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<nowiki>HTTP/2; HTTP 2.0; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; پروتکل انتقال ابرمتن نگارش 2; 超文本傳輸協議/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; HTTP/2; versione del protocollo di rete HTTP; World Wide Webで用いられているHypertext Transfer Protocolのバージョン2; version 2 du protocole HTTP; unowocześnienie protokołu HTTP używanego w sieci www; computernetwerkprotocol van Internet Engineering Task Force; Сетевой протокол; version 2 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used by the World Wide Web; 萬維網使用的超文本傳輸協議的版本2; 超文本传输协议第2版; versión 2 del protocolo HTTP; HTTP 2.0; HTTP/2.0; HTTP 2; H2; HTTP 2.0; HTTP/2.0; HTTP 2.0</nowiki>
version 2 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used by the World Wide Web
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Instance of
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Based on
  • HTTP/1.1
Software version identifier
  • 2
Part of the series
  • HTTP/1.1
  • SPDY
Followed by
  • SPDY
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Media in category "HTTP/2"

The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.