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English: Femicide or Feminicide is broadly defined as the killing of women but definitions vary depending on the cultural context. Feminist author Diana E. H. Russell is one of the early pioneers of the term, and she currently defines the word as "the killing of females by males because they are females." Other feminists place emphasis on the intention or purpose of the act being directed at females specifically because they are female; others include the killing of females by females when the murder is done in the name of male-centered views. Most emphasize the idea that the murders are motivated, directly or indirectly, by misogynist and sexist motives. Oftentimes, the necessity of defining the murder of females separately from overall homicide is questioned. Opponents argue that over 80% of all murders are of men, so the term places too much emphasis on the less prevalent murder of females. An alternative term offered is gendercide which is more ambiguous and inclusive. However, feminists argue that the term gendercide perpetrates the taboo of the subject of the murder of females. Feminists also argue that the motives for femicide are vastly different than those for homicide. Instead of centering in street violence, much of femicide is centered within the home.
<nowiki>feminicidio; Фемицид; Feminizidio; Feminicidiu; фемицид; Femizid; femicide; Ֆեմիցիդ; 性别灭绝; Femicide; Feminicid; عورت کا قتل; 性别灭绝; Reizhlazh; femicide; femicidi; רצח נשים; Feminicidio; 性別滅絕; महिलाओं की हत्या; жанчынабойства; 젠더사이드; নাৰীহত্যা; femicido; femicida; பெண் கொலை; femminicidio; নারীহত্যা; féminicide; feminicidi; naisetapp; ფემიციდი; Фемицид; Femicid; Femitsid; Hominocido; Femisida; feminicídio; کشتن زنان; Femicid; феміцид; фемицид; femicid; femicide; Feminicídio; د ښځو وژل د کرکې په بنسټ; อิตถีฆาต; kobietobójstwo; drap på kvinner; Femisid; 性別滅絕; naismurha; kadın cinayeti; کوشتنی ژن; femicide; قتل النساء; γυναικοκτονία; 女性殺害; muerte o asesinato de individuos del sexo femenino (mujeres o niñas) por motivos de género; meurtre d'une femme ou d'une jeune fille en raison de son sexe; убийства женщин, совершаемые на почве ненависти к ним; vorsätzliche Tötung von Frauen aufgrund ihres Geschlechts; morte intencional de pessoas do sexo feminino em razão do gênero; کشتن هدفمند و تبعیض آمیز زنان به خاطر زن بودن توسط همسران سابق یا مردانی که تحت هر عنوانی با آن‌ها در ارتباط هستند; ქალებზე ძალადობის უკიდურესი გამოვლინება; morte intencional de pessoas do sexo feminino em razão do gênero; namerno ubijanje žensk ali deklet zaradi njihovega spola; mord på flickor eller kvinnor specifikt på grund av deras kön; zachowanie skutkujące śmiercią osób płci żeńskiej; вбивства жінок на ґрунті ненависті до них; moord op een vrouw; φόνος γυναίκας από πρόθεση εξαιτίας του φύλου της; intentional killing or other violent deaths of females (women or girls) because of their gender; פשע שנאה נגד נשים; omicidio in cui una donna viene uccisa da un individuo per motivi basati sul genere; crime de odio baseado no xénero, amplamente definido como o asasinato de mulleres; Penghilangan nyawa perempuan berhubungan dengan identitas gendernya; genderově motivovaná vražda ženy; பெண்களை அவர்கள் பெண்கள் என்ற காரணத்திற்காக செய்யப்படும் படுகொலைகள்; femicidio; feminocidio; fémicide; gynocide; gynécide; фэміцыд; убийство женщины; феминицид; Frauenmord; Feminizid; feminicidi; زن‌کشی; 屠杀女性; 殺害女性; Kvindemord; フェミサイド; פמיסייד; רצח בנות; רצח נקבות; vrouwenmoord; 屠殺女性; नारीहत्या; 여성살해; famicide; feminicide; feminicido; Femmicidio; жінковбивство; убивство жінок</nowiki>
omicidio in cui una donna viene uccisa da un individuo per motivi basati sul genere
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File nella categoria "Femicide"

Questa categoria contiene 40 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 40.