Category:Fraternal organizations
fraternity organized as an order | |||||
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This category has the following 36 subcategories, out of 36 total.
- Philanthropia (2 F)
- Rite forestier (6 F)
- Swedish Cultural Center (11 F)
- Fraternities (text) (10 F)
Media in category "Fraternal organizations"
The following 157 files are in this category, out of 157 total.
15 of our 20 founding fathers.jpg 604 × 448; 58 KB
2005 Finbarre Cathedral Chair.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 2.15 MB
6586913 orig.jpg 256 × 256; 41 KB
Administrative Regions of La Unidad Latina Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Incorporated.png 5,000 × 3,500; 1.33 MB
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity Coat of Arms.png 1,204 × 1,680; 132 KB
Alpha Omega Kappa.png 3,000 × 2,400; 936 KB
AMORC House in Den Haag van de Rozekruizers Orde Nederland.jpg 1,200 × 900; 556 KB
AMOS fezzes.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.31 MB
Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society Membership Certificate 1883 01.jpg 2,799 × 3,482; 2.67 MB
Ancient Order of Foresters of America Membership Certificate 1894.jpg 2,497 × 3,212; 1.9 MB
Antedeluvian Strangeness (16829880205).jpg 1,554 × 1,199; 714 KB
Arms Wily Goat.png 651 × 656; 139 KB
Attendees at the 66th Annual B'nai Brith Banquet, St. Paul (4418733369).jpg 1,026 × 621; 93 KB
Elks Club, Mobile, Ala (NYPL b12647398-62798).tiff 2,328 × 1,414; 9.42 MB
Badge of Phi Alpha Gamma fraternity.jpg 178 × 132; 5 KB
Badge of Phi Delta Delta women's legal fraternity.jpg 173 × 228; 11 KB
Betaupsilondeltacrest.jpg 800 × 600; 202 KB
Birgittinerriddarorden.jpg 266 × 680; 27 KB
Cartel antiguo Hermandad de los Dolores.jpg 800 × 1,544; 240 KB
CasaClubSigma.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 720 KB
Charter members of Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Chapter.png 154 × 296; 42 KB
Civil War veteran wearing a Grand Army of the Republic badge (17040899457).jpg 686 × 1,000; 352 KB
CNH Key Club District.jpg 872 × 953; 72 KB
De Souvereine Orde van de Tempel van Jerusalem.jpg 227 × 491; 17 KB
Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau Fraternity - Kappa Chapter House.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.79 MB
Delta phi omicron.jpg 200 × 217; 14 KB
Delta Rho Upsilon Fraternity 2013-07-11 17-12.jpg 204 × 240; 18 KB
Delta Sigma Aim.jpg 360 × 173; 15 KB
Delta Sigma Delmanians.jpg 3,456 × 2,592; 532 KB
Diplome CSLI.jpg 558 × 790; 55 KB
Diplome MMLJ.jpg 532 × 736; 58 KB
Dolores Dos Hermanas.jpg 1,273 × 1,881; 756 KB
East Portland Eagles lodge exterior.jpg 2,093 × 1,280; 496 KB
ELKS Club logo color.svg 506 × 488; 87 KB
Entrada de la virgen de los dolores.JPG 3,194 × 2,256; 1.29 MB
Escudo de la hermandad de los dolores.jpg 629 × 497; 121 KB
Escudo Hermandad de los Dolores.jpg 1,139 × 1,797; 166 KB
EscudoCofradíaStmoCristoCrucificado.JPG 132 × 141; 3 KB
EstandarteHermanamientoStmoCristoCrucificado.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 4.17 MB
Fall Rally South 2008.jpg 693 × 588; 80 KB
Feta.jpg 200 × 261; 23 KB
Fil-frat-sor.png 4,701 × 4,701; 1.74 MB
First badge of Phi Rho Sigma Fraternity image lightened.png 311 × 223; 42 KB
First badge of Phi Rho Sigma fraternity.png 311 × 223; 39 KB
FPS NAZARENO126.jpg 1,251 × 2,000; 1.65 MB
Gamma Phi Gamma crest, Wilmngton Colllege 1923.png 279 × 314; 233 KB
GardenersArms01.png 328 × 316; 30 KB
George Washington Birthday Celebration Building, Laredo, TX IMG 0809.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.19 MB
Gpd shield.jpg 100 × 100; 6 KB
Grootkruis Wetenschappelijke Verdienste.jpg 390 × 363; 28 KB
Grootkruis, ster en lint van de Orde van de Verlosser.jpg 378 × 756; 56 KB
GUYZ SEAL.jpg 624 × 513; 29 KB
Het grootlint van de Orde van Sint Hubertus.jpg 259 × 566; 25 KB
Het kruisvan een dame in de orde van Theresia Beieren 1827.jpg 662 × 529; 60 KB
Image shield.png 1,242 × 2,208; 562 KB
Imagen antigua del señor de los milagros - huacho.jpg 410 × 600; 33 KB
James McIlvaine Riley.jpg 863 × 1,213; 464 KB
Jesus del Gran Poder(Dos Hermanas).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 703 KB
Kappa Omega Epsilon.png 446 × 426; 20 KB
Kappans-Community-Service.png 960 × 720; 990 KB
Kiwins-logo.png 246 × 245; 16 KB
Knights of honor LCCN2003677807.jpg 5,826 × 7,227; 7.65 MB
Knights of honor LCCN2003677807.tif 5,826 × 7,227; 120.48 MB
Knights of honor. Certificate of membership LCCN2003670328.jpg 6,624 × 7,960; 9.52 MB
Knights of honor. Certificate of membership LCCN2003670328.tif 6,624 × 7,960; 150.96 MB
Ku Klux Klan Honor Society Illinois.jpg 1,102 × 1,600; 246 KB
Lambda beta phi logo.jpg 894 × 894; 99 KB
Lambda divas.jpg 480 × 263; 44 KB
Liber brunensis (1910) (14591383410).jpg 2,244 × 1,464; 906 KB
Liber brunensis (1910) (14591432259).jpg 2,448 × 1,236; 486 KB
Liber brunensis (1910) (14755355156).jpg 2,040 × 1,532; 834 KB
Liber brunensis (1910) (14778351605).jpg 2,260 × 1,396; 338 KB
LIU CREST DELHI 1998.png 2,855 × 2,597; 2.79 MB
Logo Marnixring.jpg 383 × 383; 19 KB
LSUAIDSWalk Quilt.jpg 720 × 480; 131 KB
Malik Sigma Psi Snake.png 972 × 798; 1.22 MB
Marnixringzonnewijzer.jpg 800 × 618; 108 KB
MarreroLALionsHall.JPG 2,537 × 1,903; 1.53 MB
Masonic Temple, Tacoma, Washington, ca 1927 (WASTATE 665).jpg 768 × 595; 62 KB
Medaille Lenin 100 jaar 1970.jpg 229 × 429; 20 KB
Men affiliated with Central Community House, St. Paul (4419492844).jpg 1,027 × 855; 76 KB
Militaersanitaetsorden der Eerste Klasse aan lint.jpg 280 × 410; 24 KB
Noble Order of Muscovites.jpg 2,048 × 1,236; 1.5 MB
Ntra. Sra. de la Soledad.jpg 2,000 × 3,008; 3.24 MB
O.D. - archive.jpg 1,378 × 1,521; 1.68 MB
Official Insignia of Noble Order of Fleur-De-Lis.png 529 × 529; 100 KB
Omega 20th.jpg 1,393 × 599; 176 KB
Palio del Gran Poder(Dos Hermanas).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 703 KB
Paso Gordo.jpg 600 × 450; 138 KB
Pedis studium 2.png 160 × 239; 23 KB
Peter Rasmussen.png 142 × 196; 66 KB
Phi Delta Nu Sorority, Inc..png 6,210 × 6,220; 1.24 MB
Phi Delta Nu Sorority,Inc..jpg 1,051 × 1,114; 168 KB
Philanthropia Logo.png 414 × 442; 101 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1909 (3191861179).jpg 2,984 × 2,392; 633 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1910 (3192740418).jpg 3,004 × 2,452; 787 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1911 (3192266862).jpg 2,996 × 2,404; 1,000 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1912 (3190841175).jpg 2,996 × 2,408; 787 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1913 (3192152700).jpg 3,000 × 2,404; 763 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1915 (3191504742).jpg 3,004 × 2,392; 878 KB
Phrenecon Society group portrait 1915 (3191717142).jpg 3,000 × 2,400; 797 KB
Police Mutual.jpg 103 × 53; 7 KB
Prieure de sion-logo.png 424 × 600; 71 KB
Project Care.png 1,654 × 863; 6 KB
Rainbow Fraternity Badge, circa 1898.jpg 167 × 164; 10 KB
Rivans Logo (2).jpg 944 × 882; 381 KB
Robert Cushman Murphy in Liber brunensis (1910) (cropped).jpg 440 × 328; 34 KB
Salidaasuncion.JPG 1,280 × 960; 196 KB
Seal-evolution gammakappaphi.png 850 × 170; 260 KB
Seal-version-conflict.png 2,691 × 1,229; 862 KB
SealAndSerpentLodge small.jpg 200 × 150; 7 KB
Sello cofradia Soledad.jpg 507 × 540; 91 KB
Señor de los milagros 141.jpg 1,024 × 768; 414 KB
Señor del santo sepulcro de huacho.jpg 650 × 428; 60 KB
Sigmapsicrest.jpg 175 × 175; 38 KB
Soledad 2003.JPG 3,460 × 4,680; 4.31 MB
SRNMJ Eagle Small Color.jpg 1,353 × 1,232; 897 KB
St Anthony Hall (No. 6 Club), MIT March 10 2011.jpg 4,256 × 2,832; 1.22 MB
StmoCristoCrucificado2.jpg 1,632 × 1,232; 739 KB
StmoCristoCrucificadoCuaresma.JPG 2,304 × 3,072; 4.05 MB
StmoCristoCrucificadoViaCrucis2007Reme2.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.78 MB
StmoCristoCrucificadoViaCrucisEpi.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.3 MB
StmoCristoCrucificadoViaCrucisLucia.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.79 MB
Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity badge.jpg 134 × 179; 7 KB
Tau-kappa-phi-upsilon.jpg 312 × 319; 20 KB
Temple Building, headquarters of the Independent Order of Foresters.JPG 611 × 868; 107 KB
TEP BANNER OFFICIAL.png 1,080 × 1,080; 54 KB
The Official Coat of Arms of Alpha Delta Phi-Philippines, Inc. 02.jpg 2,048 × 1,462; 279 KB
The Order of the Royal Red Cross and bar.jpg 685 × 491; 49 KB
The Royal Order of Ponce de Leon Conquistadors in Punta Gorda.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.23 MB
Traje Descendimiento Requena.jpg 397 × 822; 78 KB
Trono.jpg 2,461 × 1,740; 977 KB
Upsilon Alpha Beta 1969.jpg 400 × 400; 23 KB
UVA SIGMA NU HOUSE.jpg 600 × 450; 52 KB
Veronica Requena.JPG 1,824 × 1,216; 835 KB
Viernes santo Tambores.jpg 2,184 × 2,912; 1.14 MB
Vijftigurencantus.jpg 800 × 600; 59 KB
Wine Psi Phi fraternity shield.png 243 × 276; 80 KB
Zeta Phi Eta Founders.png 817 × 300; 517 KB
جمعية الشبان المسلمين الموصل.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 6.29 MB