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Category:Jean-Christophe Amade Aloma

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<nowiki>Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; Christophe Amade; sacerdote católico congoleño; কঙ্গোলীয় ক্যাথলিক পুরোহিত; prélat catholique congolais; Kongo katoliku preester; כומר קתולי קונגולזי; sacerdote católicu congolés; sacerdot catòlic congolès; Congolees rooms-katholiek geestelijke en bisschop; kongolesischer Ordensgeistlicher, Bischof von Kalemie-Kirungu; sacerdote católico congolés; prift katolik kongolez; قس كاثوليكي كونغوي; Congolese Catholic priest; preot catolic congolez; Jean-Christophore Amade Aloma; Jean-Christophe Amade Aloma</nowiki>
Christophe Amade 
Congolese Catholic priest
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Date of birth18 January 1961
Country of citizenship
Position held
  • diocesan bishop (2015–)
Authority file
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Media in category "Jean-Christophe Amade Aloma"

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