Category:Good Friday
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Deutsch: Medien zum Thema Karfreitag
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S wäre 18 vu insgsamt 18 Unterkategorie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
Medie in dr Kategori „Good Friday“
S wäre 127 vu insgsamt 127 Dateie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
040 Die großen Fürbitten in der Pfarrkirche Christus-Konig in Sanok.JPG 800 × 1.102; 536 KB
044 Die großen Fürbitten in der Pfarrkirche Christus-Konig in Sanok.JPG 798 × 1.129; 580 KB
045 Die großen Fürbitten in der Pfarrkirche Christus-Konig in Sanok.JPG 800 × 544; 319 KB
Good Friday in St. Pius X Church.jpg 2.500 × 1.872; 1,43 MB
20140418 corfu269.JPG 3.872 × 2.592; 3,56 MB
5 001.Demonstration of Palestinian people against the walk of Jesus, Jerusalem 2005.jpg 1.544 × 1.024; 831 KB
Adoration of the Cross .JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 2,84 MB
Adoration of the Cross.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 3,03 MB
Agias Triados frescos cross.jpg 2.157 × 2.996; 1,1 MB
AKauffmannJReyIasiFair.PNG 2.379 × 1.609; 3,06 MB
Albin Egger-Lienz - Karfreitag - 2919 - Kunsthistorisches Museum.jpg 3.508 × 2.556; 11,65 MB
Alter kledd for langfredag.jpg 3.456 × 4.608; 866 KB
Anjala church, interior.jpg 4.512 × 3.000; 5,89 MB
BannerOnGoodFriday2008.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,15 MB
BytomKosciolDuchaSwietegoWielkiPiatek.jpg 800 × 600; 40 KB
Calle de Estipac.JPG 3.264 × 2.448; 3,79 MB
Canopy erected at the Temple of Venus and Rome during Good Friday ceremonies.JPG 2.592 × 1.944; 1,3 MB
Chancel of Grace Lutheran Church on Good Friday.jpg 2.620 × 4.656; 4,16 MB
Chancel of Houston Memorial UMC on Good Friday.jpg 4.032 × 1.960; 2,08 MB
Chimayo rides1.jpg 900 × 556; 501 KB
Close up of a layman holding the cross leading the clergy at the Good Friday Procession.jpg 5.033 × 3.355; 15,35 MB
Coro Dietrich Bonhoeffer en Culto de Viernes Santo 2023.jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 1,16 MB
Cross Good Friday.jpg 1.292 × 3.198; 2,55 MB
Daun Palma (Misa Jumat Agung).jpg 2.096 × 3.724; 1,54 MB
Displaying the Holy Cross.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 3,08 MB
Doodskist in de kerk, Bestanddeelnr 924-4429.jpg 2.415 × 3.638; 1,56 MB
Easter friday in Greek Orthodox church.JPG 4.608 × 3.456; 7,47 MB
Ecce Mass, Good Friday, Our Lady of Lourdes, Philadelphia.jpg 2.048 × 1.536; 365 KB
Epitaph Adelaide.jpg 1.984 × 1.488; 675 KB
Epitaphios - Greek Orthodox - Baltimore.jpg 1.317 × 1.123; 506 KB
Església de Sant Jaume - Montclar d'Urgell.JPG 3.648 × 2.736; 3,25 MB
Ewald Friesacher Karfreitagswanderung 01.jpg 1.920 × 1.440; 575 KB
Fahrbare Ratsche für die Begleitung der Karfreitagsprozession, Kärnten, Österreich.jpg 5.000 × 3.333; 7,96 MB
Feier vom Leiden und Sterben Christi KreuzverehrungXP4656.jpg 5.346 × 3.567; 2,52 MB
FPS NAZARENO126.jpg 1.251 × 2.000; 1,65 MB
Glaspalast 1888 058.jpg 640 × 479; 169 KB
Golgotha bij Loppersum - panoramio.jpg 2.048 × 1.150; 2,04 MB
Good Friday (or Palm Sunday) in front of Old St Louis Cathedral New Orleans 01.jpg 9.558 × 7.674; 22,48 MB
Good Friday (or Palm Sunday) in front of Old St Louis Cathedral New Orleans 02.tif 10.135 × 8.106; 156,72 MB
Good Friday celebrations (1).jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 2,59 MB
Good Friday celebrations (2).jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 2,34 MB
Good Friday celebrations (3).jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 2,74 MB
Good Friday Mass 2011.jpg 720 × 540; 78 KB
Good friday night in Pyrgos, Santorini 2.jpg 1.280 × 960; 91 KB
Good friday night in Pyrgos, Santorini 3.jpg 960 × 1.280; 86 KB
Good friday night in Pyrgos, Santorini.jpg 1.280 × 960; 141 KB
Good Friday pageant at the Oblate Mission's Lourdes Grotto in San Antonio, Texas LCCN2014633249.tif 7.360 × 4.912; 255,33 MB
Good Friday pageant at the Oblate Mission's Lourdes Grotto in San Antonio, Texas LCCN2014633250.tif 7.360 × 4.912; 253,98 MB
Good Friday Saint Louis Cathedral New Orleans.jpg 9.584 × 7.689; 25,62 MB
GoodFr StPeter Vatican.JPG 1.944 × 2.592; 1,42 MB
GoodFridayprocessionsinBaliuagjf2048 11.JPG 3.456 × 4.608; 5,95 MB
GreciaIdraEpitaffioKalami.jpg 2.048 × 1.536; 1,51 MB
Hautausikoni.jpg 3.072 × 2.048; 4,32 MB
Iglesia de San Juan Bautista y San Ramon Nonato - Juana Diaz Puerto Rico.jpg 3.998 × 2.822; 3,64 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre - Sextafeira Santa 2013 00.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 4,75 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre - Sextafeira Santa 2013 01.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 4,49 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre - Sextafeira Santa 2013 02.JPG 4.288 × 3.216; 4,99 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre - Sextafeira Santa 2013 03.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 4,62 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre - Sextafeira Santa 2013 04.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 3,89 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre - Sextafeira Santa 2013.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 2,95 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre 2015-04-03 .JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 5,68 MB
Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores em Porto Alegre 2015-04-03.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 4,86 MB
Igreja Santo Antônio, Florianópolis, Brasil 000.JPG 4.288 × 3.216; 2,81 MB
Igreja Santo Antônio, Florianópolis, Brasil 004.JPG 3.216 × 4.288; 3,99 MB
Il-Garr tas-salib waqt il-Purcissjoni is-Sewda.jpg 2.103 × 2.801; 612 KB
Ir-Reffiegha.jpg 3.784 × 6.000; 10,21 MB
Jersey Railway Company 26 March 1872.jpg 403 × 310; 126 KB
Jerusalem Old City Pilgrims Good Friday.jpg 536 × 800; 119 KB
Karfreitag - Fürbitten.jpg 800 × 600; 604 KB
Karfreitag fall bei wartburg.jpg 1.200 × 1.600; 114 KB
Karfreitag o crux.jpg 988 × 432; 70 KB
KarfreitagKAB.jpg 4.752 × 3.168; 6,67 MB
Kruiswegstaties zijn bedekt door moderne schilderijen, Bestanddeelnr 924-4426.jpg 3.633 × 2.414; 1,27 MB
Mass of the Presanctified.jpg 2.048 × 1.536; 396 KB
Meal catalan dried cod with eggs and raisins.JPG 3.264 × 2.448; 3,89 MB
Minister prostrates at the start of United Methodist Good Friday liturgy.jpg 3.024 × 4.032; 1,88 MB
Modern schilderij boven een altaar, Bestanddeelnr 924-4428.jpg 2.418 × 3.586; 1,55 MB
Mohmad Showkat Deen.png 500 × 500; 254 KB
Monteforti Family at Terranuova Bracciolini on 1953.jpg 2.102 × 1.335; 1.002 KB
Naturally my camp.jpg 2.304 × 4.096; 1,54 MB
Nl-Goede Vrijdag.ogg 1,6 s; 19 KB
Oslo domkirke april 1942 (6109543195).jpg 1.363 × 872; 209 KB
Pensive chain puller.jpg 2.490 × 3.320; 584 KB
Peru - Cusco 033 - night glow of the plaza (7084786635).jpg 2.270 × 1.514; 1,1 MB
Peru - Cusco 035 (6967524184).jpg 2.376 × 1.584; 1,65 MB
Peter Denies Christ.jpg 3.024 × 3.680; 6,23 MB
Petřín velikonoční procesí.jpg 843 × 1.280; 474 KB
Plascanica Jozafat Lucak Velky Lipnik 1995.jpg 8.924 × 6.117; 14,67 MB
Plastenica Trebisov baziliansky monastyr bozkanie 1999.jpg 3.719 × 2.563; 4,41 MB
Reichenberg Chapel Interior.jpg 2.592 × 3.872; 811 KB
Saint Joseph Cathedral, Columbus, Ohio - Good Fri 2011.jpg 4.288 × 2.848; 5,32 MB
Saint Mark Church (Lancaster, Ohio) - empty tabernacle on Good Friday.jpg 4.070 × 2.909; 3,56 MB
Sign-1120591, Whanganui, Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand.jpg 3.672 × 4.740; 1,67 MB
Solemn Mass of the Presanctified.jpg 500 × 750; 60 KB
St Walburga - Beilngries 004.jpg 2.742 × 3.664; 3,04 MB
St Walburga - Beilngries 007.jpg 2.742 × 3.664; 2,37 MB
St Walburga - Beilngries 011.jpg 2.742 × 3.664; 3,33 MB
St. Georg Pollanten NM 15.jpg 2.742 × 3.664; 3,07 MB
St.Martin-Karfreitag36.JPG 2.048 × 1.536; 387 KB
Statue bearers during a Good Friday procession.jpg 7.360 × 4.912; 21,1 MB
Statue bearers during Good Friday Procession in Valletta.jpg 5.943 × 4.875; 14,41 MB
Statue bearers during the Good Friday procession in Valletta.jpg 5.920 × 4.544; 14,03 MB
Statue bearers in old costumes carrying statue the Good Friday procession.jpg 4.432 × 7.143; 20,16 MB
Stjohnbaptistgawide.jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 3,14 MB
Tabernakel am Karfreitag.jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 12,57 MB
Triest Kathedrale - Karfreitagsgottesdienst 1.jpg 2.560 × 1.712; 1,26 MB
Uusimaa, Finland - panoramio - viljun.jpg 450 × 339; 16 KB
Vacov, kostel sv. Mikuláše, interiér, 2011 (01).jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 4,85 MB
Vacov, kostel sv. Mikuláše, interiér, 2016 (02).jpg 4.272 × 2.848; 5,33 MB
VenerdiSanto.jpg 600 × 400; 75 KB
VidGajsek - Vigilant guard.jpg 2.112 × 2.816; 1,23 MB
When you are an atheist.jpg 3.000 × 4.000; 5,06 MB
Погребение Христа.jpg 1.200 × 800; 691 KB