Category:English Channel
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Brezhoneg: Mor Breizh
English: the English Channel
Français : La Manche
Русский: Ла-Манш — пролив между побережьем Франции и островом Великобритания.
Meerenge des Atlantiks zwischen England und Kontinentaleuropa, verbindet den Ozean mit der südlichen Nordsee | |||||
Medium hochladen | |||||
Aussprache (Audiodatei) | |||||
Isch e | |||||
Isch Dail vu | |||||
Benännt noch | |||||
Ort | Nordsee | ||||
Ligt am oder im Gwässer | |||||
Breite |
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Lengi |
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Zuefluss |
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Iizugsgebiet |
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Anrainerstaat | |||||
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S wäre 31 vu insgsamt 31 Unterkategorie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
- English Channel in Ault (20 D)
- Bassure de Baas (2 D)
- Bassurelle Sandbanks (42 D)
- Les Ridens (1 D)
- Ships in the English Channel (20 D)
- Skerries Bank (2 D)
- Strait of Dover (3 D)
- Tor Bay (108 D)
- Vergoyer (1 D)
- Wight-Barfleur Reef (147 D)
Artikel in de Kategori "English Channel"
S wäre 2 vu insgsamt 2 Syte in däre Kategori aazeigt:
Medie in dr Kategori „English Channel“
S wäre 195 vu insgsamt 195 Dateie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
.00 0914 Coast at the Pointe du Grouin, France.jpg 5.250 × 3.500; 15,3 MB
.00 3609 Kap Frehel - Côte d'Émeraude (Smaragt-Küste) Franlreich.jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 19,13 MB
0 Escalles - Le Cap Blanc-Nez (2).JPG 5.184 × 3.456; 7,08 MB
0 La Pointe aux Oies et la Manche - Wimereux.JPG 3.456 × 2.304; 4,79 MB
0 Le Cap Blanc-Nez et la Manche vus de Tardinghen (1).JPG 3.456 × 2.304; 6,2 MB
0 Le Cap Blanc-Nez et la Manche vus du cimetière de Tardinghen (1).JPG 3.456 × 2.304; 5,88 MB
0 Tardinghen - Site des Deux Caps et Ferme de la Source (1).JPG 3.401 × 2.220; 4,65 MB
0 Tardinghen - Site des Deux Caps et Ferme de la Source (2).JPG 3.438 × 2.278; 5,22 MB
0 Tardinghen - Site des Deux Caps et Ferme de la Source (3).JPG 3.456 × 2.304; 5,51 MB
Jeffries balloon.jpg 362 × 600; 50 KB
Two men are inside the basket of a gas balloon. Coloured Wellcome V0040866.jpg 2.244 × 3.397; 4,19 MB
Cherbourg 16.JPG 1.336 × 1.964; 1,31 MB
190324-N-JX484-123 - Flickr - U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos.jpg 3.133 × 2.086; 1,53 MB
A break in the clouds - possibly - - 1118918.jpg 491 × 640; 40 KB
A New catamaran expedition!! LCCN94501555.jpg 5.060 × 4.099; 2,6 MB
Above the channel.jpg 533 × 400; 95 KB
Admiralty Chart No 2675c English Channel Eastern Part, Published 1885.jpg 11.222 × 16.467; 18,52 MB
Apache Helicopter Operations on HMS Ark Royal MOD 45151993.jpg 4.116 × 2.780; 959 KB
Apache Helicopter Operations on HMS Ark Royal MOD 45151995.jpg 3.600 × 2.400; 747 KB
Apache Helicopter Operations on HMS Ark Royal MOD 45151996.jpg 3.000 × 2.400; 892 KB
Apache Helicopter Operations on HMS Ark Royal MOD 45151998.jpg 3.600 × 2.400; 1,09 MB
Apache Helicopter Operations on HMS Ark Royal MOD 45151999.jpg 3.000 × 2.400; 441 KB
Aquada.jpg 1.024 × 703; 196 KB
Audinghen - Belvédère de la courte dune.jpg 4.631 × 3.473; 3,47 MB
Audinghen - Pointe de la Courte Dune (2).jpg 4.742 × 3.557; 3,39 MB
Audinghen - Site des Deux Caps (Les Berniques).jpg 4.896 × 3.672; 7,07 MB
Beechey Tide Chart of the English, Irish and Bristol Channels Ingoing dated 1848.tif 8.325 × 4.061; 1,65 MB
Beechey Tide Chart of the English, Irish and Bristol Channels Outgoing dated 1848.tif 8.226 × 4.079; 1,65 MB
Big red boat going about its business.jpg 1.280 × 960; 158 KB
Bill Burgess en 1906.jpg 234 × 638; 58 KB
Bill Burgess en 1911.jpg 193 × 703; 44 KB
Bill Burgess, et ses lunettes de motard (1911).jpg 496 × 661; 54 KB
Bognor Regis Beach English Channel United Kingdom.jpg 1.635 × 1.920; 3,32 MB
Brading Down and the English Channel from Southern Vectis route 10 bus 2.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 2,98 MB
Brading Down and the English Channel from Southern Vectis route 10 bus 3.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 2,79 MB
Brading Down and the English Channel from Southern Vectis route 10 bus.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 2,87 MB
Brighton Beach at Night.JPG 3.840 × 2.160; 1,89 MB
British Territorial Waters - panoramio.jpg 2.204 × 3.920; 1,41 MB
Brojen after completing Channel swim.jpg 151 × 144; 4 KB
CALAIS DOUVRES. 1881 - Sjöhistoriska museet - Fo29648A.jpg 4.711 × 3.267; 15,41 MB
CALAIS DOUVRES. 1881 - Sjöhistoriska museet - Fo29648A.tif 4.711 × 3.267, 2 Syte; 44,06 MB
Castle Church and Harbour.JPG 2.048 × 1.536; 683 KB
Channel sunrise.jpg 640 × 480; 31 KB
CharlesBaude-Podoscaphe-1878.jpg 1.600 × 1.020; 494 KB
Clouds and Shadows From an Airplane Over the English Channel.JPG 1.600 × 1.200; 439 KB
CMA CGM Andromeda Strait of Dover passage.jpg 4.000 × 2.248; 983 KB
Container Schiff (5312553155).jpg 2.560 × 1.440; 1,8 MB
COTE MORISSE SUD le havre.JPG 2.144 × 1.424; 1,59 MB
Coucher de soleil sur la Manche vu de Dieppe (été 2018).JPG 2.023 × 1.508; 888 KB
Coucher de soleil sur la Manche à Dieppe (été 2018).JPG 3.264 × 2.448; 4,47 MB
Crossing the English Channel (Le Manche). White cliffs of Dover in background.jpg 1.760 × 1.168; 323 KB
Dal castello di Dover.jpg 1.588 × 1.028; 762 KB
De-Ärmelkanal.ogg 2,3 s; 22 KB
Deal Seaways in English Channel.jpg 1.912 × 1.440; 856 KB
Disposizione del cordone da Douvres a Calais, nella stiva del Blaser.jpg 1.110 × 1.292; 898 KB
Dover castle1.jpg 4.288 × 2.848; 3,34 MB
Dover castle2.jpg 4.288 × 2.848; 3,25 MB
Eastbourne Seafront Pier.jpg 2.896 × 1.936; 2,42 MB
English Channel (20562846383).jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 11,28 MB
English Channel (8574524096).jpg 600 × 450; 31 KB
English Channel and Bonchurch from Southern Vectis route 3 bus 2.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 2,94 MB
English Channel and Bonchurch from Southern Vectis route 3 bus.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,15 MB
English channel from air.jpg 1.922 × 566; 109 KB
English Channel from Isle of Wight Coastal path near Niton 2.JPG 4.592 × 3.056; 3,02 MB
English Channel from Isle of Wight Coastal path near Niton.JPG 4.592 × 3.056; 4,26 MB
English Channel from Military Road at Afton Down 2.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,11 MB
English Channel from Military Road at Afton Down.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,21 MB
English Channel from Pointe du Hoc.jpg 5.966 × 3.967; 2,13 MB
English Channel from Southern Vectis Island Coaster bus 2.JPG 3.072 × 2.304; 2,35 MB
English Channel from Southern Vectis Island Coaster bus.JPG 3.072 × 2.304; 2,38 MB
English Channel from Southern Vectis route 7 bus.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 2,55 MB
English Channel from Ventnor Whitwell Road during snow December 2010.JPG 4.592 × 3.056; 4,73 MB
English Channel, from the meridian east to the Downs RMG F0370.jpg 5.875 × 7.347; 20,06 MB
Evening skies at sea 20160712 210436.jpg 3.200 × 2.400; 2,07 MB
Evening skies at sea 20160712 214443.jpg 3.200 × 2.400; 1,68 MB
Ferry Dieppe-Newhaven 2.jpg 3.072 × 2.304; 2,51 MB
Ferry Dieppe-Newhaven 3.jpg 3.072 × 2.304; 2,51 MB
Ferry Dieppe-Newhaven.jpg 3.072 × 2.304; 2,57 MB
Fishing Deal.jpg 4.288 × 2.848; 2,94 MB
Fleurs des falaises du Tréport devant la Manche (été 2018).JPG 3.264 × 2.448; 5,07 MB
FMIB 32995 Herring Fishing in the Channel.jpeg 450 × 450; 87 KB
FMIB 37520 Phare situe a l'extremite d'une jetee, dans un port de la Manche.jpeg 1.476 × 680; 439 KB
FMIB 43856 Depth of the English Channel.jpeg 895 × 732; 175 KB
Fouace - départ pour jersey.jpg 2.370 × 1.944; 551 KB
France & Colonies-1894-estuaire de la Seine.jpg 7.384 × 4.808; 6,71 MB
FranceGrisNez2Dover.jpg 3.481 × 1.479; 1,6 MB
French NH90 Caiman Helicopter Landing Onboard HMS Illustrious MOD 45154597.jpg 2.400 × 3.000; 453 KB
G. Bruno - Le Tour de la France par deux enfants p252.jpg 1.192 × 812; 284 KB
GBAVUsolarballoon.jpg 1.024 × 1.466; 286 KB
Gertrude Ederle.jpg 3.618 × 2.704; 1,16 MB
GLDA.jpg 214 × 71; 6 KB
Goury.ogv 24 s, 640 × 480; 3,26 MB
Grass and sea on cliff edge.jpg 2.560 × 1.920; 1,06 MB
Guines-blanchard02.JPG 1.536 × 2.048; 469 KB
Hermdunord.jpg 1.087 × 783; 75 KB
HMS Daring at Sea MOD 45151268.jpg 2.400 × 3.000; 1,18 MB
HMSExplorer2004.jpg 520 × 316; 51 KB
Hochseeschlepper MS ESVAGT (3611084461).jpg 2.560 × 1.440; 1,4 MB
Isaac Cruikshank - A New Catamaran Expedition!!! (1805).jpg 886 × 622; 233 KB
Isaac Cruikshank - A New Catamaran Expedition!!! (1805).png 886 × 622; 1,27 MB
Kanal La Manche s popisem.jpg 3.328 × 1.728; 1,3 MB
Kanal-Tunnel.jpg 2.122 × 2.761; 2,97 MB
Kentering Nauw van Calais.jpg 612 × 398; 76 KB
Kitesurfer Hythe.jpg 4.484 × 2.990; 2,18 MB
La Manche au large de Granville (19 août 2019).JPG 3.264 × 2.448; 3,94 MB
La Manche à marée basse sur la plage de Dieppe (été 2018).JPG 2.048 × 1.536; 1,69 MB
Lilian G. Harrison et Thomas W. 'Bill' Burgess en 1924.jpg 816 × 642; 103 KB
Louis Meijer - Storm in het Nauw van Calais.jpg 2.500 × 1.865; 1,29 MB
Mantxako kanala.png 1.246 × 838; 1,61 MB
Fishery Protection Vessel HMS Mersey (8554347647).jpg 1.000 × 668; 189 KB
Fishery Protection Vessel HMS Mersey MOD 45155102.jpg 1.806 × 2.709; 1,32 MB
Military Road at Afton Down 3.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,16 MB
Military Road at Afton Down 4.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,11 MB
Military Road at Afton Down.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,28 MB
MV Energy Challenger 310817.jpg 2.048 × 1.366; 2,5 MB
OISEAUX ENVOL OCEAN BLEU.jpg 6.016 × 4.000; 11,08 MB
Olau Line.jpg 2.500 × 1.611; 4,02 MB
On the Way - panoramio.jpg 3.840 × 2.880; 874 KB
OpenSeaMap-ChartBundleArea-Channel-2016-05.PNG 638 × 493; 353 KB
Opera Momentaufnahme 2019-07-19 145706 Opalküste.png 449 × 569; 322 KB
Panorama Nord de la Pointe du Roc à Granville (août 2019).JPG 8.112 × 1.920; 8,21 MB
Panorama sur la Manche depuis les falaises du Tréport (été 2018).JPG 8.098 × 1.854; 8,04 MB
Pointe du Hoc barbelés.jpg 4.493 × 2.990; 10,26 MB
Polaris Beauty (IMO 9470143) in the English Channel-Strait of Dover-3845.jpg 4.293 × 2.415; 5,2 MB
Portland (6716668939).jpg 2.272 × 1.704; 792 KB
President Trump at DDay75 (48015957441).jpg 1.200 × 800; 522 KB
Quand le soleil est d'or, la mer est d'argent - Steve.© - (7537436058).jpg 2.690 × 4.170; 3,38 MB
Queen Mary 2 Bootdeck.jpg 2.560 × 1.920; 3,07 MB
Robida vingtieme siecle p235 1.jpg 1.107 × 756; 223 KB
Royal Navy Type 45 Destroyer HMS Dragon MOD 45153124.jpg 2.709 × 1.806; 1,39 MB
Rye Harbour (16154783492).jpg 3.312 × 4.018; 2 MB
Sandown MMB 01.jpg 3.903 × 2.184; 2,23 MB
Sandown MMB 04.jpg 4.044 × 2.424; 2,64 MB
Seamarlin in the English Channel-Strait of Dover-3839.jpg 4.328 × 2.435; 4,99 MB
Seychelles Pioneer (IMO 9255517) in the English Channel-Strait of Dover-3832.jpg 3.676 × 2.068; 3,65 MB
Sotteville sur Mer – Normandie – 360° drone panorama.jpg 6.144 × 3.072; 4,14 MB
Ss Mangerton strikes Josephine Willis.jpg 1.247 × 867; 368 KB
St Micheals Mount Marazion.jpg 3.872 × 2.592; 3,22 MB
Strait of dover he.svg 3.455 × 2.429; 1,09 MB
Strait of dover STS106-718-28 (cropped).jpg 4.092 × 3.035; 935 KB
Strait of dover STS106-718-28.jpg 4.094 × 4.094; 929 KB
Strait of dover-ks01.jpg 3.600 × 2.132; 3,98 MB
Sunset at Selsey beach 6.jpg 2.048 × 1.365; 140 KB
Sunset on the English Channel. (48789271046).jpg 5.939 × 3.965; 7,05 MB
SW-Coast-Path-Fence-and-Gate.jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 3,39 MB
Tardinghen - Site des Deux Caps (Les Berniques) (13).jpg 4.498 × 3.374; 3,16 MB
The bridge - panoramio - giomodica.jpg 1.083 × 766; 515 KB
The channel dover.jpg 604 × 400; 59 KB
The Downs map.jpg 1.355 × 1.020; 492 KB
The English Channel (2314076139).jpg 504 × 773; 293 KB
TheChannel.SilentSea.jpg 1.024 × 768; 158 KB
Times media 24 logo.jpg 180 × 120; 8 KB
Top of Cowleaze bus stop from Southern Vectis route 3 bus.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,25 MB
Torpedo fired from HMAS AUSTRALIA, English Channel.jpg 2.738 × 2.114; 1,05 MB
Triangulation radiogoniométrie 410 kHz.png 1.223 × 1.003; 1,71 MB
VazonBayGuernsey.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,92 MB
View east from Battle of Britain Memorial 0246.JPG 4.608 × 3.456; 5,4 MB
View east from Battle of Britain Memorial 0254r.JPG 4.295 × 3.221; 1,85 MB
View east from Battle of Britain Memorial 0258.JPG 4.608 × 3.456; 6,11 MB
View from Luccombe.jpg 4.128 × 3.096; 6,54 MB
View In Sea - panoramio.jpg 3.072 × 2.304; 1,85 MB
View south from Battle of Britain Memorial 0243r.JPG 4.531 × 3.399; 1,86 MB
View south from Battle of Britain Memorial 0248.JPG 5.760 × 1.080; 3,04 MB
View south from Battle of Britain Memorial 0266.JPG 5.760 × 1.080; 3,28 MB
View south from Brightone Holiday Centre.jpg 4.000 × 2.248; 1,07 MB
View west from Brook Down.JPG 4.000 × 3.000; 3,83 MB
Vlaamse Banken.png 1.087 × 746; 1,15 MB
WEC Vermeer Strait of Dover 310817.jpg 2.048 × 1.365; 2,35 MB
West Wight seen from Afton Down 3.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 2,82 MB
West Wight seen from Afton Down.JPG 3.712 × 2.088; 3,08 MB
Admirał Erich Raeder podczas inspekcji nad kanałem La Manche (2-321).jpg 3.500 × 2.500; 667 KB