Category:International law
regulations governing international relations | |||||
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This category has the following 59 subcategories, out of 59 total.
- Cabotage (11 F)
- Ulrich Haltern (3 F)
- Impunity (4 F)
- Intelligence law (8 F)
- Takuzō Itakura (4 F)
- Theodor Meron (4 F)
- Junpei Shinobu (2 F)
- Travers Twiss (15 F)
- Marjorie M. Whiteman (2 F)
- Kisaburō Yokota (2 F)
Media in category "International law"
The following 112 files are in this category, out of 112 total.
1. World Passport (Cover).jpg 505 × 684; 433 KB
Acta revolucion 20 de julio.jpg 269 × 450; 33 KB
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America on Air Quality.pdf 1,216 × 1,531, 13 pages; 970 KB
Airport Cannabis Disposal (45989397334).jpg 2,417 × 1,813; 653 KB
Alexei Stanislavovich Avtonomov.jpg 1,865 × 2,021; 1,011 KB
Amtsblatt Alliierte Kontrolle-Kommission.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 6 pages; 4.83 MB
ArbitralAwards.svg 863 × 443; 1.54 MB
Arbitration.China.&.LA.(NicoOssa2007).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 8 pages; 724 KB
Bayar Goswami (4).jpg 512 × 760; 340 KB
Blank uspassprebio.jpg 1,014 × 1,413; 563 KB
Blueseed map.jpg 960 × 600; 146 KB
Blueseed-concept-vessel-thumbnails.jpg 692 × 412; 220 KB
Bosna regija update.jpg 326 × 351; 94 KB
Carla del Ponte Mladic 1 (cropped).jpg 415 × 552; 91 KB
Carla Del Ponte Mladić 1.jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 713 KB
Cases on international law, principally selected from decisions of English and American courts (IA casesoninternat00scot).pdf 943 × 1,500, 1,244 pages; 79.01 MB
Certificat international de conducteur d'embarcations de plaisance.jpg 918 × 1,240; 324 KB
China map.png 705 × 705; 135 KB
Continental shelf ita.png 456 × 180; 15 KB
A treatise on the conflict of laws or, Private international law (IA cu31924022034684).pdf 756 × 1,275, 278 pages; 7.15 MB
Davis and Nancy Fields - Harlan and Letcher County.jpg 300 × 204; 39 KB
Dr.M.Mahran.jpg 4,895 × 3,001; 5.28 MB
Dünya hukuk sistemleri.png 11,218 × 6,137; 2.03 MB
ECAC members.png 334 × 266; 12 KB
Elements of International Law - Wheaton - Dana (1866).djvu 3,522 × 5,622, 802 pages; 21.71 MB
Encryption UNESCO.png 2,480 × 1,748; 236 KB
Entstehung von Staaten pl.png 556 × 544; 25 KB
Entstehung von Staaten.png 556 × 544; 9 KB
Entstehung von Staaten.svg 211 × 198; 8 KB
Estados de reconocimiento limitado.png 1,920 × 942; 230 KB
Etatus-Legal-Jerusalen Hernry-Cattan 1981.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 10 pages; 73 KB
Etatus-Legal-Jerusalen.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 10 pages; 73 KB
European aviation organisations members.svg 512 × 430; 276 KB
Fisheryexpenditure2004.png 594 × 375; 13 KB
Germany's violations of the laws of war 1914-1915 (1915) (14759555826).jpg 1,378 × 1,616; 765 KB
Germany's violations of the laws of war 1914-1915 (1915) (14782188082).jpg 1,442 × 1,586; 730 KB
Germany's violations of the laws of war 1914-1915 (1915) (14802410983).jpg 1,628 × 2,020; 979 KB
Germany's violations of the laws of war 1914-1915 (IA germanysviolatio01fran).pdf 781 × 1,254, 408 pages; 18.42 MB
Gouvernement mondial.jpg 300 × 206; 16 KB
EVALUATING INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PIRACY (IA gov.gpo.fdsys.CHRG-108shrg96570).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 66 pages; 1.06 MB
Hai nước Trung Quốc.png 705 × 705; 139 KB
History of the Law of Nations - Wheaton.djvu 1,000 × 1,500, 827 pages; 130.52 MB
ICC examinations and investigations.svg 4,346 × 1,845; 1.45 MB
ICJ-CJI hearing 1.jpg 800 × 534; 132 KB
ILC Members 2023.jpg 740 × 494; 77 KB
ILCC.jpg 5,408 × 2,343; 2.71 MB
International Law and Custom in Ancient India.djvu 2,190 × 3,674, 176 pages; 6.06 MB
International Legal Foundation Afghanistan.jpg 1,024 × 683; 100 KB
International law documents - Conference on the Limitation of Armament with notes and index, 1921 (IA internationallaw1921nava).pdf 1,025 × 1,691, 418 pages; 26.25 MB
International law studies - criminal jurisdiction over visiting armed forces (IA internationallaw1965nava).pdf 1,054 × 1,670, 424 pages; 22.88 MB
International law documents - 1946-1947 (IA internationallaw4647nava).pdf 1,025 × 1,666, 424 pages; 21.76 MB
JCup 1.jpg 2,848 × 4,272; 2.51 MB
Jessup 2007 keynote.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 953 KB
Korean war armistice - Russian.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 12 pages; 1.52 MB
Limited Recognition states.svg 422 × 207; 1.35 MB
LocationFirstRepublicofVenezuela.png 250 × 115; 6 KB
LogotypeКФАТФ.jpg 800 × 168; 25 KB
LogotypeМЕНАФАТФ.jpg 340 × 72; 8 KB
LogotypeРГТФ.jpg 276 × 208; 9 KB
LogotypeФАТФ.jpg 457 × 310; 37 KB
Lyal S Sunga in Addis Ababa.jpg 1,654 × 1,865; 828 KB
Mfrol logo.png 150 × 172; 12 KB
Mizhnarodni dohovory Ukrajiny 2012.svg 1,473 × 909; 147 KB
Mizhnarodni dohovory Ukrajiny 2013.jpg 1,226 × 712; 97 KB
Mizhnarodni dohovory Ukrajiny.jpg 1,213 × 700; 140 KB
Model International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft.jpg 727 × 992; 297 KB
Mongtai.png 124 × 68; 2 KB
Morillo Perales.JPG 1,024 × 768; 607 KB
Nancy Bennett Whitley County.jpg 300 × 353; 28 KB
Nepfelkeles01.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 795 KB
Ninti logo image neutral background-LG.jpg 1,563 × 1,563; 384 KB
Origin of the League of Nations.png 872 × 569; 491 KB
Our RSIL pic.jpg 768 × 541; 170 KB
Pacto de Bogotá países.svg 280 × 403; 520 KB
Philip C Jessup.jpg 525 × 394; 25 KB
Prisoners of war - The Laws of War - ICRC.webm 1 min 55 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 19.87 MB
Recognition-telegram-l.jpg 493 × 645; 69 KB
RomaniansInHungary1890.png 1,892 × 1,422; 422 KB
RSIL team with Senator Mushahid Hussain.jpg 1,013 × 751; 173 KB
RSIL team with Surtaj Aziz.jpg 855 × 641; 171 KB
Rule of law.jpg 594 × 396; 80 KB
Scn+c-cover.jpg 369 × 479; 52 KB
Seabed Arms Control Treaty.png 1,357 × 628; 48 KB
Seal of the Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians.png 422 × 390; 161 KB
Silas Montgomery and Aggie Sizemore - Clay County.jpg 300 × 189; 32 KB
Sujetos de Derecho Internacional.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 25 pages; 182 KB
Sworn Departure Statement of Wong Kim Ark.gif 628 × 1,008; 139 KB
Sworn Statement of Witnesses verifying Departure Statement of Wong Kim Ark.gif 628 × 1,008; 144 KB
Tabata Shigejiro.JPG 392 × 582; 51 KB
Taoka Ryoichi.JPG 491 × 613; 67 KB
TMI - Procès des grands criminels de guerre devant le Tribunal militaire international - vol. II, 1947.djvu 1,083 × 1,500, 497 pages; 157.08 MB
UN Treaty Series - vol 251.pdf 1,050 × 1,500, 446 pages; 6.04 MB
UN Treaty Series - vol 280.pdf 1,050 × 1,500, 410 pages; 5.66 MB
Usnaturalization.jpg 5,381 × 3,868; 2.61 MB
Vebi Kosumi.jpg 1,800 × 1,800; 418 KB
Verdross 1950 copy.jpg 380 × 496; 47 KB
Weltregierung Hierarchie.png 250 × 250; 64 KB
Western Australia Secession Cover 1933.jpg 1,704 × 1,056; 375 KB
World government hierarchy.gif 239 × 209; 15 KB
World Passport Data Page.jpg 900 × 644; 120 KB
Zuständigkeit (Recht).png 789 × 587; 15 KB
条約体制の現実.JPG 938 × 592; 70 KB