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Category:Football League Championship

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<nowiki>EFL Championship; Enska meistaradeildin; ၶျႅၼ်ႇပီႇယႅၼ်ႇသျိပ်ႉ ဢီးၾႅပ်ႉဢႄႇလ်; Kejohanan EFL Inggeris; EFL Championship; Чемпиъншип; EFL Championship; EFL Championship; Чемпіонат Футбольної ліги Англії; 英格蘭足球冠軍聯賽; EFL 챔피언십; Англия футбол лигасының Чемпионшипы; Чемпионшип лига; Football League Championship; championnat d'Angleterre de football de deuxième division; Liga Championship Inggris; Football League Championship; Giải vô địch bóng đá Anh; Anglijas futbola čempionāts; Football League Championship; Друга лига Енглеске у фудбалу; EFL Championship; Football League Championship; Football League Championship; EFL Championship; Çempionşip; پاڵەوانێتی پلە یەکی تۆپی پێی ئینگلیزی; EFL Championship; دوري البطولة الإنجليزية; 英格蘭冠軍足球聯賽; angol labdarúgó-bajnokság; English Football League Championship; English Football League Championship; Чемпионат Футбольной лиги Англии; Y Bencampwriaeth (pêl-droed); EFL Championship; چمپیونشیپ; 英格蘭足球冠軍聯賽; Football League Championship; ინგლისის საფეხბურთო ლიგის ჩემპიონატი; フットボールリーグ・チャンピオンシップ; פוטבול ליג צ'מפיונשיפ; EFL Championship; 英格兰足球冠军联赛; Englannin mestaruussarja; Football League Championship; Football League Championship; Football League Championship; EFL Championship; ฟุตบอลลีกแชมเปียนชิป; Τσάμπιονσιπ; Football League Championship; Football League Championship; EFL Championship; EFL Championship; Чэмпіянат футбольнай лігі Ангельшчыны; EFL Championship; Liga Championship Inggris; EFL Championship; چمپیونشیپ; EFL Championship; EFL Championship; Чэмпіёншып Англійскай футбольнай лігі; Չեմպիոնշիպ; Football League Championship; Football League Championship; Football League Championship; 英格兰足球冠军联赛; Football League Championship; segunda Liga inglesa de fútbol; compétition de football en Angleterre, au Royaume-Uni; другі дывізіён чэмпіянату Ангельшчыны па футболе; Tingkat kedua liga bola sepak Inggeris; zweithöchste englische Fußball-Spielklasse; giải đấu bóng đá hạng hai ở Anh; English football league; دومین لیگ معتبر فوتبال انگلستان; druga nogometna liga v Angliji in Walesu; イングランドのサッカー2部リーグ; Один из дивизионов в Английской футбольной лиге; The Championship Adalah Liga Sepakbola Tingkat ke-2 dalam Sistem Liga Sepakbola di Inggris; Englands andradivision i fotboll för herrar; 2. poziom rozgrywek ligowych w piłce nożnej mężczyzn w Anglii; ליגת כדורגל; voetbalcompetitie in Engeland; az angol labdarúgó-bajnokság másodosztálya; другий дивізіон в системі футбольних ліг Англії; nest høyeste divisjon i det engelske ligasystemet i fotball for menn; 잉글랜드의 남자 축구 2부 리그; second tier of the football pyramid of professional football league in England; seconda divisione professionistica del campionato inglese di calcio maschile della FA; màxima competició futbolística de la Football League, i la segona de la Lliga anglesa de futbol; competiție de fotbal din Anglia; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; EFL Championship; Чэмпіёншып; Kejohanan Sky Bet; The Championship; Football League Championship; Sky Bet Championship; English Football League Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; Division 1; The Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; 英冠; The Championship; The Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; The Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; Чемпіоншип; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; 풋볼 리그 챔피언십; 챔피언십; 잉글리시 풋볼 리그 챔피언십; The Championship; English Football League Championship; Football League Championship; Sky Bet Championship; Football League Championship; Ίνγκλις Φούτμπολ Λιγκ Τσάμπιονσιπ; Φούτμπολ Λιγκ Τσάμπιονσιπ; Football League Championship</nowiki>
EFL 챔피언십 
잉글랜드의 남자 축구 2부 리그
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다음의 한 부분임
  • 잉글랜드 축구 리그 시스템 (2)
  • 영국
참가자 수
  • 24
만들어진 날
  • 2004년
공식 웹사이트
전거 통제
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