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English: Erotes is the plural of Eros. Files relating to the Erotes, a collective of winged gods associated with love and sexual intercourse. They are part of Aphrodite's retinue.
Français : Erotes est le pluriel d'Eros.
 See also category: Cupid.
<nowiki>Eroti; Érotes; erotes; Erot; Os Erotes; Эраты; erot; 厄洛特斯; Ероти; Eroti; エローテス; Erot; Eroaten; Erotes; Erotes; erot; Eroten; Erot; Erot; Erot; Erotes; Erotes; Эроты; Eroteler; اروتس; criaturas de la mitología griega; compagnons de la déesse Aphrodite; Greek love deities; mytisk figur; древнегреческие боги любви; figure della mitologia greca; lille kærlighedsgud med vinger; エローティズ; Amours (de Vénus); Erotes; Cupidons; Himeros; Amores; Cupidines; Amorin; Eroten; Amorette; Cupids; Amorin; amorin</nowiki>
Greek love deities
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  • group of deities
Subclass of
  • group of Greek mythical characters
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Said to be the same asamorino
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Media in category "Erotes"

The following 68 files are in this category, out of 68 total.