Category:Expert systems
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Expert systems"
The following 144 files are in this category, out of 144 total.
Sistema PLN Enfoque Formal.png 363 × 198; 13 KB
A functional architecture for a logistics expert system in a sea based environment (IA afunctionalrchit109451831).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 108 pages; 3.81 MB
Aideaudiagnostic.jpg 976 × 1,012; 91 KB
A model for analyzing aircraft maintenance man-hour costs and the impact of expert systems (IA amodelfornalyzin1094531486).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 136 pages; 4.57 MB
An expert database system for shipboard maintenance (IA anexpertdatabase1094534951).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 96 pages; 3.26 MB
An expert system for the management of hazardous materials at a Naval Supply Center (IA anexpertsystemfo1094530640).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 103 pages; 2.97 MB
An improved system for operational readiness reporting for the ROC Armed Forces (IA animprovedsystem1094532068).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 81 pages; 3.21 MB
Applying multimedia to the MK 92 Mod 2 Maintenance Advisor Expert System (IA applyingmultimed1094543001).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 119 pages; 5.06 MB
A prolog implementation of pattern search to optimize software quality assurance (IA aprologimplement1094530680).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 160 pages; 4.77 MB
Architecture and allocation considerations for group expert systems (IA architectureallo00ratt).pdf 1,195 × 1,566, 96 pages; 3.57 MB
BackwardChaining David C England 1990 p21.gif 1,011 × 719; 18 KB
A baseline expert control system for marine gas turbine compressor surge (IA baselineexpertco00davi).pdf 650 × 835, 94 pages; 4.09 MB
Bez nazvu.png 578 × 85; 7 KB
Can expert system help train tactical action officers- some experiences from an early prototype. (IA canexpertsystemh00zivo).pdf 1,202 × 1,625, 96 pages; 4.25 MB
Agricultural libraries information notes (IA CAT75654148143).pdf 1,077 × 1,614, 22 pages; 2.38 MB
A guide to computer-based analytical tools for implementing national forest plans (IA CAT93501106).pdf 1,060 × 1,527, 278 pages; 19.01 MB
Cognitive feedback as a tool for knowledge acquisition (IA cognitivefeedbac1094534923).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 143 pages; 4.65 MB
A collision-prevention expert system for a Navy Officer of the deck. (IA collisionprevent00lewa).pdf 1,181 × 1,566, 84 pages; 3.63 MB
Computerization of welding information (IA computerizationo781siew).pdf 1,470 × 1,910, 112 pages; 5.56 MB
Computerized support of the pretrial confinement decision-making process in the Marine Corps (IA computerizedsupp00camp).pdf 1,191 × 1,577, 168 pages; 6.23 MB
A computer simulation study of an expert system for walking machine motion planning (IA computersimulati00good).pdf 1,202 × 1,562, 118 pages; 4.85 MB
Conversion, integration, and maintenance issues of Navy Stock Points expert systems (IA conversionintegr1094530713).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 295 pages; 6.95 MB
CUB2D Expert System.jpg 1,677 × 835; 119 KB
Design of a recruiter selection expert system (IA designofrecruite00lorr).pdf 1,197 × 1,577, 130 pages; 4.84 MB
Development of an expert system and software agent for aviation safety assessment (IA developmentofexp00flow).pdf 1,268 × 1,639, 170 pages; 7.43 MB
Development of a knowledge base for use in an Expert System Advisor for Aircraft Scheduling (ESAAMS) (IA developmentofkno00ston).pdf 1,206 × 1,583, 110 pages; 4.89 MB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA developmentofmai00lewi).pdf 1,170 × 1,564, 176 pages; 7.11 MB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA developmentofmai1094540000).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 134 pages; 3.58 MB
Development of a prototype H-46 helicopter diagnostic expert system. (IA developmentofpro00gadz).pdf 1,200 × 1,564, 134 pages; 6.78 MB
Development of a prototype multichannel communications network maintenance expert system. (IA developmentofpro00yavo).pdf 1,204 × 1,579, 94 pages; 4.79 MB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA developmentofstr1094530580).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 157 pages; 4.14 MB
Diagnostic expert systems use in the United States Navy (IA diagnosticexpert00ivey).pdf 835 × 1,081, 82 pages; 3.07 MB
A Dues Management expert system for inventory managers at retail stock points (IA duesmanagementex00potw).pdf 1,227 × 1,650, 108 pages; 4.44 MB
EMYCIN-PROLOG expert system shell. (IA emycinprologexpe00ulug).pdf 1,170 × 1,558, 200 pages; 7.43 MB
Equipment readiness codes expert system using Joshua for U.S. Army Combat Development (IA equipmentreadine1094527725).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 98 pages; 2.45 MB
ESKAPE-CF - a knowledge acquisition tool for expert systems using cognitive feedback (IA eskapecfknowledg00conn).pdf 1,175 × 1,575, 100 pages; 4.42 MB
An evaluation of the potential for expert system application to marine gas turbine control (IA evaluationofpote00davi).pdf 1,235 × 1,664, 20 pages; 851 KB
Expert System CUB2D.jpg 3,508 × 1,747; 1.34 MB
Expert System SpA logo.jpg 527 × 245; 57 KB
Expert system structure.png 895 × 412; 16 KB
Expert Systems.png 598 × 598; 47 KB
The expert assistance system for the NBS network access machine (IA expertassistance5006watk).pdf 1,141 × 1,518, 52 pages; 1.85 MB
Expert Control System Shell, version 1.0- user's guide (IA expertcontrolsys5601osel).pdf 1,181 × 1,620, 46 pages; 1.8 MB
Expert database support of the integrated manufacturing system (IA expertdatabasesu00wilb).pdf 1,195 × 1,583, 144 pages; 6.45 MB
EXPERTENSYSTEM.png 320 × 206; 84 KB
An expert system application for SERMIS. (IA expertsystemappl00ripp).pdf 1,412 × 1,881, 116 pages; 4.71 MB
An expert system for aviation squadron flight scheduling. (IA expertsystemfora00ocon).pdf 1,197 × 1,585, 114 pages; 4.51 MB
An expert system for the diagnosis of vehicle malfunctions. (IA expertsystemford00sele).pdf 1,202 × 1,566, 90 pages; 3.72 MB
An expert system for high level motion control for an autonomous mobile robot (IA expertsystemforh00fish).pdf 1,131 × 1,556, 114 pages; 5.18 MB
An expert system for inventory managers at retail stock points. (IA expertsystemfori00schi).pdf 1,183 × 1,600, 108 pages; 4.88 MB
An expert system for logistics force development. (IA expertsystemforl00chad).pdf 1,202 × 1,568, 100 pages; 4.24 MB
An expert system for managing storage space constraints aboard United States naval vessels. (IA expertsystemform00uvam).pdf 1,177 × 1,566, 170 pages; 6.64 MB
An expert system for processing uncorrelated satellite tracks. (IA expertsystemforp00heck).pdf 833 × 1,102, 252 pages; 10.68 MB
An expert system for reward systems design. (IA expertsystemforr00ertu).pdf 1,189 × 1,612, 124 pages; 4.8 MB
An expert system model for an integrated intelligence information system (IA expertsystemmode00mcle).pdf 1,189 × 1,566, 112 pages; 4.61 MB
An expert systems approach to military decision support in an air defense scenario (IA expertsystemsapp00dodd).pdf 1,200 × 1,560, 108 pages; 4.68 MB
Expert systems and Command (IA expertsystemscom00minn).pdf 1,197 × 1,572, 114 pages; 4.64 MB
Expert systems development utilizing heuristic methods. (IA expertsystemsdev00lewi).pdf 1,193 × 1,633, 86 pages; 3.01 MB
Expert systems and emergency management (IA expertsystemseme728gass).pdf 1,460 × 1,887, 184 pages; 9.25 MB
Expert systems in Civil Engineering. (IA expertsystemsinc00wall).pdf 1,175 × 1,595, 206 pages; 5.44 MB
ExpertSystemSketch.jpg 633 × 212; 24 KB
An expert system to detect espionage through credit record analysis (IA expertsystemtode00sala).pdf 652 × 854, 166 pages; 6.92 MB
Explosive ordnance disposal associate - an expert system for landmine identification (IA explosiveordnanc00arca).pdf 1,131 × 1,577, 154 pages; 5.92 MB
Guide to expert system building tools for microcomputers (IA guidetoexpertsys5001dabr).pdf 1,222 × 1,627, 164 pages; 7.88 MB
Highway concrete (HWYCON) expert system user reference and enhancement guide (IA highwayconcreteh5184kaet).pdf 1,212 × 1,595, 186 pages; 7.13 MB
Highway Concrete (HWYCON) expert system requirements and installation guide (IA highwayconcreteh5190kaet).pdf 1,135 × 1,600, 36 pages; 1.22 MB
Image interpretation using an expert system. (IA imageinterpretat00rued).pdf 1,189 × 1,643, 112 pages; 5.8 MB
Implementation-of-expert-systems-to-support-the-functional-evaluation-of-stand-to-sit-activity-1475-925X-13-98-S3.ogv 1 min 53 s, 640 × 480; 4.16 MB
An interactive environment for the development of an expert system in ZOG (IA interactiveenvir00butl).pdf 1,168 × 1,570, 74 pages; 3.56 MB
Automated pattern recognition- self-generating expert systems for the future (IA jresv90n6p521 A1b).pdf 1,222 × 1,654, 3 pages; 185 KB
Expert systems and robotics (IA jresv93n3p209).pdf 1,222 × 1,654, 4 pages; 205 KB
Knowledge acquisition for an expert system at retail stock points. (IA knowledgeacquisi00west).pdf 1,218 × 1,589, 82 pages; 3.47 MB
Mine Burial Expert System for change of MIW doctrine (IA mineburialexpert109455484).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 161 pages; 1.91 MB
MK 92 MOD 2 Fire Control System Maintenance Advisor Expert System - implementation and deployment (IA mkmodfirecontrol1094530795).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 147 pages; 5.28 MB
MP-LRO Expert System.jpg 1,275 × 1,753; 138 KB
Naval Aviation Maintenance Decision Support System (IA navalaviationmai00alle).pdf 650 × 854, 126 pages; 5.43 MB
NOTICE- A tutorial expert system for Federal Government notice requirement disputes (IA noticeatutoriale1094542107).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 121 pages; 3.76 MB
Noun topic 2334509 0066cc.svg 100 × 100; 1 KB
NPSNET- a graphical based expert system to model P-3 aircraft interaction with submarines and ships (IA npsnetgraphicalb00schm).pdf 1,112 × 1,591, 96 pages; 5.13 MB
NPSNET- physically based, autonomous, naval surface agents (IA npsnetphysically1094539950).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 82 pages; 3.28 MB
Outline of an expert system approach to residential air infiltration (IA outlineofexperts8633pers).pdf 1,243 × 1,712, 24 pages; 1.32 MB
Pilot emergency tutoring system for F-4 aircraft fuel system malfunction using means-ends analysis (IA pilotemergencytu1094527768).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 138 pages; 15.23 MB
Preliminary PANSAT ground station software design and use of an expert system to analyze telemetry (IA preliminarypansa00lawr).pdf 1,150 × 1,552, 140 pages; 5.94 MB
Principe diagnostic modele.png 369 × 227; 4 KB
Prioritizing asbestos removal from various facilities using the INSIGHT II expert system. (IA prioritizingasbe00dish).pdf 1,189 × 1,585, 210 pages; 6.75 MB
Profile of the successful recruiter. (IA profileofsuccess00gand).pdf 1,189 × 1,560, 186 pages; 8.63 MB
A prototype expert system which assigns aviation maintenance personnel to squadron billets (IA prototypeexperts00alst).pdf 1,195 × 1,570, 128 pages; 5.11 MB
A prototype expert system to forecast typhoon conditions at Cubi Point, Philippines (IA prototypeexperts00haga).pdf 1,189 × 1,572, 106 pages; 5.19 MB
A prototype expert system to forecast severe winds in the western Mediterranean Sea. (IA prototypeexperts00jone).pdf 1,195 × 1,583, 148 pages; 7.31 MB
A prototype rule based system for electronic warfare. (IA prototyperulebas00hsiu).pdf 1,195 × 1,554, 98 pages; 4.13 MB
A prototype semantic integrity front end expert system for a relational database. (IA prototypesemanti00sali).pdf 1,164 × 1,572, 150 pages; 5.79 MB
Q-xps-aufbau.png 320 × 350; 191 KB
A rule-based system for shipboard air defense. (IA rulebasedsystemf00wang).pdf 1,156 × 1,560, 74 pages; 3.29 MB
SPEEDS - an approach to support programming environments using expert database systems. (IA speedsapproachto00boxa).pdf 1,189 × 1,591, 90 pages; 3.84 MB
Strategic planning for DFAS-Cleveland expert systems (IA strategicplannin00schw).pdf 1,195 × 1,575, 108 pages; 3.98 MB
A TAO ASW expert system prototype. (IA taoaswexpertsyst00gost).pdf 1,177 × 1,606, 74 pages; 2.54 MB
Theory and application of expert systems in emergency management operations (IA theoryapplicatio717gass).pdf 1,239 × 1,629, 268 pages; 13.8 MB
The role of expert systems in federated distributed multi-database systems-Ince Levent. (IA theroleofexperts109459362).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 253 pages; 8.78 MB
Tuvshin.png 663 × 296; 21 KB
USAR recruiting success factors (IA usarrecruitingsu00thom).pdf 1,222 × 1,629, 170 pages; 8.78 MB
The use of financial information in security clearance procedures (IA useoffinancialin00eusk).pdf 1,150 × 1,604, 30 pages; 1.13 MB
Using expert systems in mine warfare. (IA usingexpertsyste1094530957).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 91 pages; 3.01 MB
Using expert systems to conduct vulnerability assessments (IA usingexpertsyste1094532258).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 112 pages; 4.78 MB
Working Memory.png 720 × 405; 16 KB
Експертна система.png 659 × 344; 11 KB