Category:Gallbladder cancer

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Radiology: Computed tomography | Anatomical pathology: Gross pathology · Histopathology | Other: Cancer staging | File format: SVG |
<nowiki>cáncer de vesícula; epehólyagrák; besikulako minbizi; càncer de vesícula biliar; Gallenblasenkarzinom; Լեղապարկի քաղցկեղ; 膽癌; galdeblæreskræft; Safra kesesi kanseri; 胆嚢癌; Ciwon daji na madaciya; gallblåsecancer; рак жовчного міхура; Ọrịa kansa akpịrị; पित्ताशय का कर्कट रोग; Sappirakkosyöpä; galvezika kancero; rakovina žlučníku; பித்தப்பை புற்றுநோய்; cancro della cistifellea; cancer de la vésicule biliaire; ފިތުގެ ކެންސަރު; Ung thư túi mật; 담낭암; Καρκίνος της χοληδόχου κύστης; ପିତ୍ତକୋଷ କର୍କଟ ‎; rak žolčnika; סרטן כיס המרה; câncer de vesícula biliar; canser y coden fustl; Kanker kandung empedu; Rak pęcherzyka żółciowego; Kreft i galleblæra; Öd kisəsin bəd xassəli şişi; aillse an domblais-adha; рак жёлчного пузыря; سرطان کیسه صفرا; galblaaskanker; gallbladder cancer; سرطان الحويصلة الصفراوية; càncaro de ła cistifèłea; cancro da vesícula biliar; Virus; 胆嚢から発生する悪性腫瘍; cançer virus; Bösartiger Tumor des Gallenwegssystems; 담낭 혹은 담관에 발생하는 암; biliary tract cancer that is located in the gallbladder; مرض يصيب الإنسان; tipo di tumore; ଏହା ଏକ ପ୍ରକାର କର୍କଟ ରୋଗ ଯାହା ପିତ୍ତକୋଷ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଆରମ୍ଭ ହୁଏ |; cáncer de la vesícula biliar; cáncer de vesícula biliar; cancer de vesicula; cancer de la vesicula biliar; cancer de vesicula biliar; 胆囊癌; 胆嚢がん; 胆嚢ガン; 쓸개암; gallbladder Ca; localized malignant gallbladder neoplasm; malignant neoplasm of gallbladder; malignant tumor of the gallbladder; malignant tumour of gallbladder; malignant neoplasm of gall bladder; gall bladder cancer; cancer of gall bladder; Malignant Neoplasm of the Gallbladder; Malignant Gallbladder Tumor; Malignant Tumor of Gallbladder; malignant gall bladder neoplasm; Malignant Gallbladder Neoplasm; tumore della cistifellea; carcinoma della cistifellea; cancro della colecisti; tumore della colecisti; carcinoma della colecisti; càncer de bufeta biliar; maligni tumor žolčnka; maligna novotvorba žolčnika; maligna neoplazma žolčnika</nowiki>
gallbladder cancer 
biliary tract cancer that is located in the gallbladder
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Wikidata Q977787
NDL Authority ID: 00730925
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This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.