Category:Joseph Whitworth

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English: Joseph Whitworth was a British engineer and inventor of the 1800s who designed and produced military ordnance and is most famous for the standard Whitworth Thread. His company joined with Joseph Armstrong in 1882 to form Armstrong Whitworth.

<nowiki>Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Sir Joseph Baronet Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Джозеф Витуорт; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; 祖瑟夫·韋和夫; Joseph Whitworth; ჯოუზიფ უიტუორთი; ジョセフ・ホイットワース; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; چوزيف وايتوورث; Joseph Whitworth; Джозеф Вітворт; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; 조셉 휘트워스; Joseph Whitworth; جوزيف وايتوورث; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; ingegnere e imprenditore inglese; ingénieur et industriel britannique (1803-1887) qui favorisa la précision de l'usinage; англійський інженер, винахідник, філантроп; Brits ondernemer; enginyer i emprenedor, creador del rifle Whitworth; britischer Ingenieur; English engineer, entrepreneur (1804–1887); English engineer, entrepreneur (1804–1887); anglický konstruktér a vynálezce; Ingeniero, inventor, empresario y filántropo británico; ジョセフ・ウィットウォース; ジョセフ・ウイットワース; ジョセフ・ウィットワース; ホイットワース; Sir Joseph Whitworth; Sir Joseph Whitworth; J. Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Joseph Whitworth; Whithorth; Sir Joseph Whitworth</nowiki>
Joseph Whitworth 
English engineer, entrepreneur (1804–1887)
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Data de nascimento21 de dezembro de 1804
Data de morte22 de janeiro de 1887
Monte Carlo
País de nacionalidade
Membro de
Título nobiliárquico
Local de trabalho
Arquivo de autoridade
Wikidata Q712307
ISNI: 0000000081123993
identificador VIAF: 32809196
identificador GND: 119548968
número de controlo da Biblioteca do Congresso: n85283138
identificador BnF: 16970016c
identificador idRef: 136267017
identificador da Biblioteca National da Austrália: 35894368
identificador da Biblioteca Nacional de Israel: 000474417
identificador NUKAT: n2018153842
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID: 29339
identificador NLP: a0000003352219
identificador PLWABN: 9810534435405606
identificador J9U da Biblioteca Nacional de Israel: 987007276933405171
ID de autor NACSIS-CAT: DA0756996X
identificador Open Library: OL1205615A
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