Category:Income inequality
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See also categories: Economic history, Wages, Economic statistics, Household income, Employment statistics, Distribution of wealth, Poverty, Economic maps and Median income.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Media in category "Income inequality"
The following 61 files are in this category, out of 61 total.
1907- Income inequality and union participation.svg 1,000 × 750; 8 KB
1960- Tax rates of richest versus low income people - US.svg 1,000 × 750; 6 KB
1970- Relative income growth by percentiles - US logarithmic.png 1,636 × 1,132; 237 KB
1970- Relative income growth by percentiles - US.png 1,636 × 1,132; 57 KB
20230810 Ivy-Plus admission rates vs parent income percentile.svg 1,000 × 750; 3 KB
Anteil der Top 10 % am Gesamteinkommen in AT EU27, 2005-2017.svg 512 × 284; 15 KB
Anteil der Top 10 % am Gesamteinkommen in HU EU27, 2005-2017.svg 512 × 284; 15 KB
Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung Dänemark.svg 810 × 450; 248 KB
Bernie Brief- Income Inequality - Ep. 1.webm 8 min 37 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 57.87 MB
Billionaire wealth.png 1,459 × 724; 219 KB
CBO 1979 to 2015 - Cumulative Real Household Income Increase.png 1,380 × 781; 256 KB
COVID-19 Nov 2020 Eure Schwestern fordern fairen Lohn! (1).jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 4.66 MB
COVID-19 Nov 2020 Eure Schwestern fordern fairen Lohn! (2).jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 3.8 MB
Development of Gini coefficients for EU member states.svg 512 × 293; 39 KB
Disposable income, by NUTS 2 regions, 2006 (1) (PPCS per inhabitant).png 880 × 1,042; 242 KB
Distribution of Average Income Growth for 99 and 1 percent.svg 800 × 600; 9 KB
Distribution of Average Income Growth.svg 800 × 600; 9 KB
Douglas Rushkoff’s Advice for the Next President - -45should.webm 1 min 24 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 20.46 MB
Evolution des inégalités de revenu dans le monde de 1820 à 2020.png 1,037 × 637; 104 KB
Fairer-Lohn-Schwestern 1 2020-11-07.jpg 2,322 × 4,128; 3.76 MB
Gini 2006-2012.jpg 922 × 961; 266 KB
Gini Koeffizient nach OECD-Bemessung in Dänemark.svg 512 × 284; 12 KB
Global changes in real income by income percentile - v1.png 977 × 512; 20 KB
Global map of high inequality countries, 2022.png 1,965 × 996; 484 KB
Hours Worked Compared to Earnings Per Week.webp 4,017 × 2,316; 125 KB
Income distribution after taxes and transfers.jpg 5,076 × 1,474; 1.07 MB
Income distribution in the United States.png 5,080 × 1,471; 266 KB
Income inequality - share of income earned by top 1% 1975 to 2015.png 869 × 765; 256 KB
Income percentiles, with median and relative poverty levels marked.png 1,942 × 1,094; 75 KB
IncomeInequality.svg 630 × 450; 112 KB
IncomeInequality7.svg 630 × 630; 116 KB
IncomeInequality8square.svg 630 × 630; 112 KB
IncomeInequality9b.svg 630 × 630; 126 KB
Kamala Harris- "These are women issues..." C6atoIqXQAAjSQl.jpg 435 × 375; 24 KB
MTR-Share1.png 836 × 546; 167 KB
Productivity Gap - v1.png 1,280 × 720; 176 KB
Risk of Poverty and Social Exclustion NUTS2 IT 2017 EUSILC.svg 512 × 284; 117 KB
Ruhsal bozukluk yaygınlığı-TR.jpg 1,024 × 734; 52 KB
S80 S20 Ratio by Sex IT 1995-2017 EUSILC.svg 512 × 284; 16 KB
S80 S20 Ratio by Sex NL 1995-2017 EUSILC.svg 512 × 284; 15 KB
Takoma Park 4th 3695 (48208596822).jpg 2,080 × 1,599; 2.9 MB
Top 1 pct share of income 1979 2007 2014.png 1,259 × 729; 26 KB
Top 10% and bottom 50% income shares in India 1900-2021.jpg 798 × 704; 779 KB
Top income inequality in the United States.png 715 × 524; 68 KB
Trends in UK income inequality 1979-2005-6.jpg 1,227 × 756; 92 KB
Trends in US income inequality 1975-2005.jpg 1,280 × 943; 118 KB
U.S. Income and Net Worth Distribution.png 1,316 × 739; 342 KB
U.S. inflation and compensation measures - v1.png 1,394 × 783; 48 KB
U.S. Pre-Tax Income Share Top 1 Pct and 0.1 Pct 1913 to 2016.png 1,386 × 782; 66 KB
U.S. Real Pay per Hour - Production & Non Supv Employees.png 1,399 × 724; 156 KB
U.S. Top 1% Income Shares, CBO and PSZ Data 1979-2016.png 1,396 × 771; 81 KB
Verfügbares Haushaltseinkommen nach NUTS-2-Regionen Dänemark.svg 810 × 450; 247 KB
Wealth inequality panel - v1.png 1,427 × 783; 273 KB
女性給与所得者の所得階層別人数.png 1,084 × 664; 47 KB
女性給与所得者の所得階層別構成比.png 1,127 × 680; 22 KB
給与所得者の所得階層別構成比.png 1,093 × 679; 22 KB