Category:John McCarthy (computer scientist)

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English: John McCarthy
<nowiki>John McCarthy; John McCarthy (ahli sains komputer); John McCarthy (siyentipiko kan kompyuter); John McCarthy; Джон Маккарти; John McCarthy; 約翰·麥卡錫; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; Джон Маккарті; 約翰·麥卡錫; John McCarthy; 존 매카시; Джон Маккарти; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; জন ম্যাকার্থি; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy (nhà khoa học máy tính); ჯონ მაკარტი; Џон Макарти; John McCarthy; 约翰·麦卡锡; Жон МакКарти; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; Con Makkarti; جۆن مەککارتی; John McCarthy; جون مكارثي; ဂျွန် မက္ကာသီ; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; جان مک‌کارتی; 约翰·麦卡锡; John McCarthy; ჯონ მაკ-კართი; ジョン・マッカーシー; جون مكارثى; ג'ון מקארתי; जॉन मैकार्थी; జాన్ మెక్‌కార్తి; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; ஜோன் மெக்கார்த்தி; John McCarthy; 约翰·麦卡锡; Джон Макарці; Джон Макарці; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; 約翰·麥卡錫; John McCarthy; 约翰·麦卡锡; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; جان مک‌کارتی; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; John McCarthy (siyentipiko ng kompyuter); Џон Макарти; Džon Makarti; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; Джон Маккарти; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; Ջոն Մաքքարթին (համակարգչային գիտություն); John McCarthy; Џон Мекарти; John McCarthy; John McCarthy; Τζον Μακάρθι; ਜੋਹਨ ਮਕਕਰਥੀ; científico estadounidense; informaticien américain; amerikansk matematiker, datavetare och ingenjör; informàtic estatunidenc; americký informatik a kognitivní vědec; US-amerikanischer Informatiker; Erfinder der Programmiersprache LISP; amerikansk matematikar, informatikar og ingeniør; ríomheolaí Meiriceánach; ریاضی‌دان، دانشمند علوم کامپیوتر، و مهندس آمریکایی; 美國計算機科學家和認知科學家; amerikansk matematiker, informatiker og ingeniør; Amerikalı bilgisayar bilimci ve bilişsel bilimci; American computer scientist; informatico statunitense; 미국의 컴퓨터 과학자; ilmuwan komputer dan ilmuan kognitif Amerika; informatyk amerykański; amerikansk matematiker, informatiker og ingeniør; Amerikalı kompüter alimi və koqnitiv alim; United States of America karimba ŋun nyɛ doo; informaticus; ಗಣಿತಜ್ಞ; yhdysvaltalainen tietojenkäsittelytieteilijä; American computer scientist and cognitive scientist (1927-2011); amerikai számítástechnikus; Αμερικανός επιστήμονας υπολογιστών; американский специалист в области информатики, основной автор языка Лисп; ஜான் மெக்கார்த்தி; Džon Makarti; John McCarthy; 约翰·麦肯锡; Джон Мак-Карти; Мак-Карти, Джон; John McCarthy; Мак-Карти; Маккарти Джон; Мак-Карти Джон; Маккарти Д.; John mccarty; John McCarthy; جان مک کارتی(دانشمند علوم رایانه ای); جان مک کارتی(دانشمند علوم رایانه‌ای); جان مک کارتی; Dž. Makkarti; Џон Мекарти</nowiki>
John McCarthy 
American computer scientist and cognitive scientist (1927-2011)
John McCarthy
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Date of birth4 September 1927
Date of death24 October 2011
Manner of death
  • natural causes
Cause of death
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Doctoral advisor
  • Donald C. Spencer
Doctoral student
  • Raj Reddy
  • Ramanathan V. Guha
  • Barbara Liskov
  • Ruzena Bajcsy
  • Erik Sandewall
  • Randall Davis
  • Cordell Green
  • James Allan Painter
  • Monti Don Callero
  • Donald Maurice Kaplan
  • Donald Arthur Waterman
  • Pierre Jules Louis Edmond Vicens
  • Gilbert Falk
  • Lynn Herman Quam
  • Rodney Albert Schmidt, Jr.
  • Francis Lockwood Morris
  • Gunnar Rutger Grape
  • Bruce Guenther Baumgart
  • Norihisa Suzuki
  • Jerrold Martin Ginsparg
Member of
Field of work
  • Ida Glatt McCarthy
Notable work
Award received
  • Turing Award (1971)
  • Benjamin Franklin Medal (2003)
  • National Medal of Science (1990)
  • Computer History Museum fellow
  • IJCAI Award for Research Excellence (1985)
  • Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology (1988)
  • Computer Pioneer Award (1985)
  • Programming Languages Achievement Award (2002)
  • AAAI Fellow (1990)
  • CSS Fellow
  • ACM Fellow (1994)
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q92739
ISNI: 0000000083561989
VIAF cluster ID: 301025587
GND ID: 123999553
Library of Congress authority ID: n82098492
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 136284827
IdRef ID: 115594825
NDL Authority ID: 00471298
Libraries Australia ID: 36556155
NL CR AUT ID: mzk2014847618
National Library of Israel ID (old): 004246052
National Library of Spain ID: XX5012246
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 069703965
NORAF ID: 90399991, 8062501
NUKAT ID: n2009048346
NLP ID (old): a0000002067647
PLWABN ID: 9810549804605606
J9U ID: 987007349687605171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA04682718, DA08426436
SBN author ID: UFIV124685
Mathematics Genealogy Project ID: 22145
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Media in category "John McCarthy (computer scientist)"

The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.