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Català: Halotriquita
Deutsch: Halotrichit
Ελληνικά: Αλοτριχίτης
Nederlands: Halotrichiet
日本語: 鉄明礬
Slovenščina: Halotrihit
Українська: Галотрихіт
<nowiki>alotrichite; Halotrichite; halotrihhiit; Halotriquita; Галотрихит; Halotrichit; هالوتریکیت; Halotrihit; Halotrichit; halotrichitt; halotrichitt; Halotrixit; halotrichiet; Галотрихіт; Halotriquita; halotrichite; هالوتريتشيت; Αλοτριχίτης; halotriquita; minerale; minéral; sulfate mineral; mineral; Mineral aus der Halotrichitgruppe; mineraal; raudmaarjas; Eisenalaun; Federalaun; Haarsalz; iron alum</nowiki>
sulfate mineral
Halotriquita, en forma de cabells, de la mina Golden Queen, Califòrnia, Estats Units
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Instance of
  • mineral species
Subclass of
  • halotrichite group
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Media in category "Halotrichite"

The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.