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<nowiki>Esher; ઇશર; Esher; Esher; Ишер; Esher; Esher; ایشر; 伊舍; Esher; エッシャー; Esher; אסהר; Ишер; 埃舍爾 (英國地名); 埃舍尔 (英国地名); ఎషేర్; 에셔; Esher; Esher; எஷெர்; Esher; এশার; Esher; Ішэр; Ішер; Ешер; Esher (Surrey); Esher; Īšera; Esher; Ešeris; Esher, Surrey; Իշեր; یشیر; Esher; Esher; Esher; Esher; Esher; Esher; ایشر; ಎಸ್ಹೆರ್; Esher; Esher; Esher; 埃沙尔; Esher; paese inglese; যুক্তরাজ্যের একটি ছোট শহর; localité britannique; Stadt in der englischen Grafschaft Surrey; stad i grevskapet Surrey, England; pueblo de Inglaterra; місто в графстві Суррей, Англія, Велика Британія; plaats in Surrey; город в графстве Суррей, Англия, Великобритания; بلدة في المملكة المتحدة; tref yn Surrey; zità te la Nghiltiera; town in Surrey, England, UK; urbo de Anglio; sídlo v hrabství Surrey ve Velké Británii; עיירה בממלכה המאוחדת; 埃沙爾; 伊捨; 埃捨尔; イーシャー; Esher, Surrey; 埃舍尔; 艾薛爾; 埃舍尔</nowiki>
town in Surrey, England, UK
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Instance of
LocationElmbridge, Surrey, South East England, England
  • 50,904 (2011)
  • 9.3 km²
Map51° 22′ 08.76″ N, 0° 21′ 54″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q637482
VIAF cluster ID: 146583041
GND ID: 4405487-7
Library of Congress authority ID: n80135313
NL CR AUT ID: ge961837
BabelNet ID: 03175048n
J9U ID: 987007559765505171
TOID: 4000000074551464
Vision of Britain place ID: 439
British History Online VCH ID: surrey/vol3/pp447-451
OpenDomesday settlement ID: TQ1364/esher
Vision of Britain unit ID: 10100008
KEPN ID: Surrey/Esher
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Deutsch: Esher ist eine Stadt in der englischen Grafschaft Surrey. Sie gehört zum Borough von Elmbridge und liegt südwestlich von London am Fluss Mole unweit von dessen Mündung in die Themse. Der Name der Stadt wird /iːʃə/ ausgesprochen. Die Einwohnerzahl beträgt 8.387.
English: Esher is a large, mostly suburban, town in the Surrey borough of Elmbridge in South East England east of the River Mole. It is between 13 and 15.4 miles south west of Charing Cross.

Esher is bisected by the A307, traditional Portsmouth Road which for approximately 1 mile (1.6 km) forms its high street. Esher railway station (served by the South West Main Line) connects the town to London Waterloo. Sandown Park Racecourse is in the town near the station.

In the south, Claremont Landscape Garden owned and managed by the National Trust belonged to the British home to Princess Charlotte and her husband Leopold I of Belgium. Accordingly the town was selected to have a fountain by Queen Victoria and has an adjacent Diamond Jubilee column embossed with a relief of the monarch topped by a statue of Britannia. Unite, the union, train representatives at its Esher Place centre and the town has the offices of Elmbridge Borough Council in its high street.
Italiano: Esher è un paese di 8.387 abitanti della contea del Surrey, in Inghilterra.
Nederlands: Voor Escher, zie Maurits Cornelis Escher
Norsk bokmål: Esher er en by i Surrey i distriktet Elmbridge i sørøstlige England i nærheten elven Mole. Det er en forstadsområde omtrent 23 km sørvest for Charing Cross.
Polski: Esher - miasto w Wielkiej Brytanii, w Anglii, w regionie South East England, w hrabstwie Surrey. W 2001r. miasto to zamieszkiwało 8 387 osób.
Română: Esher este un oraş în comitatul Surrey, regiunea South East, Anglia. Oraşul se află în districtul Elmbridge a cărui reşedinţă este.


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