Category:Humour in art

This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
- Album primo-avrilesque (9 F)
- Les Petites comédies du vice (50 F)
- Pranks in art (20 F)
Media in category "Humour in art"
The following 122 files are in this category, out of 122 total.
"A balk" on a sweepstake LCCN90708911.jpg 6,928 × 5,073; 5.88 MB
"PHORMIO" art, The Big T 1933 (page 138 crop).jpg 2,109 × 1,819; 751 KB
"What a shocking Bad Hat" Wellcome L0029661.jpg 1,131 × 1,818; 1.21 MB
10-meow stamp.jpg 299 × 318; 104 KB
A Bull Run-ner., ca. 1863 (5661844816).jpg 601 × 800; 175 KB
Acarien.svg 373 × 261; 77 KB
Ambigram Motel Water.png 5,600 × 5,600; 6.48 MB
Animal Rights Motto.jpg 1,500 × 2,100; 1.58 MB
Anti-McClellan cartoon in his 1864 presidential campaign.jpg 640 × 485; 41 KB
Approksimoidaan pyöreä lehmä.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 7.96 MB
Arthur and Fritz Kahn Collection 1889-1932 (19716146174).jpg 1,472 × 5,004; 1,011 KB
Atelier (1916) (1916) (14797271483).jpg 2,185 × 3,052; 2.08 MB
Auspicious Omen of Abundant Peace.jpg 2,200 × 4,632; 2.46 MB
Aymeric5Plan de travail 1@4x-80.jpg 4,096 × 2,866; 1.13 MB
Bavatar2016.jpg 1,417 × 1,417; 268 KB
BetbederChat.jpg 391 × 547; 113 KB
Boating scene, 'A Critical Moment' (Boston Public Library).jpg 1,200 × 886; 361 KB
Boîte aux lettres Robocop.JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 5.64 MB
Broken Picture Telephone screenshot (single art panel).png 254 × 254; 25 KB
Castelo-wiki.jpg 432 × 476; 109 KB
Cham en son jardin, d'aprés une aquarelle de la baroon G.Lebel.jpg 1,539 × 2,200; 551 KB
Cimetiere-de-Godoncourt-31-07-2011-7422.jpg 1,980 × 1,320; 166 KB
Cimetiere-de-Godoncourt-31-07-2011-7425.jpg 1,320 × 1,980; 218 KB
Clocheton du pavillon Lesdiguieres - lettre N inversée.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 943 KB
Clocheton du pavillon Lesdiguieres.jpg 3,312 × 4,416; 651 KB
Collection of Grotesques, France (3485982139).jpg 1,536 × 1,208; 339 KB
Cranberries; - the national cranberry magazine (1966) (20519746009).jpg 2,658 × 3,890; 528 KB
Crosio Kinderstreich 1.jpg 305 × 378; 96 KB
Crosio Kinderstreich 2.jpg 299 × 377; 90 KB
Culture protection.jpg 850 × 598; 98 KB
Dabdestal.jpg 720 × 900; 306 KB
Die drei Stände Tirol um 1800 ÖMV.jpg 1,523 × 2,043; 2.2 MB
Diptyque satirique (Liège) - 1.jpg 701 × 1,024; 147 KB
Diptyque satirique (Liège) - 2.jpg 645 × 939; 1.62 MB
Donald Trump Monument (51806232345).jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.08 MB
Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment.jpg 1,024 × 768; 310 KB
Esther Paterson - Aussie girls - A bird of paradise.jpg 1,128 × 1,600; 400 KB
Esther Paterson - Aussie girls - In arms again.jpg 1,128 × 1,600; 282 KB
Esther Paterson - Aussie girls - naval reserve.jpg 1,128 × 1,600; 278 KB
Esther Paterson - Aussie girls - the manly girl.jpg 1,128 × 1,600; 289 KB
Esther Paterson - Aussie girls cover.jpg 1,080 × 1,600; 498 KB
F.Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment.jpg 1,024 × 768; 309 KB
Femalemarshals.png 2,484 × 1,696; 4.31 MB
Flughafen München, Terminal 1, Abschnitt A.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.37 MB
Four humorous scenes LCCN2014649353.jpg 4,988 × 3,980; 2.22 MB
Galinha tocando vuvuzela.jpeg 1,811 × 2,371; 239 KB
Gaëlle Bien-Aimé as.jpg 1,730 × 2,048; 1.09 MB
Give me a vote and see what I'll do!.jpg 248 × 400; 57 KB
Glaspalast München 1897 054.jpg 4,500 × 3,025; 1.13 MB
Grimace - Anonyme flamand.jpg 348 × 499; 36 KB
Grotesque Capital, Wells Cathedral (3610847861).jpg 1,536 × 1,157; 1.26 MB
Grotesque Capitals, Wells Cathedral (3611564204).jpg 1,536 × 1,147; 1.26 MB
Grotesque Capitals, Wells Cathedral (3611578802).jpg 1,536 × 1,161; 1.4 MB
Grotesque Capitals, Wells Cathedral (3611608030).jpg 1,536 × 1,119; 1.31 MB
Grotesque Capitals, Wells Cathedral (3611650264).jpg 1,536 × 1,135; 1.37 MB
Gysis Nikolaos Pastryman.jpg 1,028 × 1,485; 233 KB
Hal Batros.png 660 × 646; 1.73 MB
Heinrich Bürkel Stier-und-Maler-Zeichnung.jpeg 1,516 × 1,222; 177 KB
Heinrich Bürkel Stier-und-Maler.jpeg 1,516 × 1,288; 299 KB
Heroes of the Freedomsurrection (51805865084).jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.11 MB
How to slap someone through the internet book.png 1,768 × 2,400; 1.16 MB
Huggleandvandal.jpg 670 × 408; 60 KB
Humanisme inhumain.jpg 738 × 911; 129 KB
Humor and art detail, from- The Big T 1921 (page 206 crop).jpg 1,412 × 1,749; 270 KB
Ian Baker The Codgers' Kama Sutra.jpg 602 × 900; 149 KB
Ian Baker What I Begged For.jpg 900 × 897; 434 KB
Isto-Humor.png 161 × 201; 59 KB
Jesus St Thomas.jpg 808 × 585; 196 KB
Johannessen - Knaben beim Angeln.jpeg 1,965 × 2,679; 1.82 MB
Jojo cygne.jpg 842 × 595; 62 KB
La métamorphose, Silene voyageant monté sur Mirabeau Tonneau, 1791.png 2,619 × 2,079; 5.91 MB
Laokoon antike skulptur.jpg 441 × 600; 128 KB
Le chansonnier révolutionnaire Charles Gille.jpg 197 × 510; 12 KB
Le Cri de Nancy Emile Badel.pdf 1,239 × 1,752; 244 KB
Limerick, Margret Hofheinz-Döring, Öl, 1967 (WV-Nr.3753).jpg 793 × 998; 136 KB
Lot 1142 Votes for Women sig Wall, unu, VF (NBY 5349).jpg 506 × 785; 82 KB
Marie Duval, Ally Sloper, Billstickers Beware! (Judy, July 29, 1874).jpg 1,327 × 1,944; 1.05 MB
Martin Van Maele - La Grande Danse macabre des vifs - 04.jpg 443 × 600; 123 KB
MCMF Comic.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.06 MB
Memorial Sculpture, Bob Hope Memorial Garden, San Fernando Mission, 2013 - panoramio.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 5.35 MB
Nerva - Now What?.jpg 400 × 400; 72 KB
Nerva - Smells Like a Pillow.jpg 935 × 400; 148 KB
Nerva Grand Piano.jpg 960 × 400; 128 KB
Nerva She Doesn't Show Her Front.jpg 400 × 933; 112 KB
Nosy (3052697523).jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 5.83 MB
Ostomy Beauty.jpg 549 × 559; 76 KB
P.Rubens Union Earth and Coca Cola.jpg 1,024 × 768; 354 KB
Papaj.gif 368 × 310; 198 KB
Paul Merwart Der verfehlte Antrag.jpg 3,514 × 4,459; 4.76 MB
Pow wow.jpg 400 × 400; 161 KB
Public-house-magazine.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.56 MB
Pöllau Humor im Fresko.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.73 MB
Ric&Rac - la vie romancée.jpg 914 × 893; 213 KB
Ric&Rac.jpg 289 × 281; 13 KB
Ricqles Civilite Puerile Moustache.jpg 732 × 570; 147 KB
Sapeck-La Joconde fumant la pipe.jpg 853 × 1,280; 645 KB
ScannedImage-2MONA LISA.jpg 1,607 × 2,010; 513 KB
SMG1.jpg 500 × 375; 147 KB
Soup'98.jpeg 1,693 × 2,204; 754 KB
Space surving us.jpg 581 × 769; 126 KB
Sparfs äventyr. Fritz von Dardel, 1840 - Nordiska Museet - NMA.0043689.jpg 1,500 × 563; 141 KB
The Cans Festival 2008 - 477.jpg 960 × 1,280; 180 KB
Theatrical and circus life; (1893) (14579436030).jpg 1,828 × 2,168; 557 KB
Three-breasted woman..JPG 631 × 768; 181 KB
Troyes Cathedral-Corbel (Recto) (3485985825).jpg 1,113 × 1,536; 261 KB
Voeux Flopinot 2019.png 682 × 724; 99 KB
Vogelversammlung, Margret Hofheinz-Döring, Öl, 1976 (WV-Nr.6288).jpg 357 × 268; 22 KB
World of Wounds.JPG 2,100 × 1,500; 305 KB
Xmas-waits.jpg 648 × 1,053; 465 KB
機器人3.JPG 2,400 × 3,200; 3.33 MB
無意味なダイアログ.png 407 × 200; 9 KB
臺北車站大廳公共藝術《機器人武士》.jpg 3,888 × 5,184; 4.5 MB