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<nowiki>génération sociologique; культурніцкае пакаленьне; soziale Kohorte; cultural generation; 文化中的世代; kültürel nesil; 世代; kulturell generasjon; דור תרבותי; culturele generatie; cultural generation; kulturna generacija; cultural generation; культурні покоління; cultural generation; جيل ثقافي; културна генерација; kultura generacio; yaş, kültür ve/veya siyaset nedeniyle bir grup insanın gruplandırılması; grouping of a group of people due to age, culture, and/or politics; grouping of a group of people due to age, culture, and/or politics; grouping of a group of people due to age, culture, and/or politics; grouping of a group of people due to age, culture, and/or politics; تجميع مجموعة من الأشخاص بسبب العمر و/أو الثقافة و/أو السياسة; kültürel kuşak; sosyolojik nesil; sosyolojik kuşak; 文化的世代; 社会学的世代; 世代集団; 世代群; пакаленьне; sosiologisk generasjon; sociological generation; sociological generation; sociological generation; sociological generation; 世代</nowiki>
cultural generation 
grouping of a group of people due to age, culture, and/or politics
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  • cultural community
  • cohort
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This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.






Pages in category "Generations"

This category contains only the following page.

Media in category "Generations"

The following 46 files are in this category, out of 46 total.