneering.jpg 561 × 853; 176 KB
ThaiChiangMaiWahlkampf.jpg 3 280 × 2 170; 1,13 MB
The Long Fellow (10570624475).jpg 2 000 × 1 423; 1,21 MB
Vafa Nagiyeva.jpg 710 × 813; 105 KB
VERKIEZINGEN 2017- Verkiezingscampagnes - Historicus Harm Kaal.webm 3 min 39 s, 1 920 × 1 080; 39,56 MB
Volzhskiy - Communist Party stall (2012 Ellections) on Sverdlova square.jpeg 3 072 × 2 304; 2,8 MB
Vote for Philipson placard - 1923.jpg 600 × 788; 61 KB
대한민국의 지방선거 大韓民國-地方選擧 포스터 beeniru.JPG 3 371 × 2 270; 2,6 MB