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Category:Employee benefit

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<nowiki>beneficio laboral; 員工福利; béren kívüli juttatás; социальный пакет; Sachbezug; Աշխատակիցների հատուցումներ; 員工福利; frynsegode; Beneficiu în natură; 員工福利; löneförmån; соціальний пакет; 員工福利; luontoisetu; laborista benefico; Zaměstnanecké výhody; fringe benefit; avantages salariaux; Erisoodustus; benefícios laborais; prejemek zaposlenih; tunjangan pegawai; benefit pracowniczy; frynsegode; emolumenten; 복리 후생; phúc lợi người lao động; مزایای شغلی; 福利厚生; employee benefit; استحقاقات الموظفين; 员工福利; הטבה לעובד; compensación dada a los empleados aparte del salario; jonakin muuna vastiikkena kuin rahana maksettava palkka; type d'avantages; compensações dadas aos trabalhadores de uma empresa além do salário; friend with benefits; tipo di benefit; non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to normal wages or salaries; voordelen of extra's naast salaris; beneficios laborales; beneficios sociales; beneficios a empleados; beneficicio social; 従業員給付; béren felüli juttatás; nem pénzjellegű juttatás; cafeteria; mellékes; járulékos juttatás; természetbeni juttatás; fringis; корпоративні пільги; Emolument; Extralegaal voordeel; Extralegale voordelen; соцпакет; Sachbezüge; Sachzuwendungen an Dienstnehmer im Rahmen der Lohnverrechnung; Fringe Benefits; geldwerter Vorteil; Naturallohn; הטבות; פלוסים; benefit in kind; fringe benefit; perquisite; perk; employment benefit; job benefit; employer-sponsored benefit; job perk; Akcesora gajno; Zaměstnanecká výhoda; frynsegoder</nowiki>
employee benefit 
non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to normal wages or salaries
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  • reward management
  • remuneration
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Authority file
Wikidata Q678774
GND ID: 4268580-1
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85042858
NDL Authority ID: 00563629
NL CR AUT ID: ph218845
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Media in category "Employee benefit"

The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total.