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Category:Hungarian diaspora

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<nowiki>diáspora húngara; Hongrois d'outre-frontières; Mađarsko iseljeništvo; венгерская диаспора; Венгр диаспораһы; Hungarian diaspora; Հունգարական սփյուռք; Мађарска дијаспора; madžarska diaspora; Ουγγρική διασπορά; Maďarská diaspora; угорська діаспора; Hongaarse minderheden; Hungarian diaspora; diaspora maghiară; Ungarischi Minderheite; الشتات المجري; Hungarian diaspora; hungara diasporo; Унгарска дијаспора; magyar diaszpóra; total ethnic Hungarian population located outside of current-day Hungary; Венгриянан ситтә йәшәүсе венгрҙар; communautés à identité culturelle/linguistique hongroise restées dans les territoires situés en Hongrie avant 1920 et dans les pays voisins ensuite (à distinguer de la diaspora hongroise, qui a émigré de Hongrie); diáspora magiar; Magyars d'outre-frontières; határon túli magyarok; Hongaarse minderheid; Hongaarse gemeenschap; Hongaren in het buitenland</nowiki>
Hungarian diaspora 
total ethnic Hungarian population located outside of current-day Hungary
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Media in category "Hungarian diaspora"

The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.