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Category:Garrison churches

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Italiano: Chiese di guarnigioni militari.
<nowiki>chiesa militare; Église de la Garnison; Garnizoenskerk; església castrense; Garnisonkirche; sotilaskirkko; garrison church; iglesia castrense; Posádkový kostel; igrexa castrense; church (building) used for the religious service of the armed forces; iglesia (edificio) destinado al servicio religioso de la fuerzas armadas; Kirchengebäude des am Ort stationierte Militärs; Kerkgebouw voor militairen die ter plaatse zijn gestationeerd; Iglesia de cuartel; iglesia castrense; iglesia militar; capilla castrense; capilla militar; Iglesia de acuartelamiento; Garnisonskirche; Standortkirche; Militärkirche; varuskuntakirkko; military church; military chapel; garrison church; església militar; capella militar; capella castrense; église militaire; chapelle militaire; militair kerkgebouw</nowiki>
garrison church 
church (building) used for the religious service of the armed forces
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  • Military parish
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Media in category "Garrison churches"

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