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English: The fourragère is a military award, distinguishing military units as a whole. The award has been firstly adopted by France, followed by other nations such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal. In the USA is it named: W:Honor cords
<nowiki>Fourragère; Fourragère; Aiguillette; fourragère; фуражёр; Fourragère; alamares; fourragère; ضفيرة القوردون; สายยงยศ; знак отличия на униформу в виде полуаксельбанта; décoration militaire; cordão trançado honorífico usado em uniformes militares; honorific braided cord worn on military uniforms; وسام عسكري; Ehrenzeichen an der Uniform von Angehörigen der militärischen Einheiten Frankreichs; honorific braided cord worn on military uniforms; фуражер</nowiki>
honorific braided cord worn on military uniforms
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Media in categorie "Fourragère"

Deze categorie bevat de volgende 69 bestanden, van in totaal 69.