English: Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time.
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Questa categoria contiene le 17 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 17.
File nella categoria "Etymology"
Questa categoria contiene 105 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 105.
1678 La Salle Petitions King Louis XIV.png 368 × 626; 276 KB
1683detailCarteDeLaLouisiane.png 118 × 230; 41 KB
1713 Joutel Title Page Last Voyage of La Salle.png 208 × 380; 140 KB
1883 - origin of dude - Chicago Tribune - 25 Feb 1883.jpg 2 609 × 5 202; 997 KB
1892 Anomalocaris etymology.jpg 740 × 178; 188 KB
1892KirklandStoryOfChicago.png 336 × 257; 171 KB
Abrikot Etymology Map.svg 1 781 × 1 332; 122 KB
Apricot Etymology Map.svg 1 781 × 1 332; 120 KB
Après- post-.png 919 × 345; 56 KB
Black Is White — NYT.jpg 972 × 2 005; 783 KB
Bleğoj kelime kökeni.png 346 × 105; 4 KB
Brill, Chetwode.svg 960 × 720; 5 KB
Bürmoos - Wahamoor - 2020 08 19-5c.jpg 5 184 × 3 456; 3,31 MB
Classical Meitei language etymology of the word “Sanamahi”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 139 KB
Etymology Cider.png 447 × 73; 7 KB
Etymology of a Classical Meitei language term for the “Loktak Lake”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 113 KB
Etymology of a Classical Meitei language term for “blue colour”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 155 KB
Etymology of a Classical Meitei language term for “yellow colour”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 223 KB
Etymology of Diabetes Mellitus.svg 512 × 288; 102 KB
Etymology of the Classical Meitei language term for “brown colour”.jpg 1 440 × 1 080; 203 KB
Etymology of the Classical Meitei language term for “grey colour”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 91 KB
Etymology of the Classical Meitei language term for “yellow colour”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 280 KB
Etymology of the Classical Meitei language term “Kangleipak”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 122 KB
Etymology of the Classical Meitei language term “Sanamahi”.jpg 1 080 × 810; 133 KB
Etymology of the word “Sanamahi” in Classical Meitei language.jpg 1 080 × 810; 125 KB
Etytree Italian descendants of PIE *dáḱru-.png 1 316 × 728; 129 KB
Etytree tear ancestors.png 1 321 × 352; 73 KB
Etytree tear full tree.png 1 320 × 743; 147 KB
Etytree-itwikicon 17.pdf 2 133 × 1 600, 31 pagine; 3,59 MB
Gabriel harvey ok.png 1 672 × 222; 1,06 MB
Gimmick usage 9-Nov-1918.jpg 678 × 311; 45 KB
Glamdring etymologies.svg 1 280 × 720; 100 KB
Gravier Le Boulanger Chicago Etymology Words.png 472 × 147; 57 KB
Haruder.jpg 4 000 × 5 600; 5,58 MB
Image 6-17-22 at 9.02 PM.jpg 1 259 × 318; 90 KB
Ishtiqaqe dictionary k namona.jpg 679 × 960; 118 KB
Jinja etymology.svg 1 686 × 1 767; 20 KB
Kilkile.png 1 923 × 1 198; 721 KB
Knop etymologie.png 35 × 22; 1 KB
Kunoichi graphic etymology.jpg 972 × 716; 69 KB
Latin terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European alphabetical.pdf 1 239 × 1 754, 204 pagine; 1,9 MB
Looking South from Bert‘s Bees HQ.jpg 2 268 × 4 032; 2,41 MB
Mackem1929 (1).jpg 449 × 572; 79 KB
Makem1953.jpg 216 × 312; 39 KB
Mark morton, Canadian author.jpg 2 015 × 2 565; 897 KB
Meta-profond.png 692 × 257; 40 KB
Names for tea.png 1 042 × 500; 156 KB
Names of places in a transferred sense in English; (IA namesofplacesint00efverich).pdf 877 × 1 372, 136 pagine; 6,33 MB
Orange etymology.svg 232 × 149; 250 KB
Ordia compound and derivation graph for the Proto-Indo-European word wodr.png 1 770 × 1 622; 536 KB
Origine e sviluppo del segno cuneiforme KAL.png 1 069 × 407; 55 KB
Oxford University Press Museum (31432074291).jpg 4 795 × 2 852; 4,03 MB
Pistachio etytree.png 1 135 × 773; 179 KB
Proto-premier.png 574 × 208; 28 KB
Reindeer icon in Sutton SignWriting.svg 1 890 × 1 890; 27 KB
Sanskrit-words-bahala-na-chart-BahalaNaMeditations-revised2.png 1 344 × 454; 51 KB
Sign word matrix.png 333 × 234; 27 KB
Sino-Thai Tia and Turkish Ata, A Fatherly Connection Across Languages.png 4 751 × 2 673; 1,05 MB
SzaboEvmenGrammar1924.png 587 × 770; 129 KB
Tafel an der ersten Salzachbrücke.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 2,87 MB
Tasacora project etymology.png 151 × 355; 16 KB
Tasacora project etymology.svg 151 × 355; 45 KB
Tatar – Kul Tigin.jpg 2 172 × 3 404; 1,82 MB
Textiles, and the origin of their names (IA textilesoriginof00megr).pdf 793 × 1 300, 90 pagine; 3,15 MB
The description of the origin of the Meitei name "Nongsaba" ("Nongshaba").jpg 2 160 × 1 186; 422 KB
The Etymology of Disinformation.png 2 092 × 1 349; 372 KB
The Shared Origin of Love and โลภ.png 3 780 × 2 673; 810 KB
Tolkien's Sigelwara Etymologies.svg 900 × 675; 47 KB
Túrós hát.jpg 1 976 × 1 952; 621 KB
Uses of drawback from "An Account of rock-salt" 1699.png 1 370 × 268; 33 KB
Évolution diachronique des termes ”résonner”, ”résonance” et ”résonateur”.png 9 023 × 4 969; 461 KB