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العربية: يطلق اسم الإبادة على سياسة القتل الجماعي المنظمة ضد مختلف الجماعات.
English: Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious or national group. While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Article 2 of this defines genocide as
- ...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
- (a) Killing members of the group;
- (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. [1]
Español: El genocidio o asesinato de masas es un delito internacional que consiste en la comisión, por funcionarios del Estado o particulares, de un exterminio o eliminación sistemática de un grupo social por motivos de nacionalidad, etnia, raza o religión.
Français : Un génocide est l'extermination physique, intentionnelle, systématique et programmée d'un groupe ou d'une partie d'un groupe ethnique, national, religieux ou racial.
Русский: Геноци́д (от Template:Lang-el — род, племя и Template:Lang-la — убиваю) — действия, совершаемые с намерением уничтожить, полностью или частично, какую-либо национальную, этническую, расовую группу или религиозную группу как таковую путём:
- убийства членов этой группы;
- причинения тяжкого вреда их здоровью;
- насильственного воспрепятствования деторождению;
- принудительной передачи детей;
- либо иного создания жизненных условий, рассчитанных на физическое уничтожение членов этой группы.
misdaad van stelselmatige en opzettelijke uitroeiing van een etnische groep, of van een deel daarvan | |||||
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Deze categorie bevat de volgende 35 subcategorieën, van de 35 in totaal.
- 1971 Bangladesh genocide (5 B)
- Great Gypsy Round-up (2 B)
- Isaaq genocide (14 B)
- Midian war (5 B)
- Southern Kaduna Genocide (12 B)
- Lyal S. Sunga (5 B)
Media in categorie "Genocide"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 76 bestanden, van in totaal 76.
- 204 × 95; 6 kB
AHMA to Tali Nates in Pretoria.jpg 2.370 × 2.805; 1,37 MB
Albanians in Belgrade prison.jpg 792 × 598; 106 kB
Arsenic telegram.jpg 520 × 375; 149 kB
Artsakh ration stamps.jpg 2.048 × 1.335; 430 kB
Atrocious Outrage on the Last Native Tasmanian (Grey River Argus reprint).djvu 851 × 7.613; 2,07 MB
BANDERA, STEFAN 0016.pdf 1.270 × 1.650, 35 pagina's; 5,85 MB
BibTeX support in Scholia as of 2021-11-29.png 977 × 536; 66 kB
Blas Jaime en Salsipuedes Monumento.jpg 4.000 × 4.068; 13,38 MB
Blubk bluish.jpg 480 × 781; 170 kB
Cambodia-2005-choen ek1.jpg 768 × 1.024; 167 kB
Charred bones of Paccicañate or Teresa, murdered by Normand.jpg 2.490 × 1.170; 1,22 MB
Collage sur un mur à Bordeaux (France).jpg 3.817 × 2.978; 3,44 MB
Documento-Alcindo-Monteiro062.jpg 1.046 × 640; 132 kB
Dzungar Tribe Genocide.png 1.235 × 933; 2,68 MB
Dzungargenocide.png 518 × 359; 550 kB
Ethnic groups of Crimea by year. EN.svg 1.982 × 1.157; 149 kB
Fotografía de la Serie Batallón 601.jpg 1.350 × 1.087; 1,17 MB
Geibeltbath 110605149.jpg 6.336 × 1.104; 4,56 MB
Genocide Act 1969.pdf 1.239 × 1.754, 4 pagina's; 314 kB
GenocideIntlDay SpecialEmblem En.png 1.003 × 1.003; 19 kB
GenocidePortalLogo(ESR)2.JPG 203 × 261; 13 kB
Genocídio em Saúde Pública.pdf 1.275 × 1.650, 6 pagina's; 99 kB
Genozidioa STOP! mobilizazioaren kartela Errenteria.jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 5,19 MB
Gloves made from human skin.jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 3,49 MB
Gratz College front entryway, taken May 2022.jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 5,7 MB
Greekgeno.jpg 420 × 376; 139 kB
Hayots Tseghaspanutyun.ogg 3,0 s; 18 kB
Hong Kong 1.jpg 960 × 720; 55 kB
ICRC-Library RaphaelLemkin-DedicationTo MaxHuber.jpg 4.912 × 3.600; 13,62 MB
Indifferenza.jpg 1.546 × 1.024; 992 kB
KERASUNDA-1921.jpg 2.408 × 1.872; 3,58 MB
Léon Israël fichage.jpg 618 × 541; 65 kB
Masskillingsundersaddam.png 485 × 290; 19 kB
Mauritius Mullivaikkaal pillar.jpg 616 × 1.077; 261 kB
No al 2 x 1.jpg 1.072 × 1.072; 92 kB
Offences against the Person (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 1969 (52 of 1969).pdf 1.016 × 1.650, 3 pagina's; 927 kB
Pančevo execution hanging.jpg 1.210 × 1.200; 390 kB
Pirámide del odio.svg 744 × 1.052; 17 kB
Poisoning water is genocide - Stand with Standing Rock.jpg 3.586 × 2.386; 1,2 MB
Pyramidedelahaine.png 2.054 × 1.028; 283 kB
Security Prison 21 (S-21) (4384580018).jpg 5.184 × 3.456; 5,46 MB
Security Prison 21 (S-21) (4384592024).jpg 1.200 × 800; 293 kB
Security Prison 21 (S-21) (4384592026).jpg 1.200 × 800; 686 kB
Security Prison 21 (S-21) (4384605378).jpg 5.184 × 3.456; 6,73 MB
SF Olympic Torch Run (part 2).jpg 1.024 × 683; 479 kB
Sikh pogrom of 1984.jpg 750 × 500; 88 kB
SKWPC 10.jpg 1.080 × 810; 839 kB
SKWPC 3.jpg 1.280 × 576; 649 kB
Stop Genocide.jpg 4.160 × 3.120; 4,88 MB
Susan Charles Rankin on Human Rights Day 2005.jpg 1.024 × 1.536; 1,46 MB
The ‘Liberal’ steamship.jpg 1.062 × 743; 668 kB
Traces of Shooting on the Wall of the Palace of Shirvanshahs.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 1,04 MB
Traces of Shooting on the Walls of the Palace of Shirvanshahs (description).jpg 2.448 × 3.264; 1,13 MB
Turco-Teutons genocide 2.jpg 1.051 × 1.002; 203 kB
TurkeyINVENTEDFSA.png 600 × 300; 70 kB
International Criminal Court Act 2001 (UKPGA 2001-17 qp).pdf 1.239 × 1.754, 80 pagina's; 1,96 MB
Under Secretary Sherman Meets With UN Special Adviser Dieng (8592638717).jpg 2.100 × 1.500; 735 kB
Under Secretary Sherman Meets With UN Special Adviser Dieng (8593739300).jpg 2.100 × 1.500; 701 kB
Victims of genocide.jpg 615 × 409; 34 kB
War crimes in Las Anod bombardment SNM shelling SSC genocide.png 1.055 × 1.203; 783 kB
Wikipedia - Genocide of indigenous peoples.mp3 1 u 29 min 19 s; 81,77 MB
Wikipedia - Native American genocide in the United States.mp3 48 min 22 s; 44,28 MB
Written Testimony (Hon. Frank Wolf - Confronting the Genocide of Religious Minorities - A Way Forward).pdf 1.275 × 1.650, 4 pagina's; 306 kB
Yangzhou massacre (Qing).jpg 392 × 600; 80 kB
Важкі дні.jpg 720 × 1.280; 237 kB