Category:L'Assassinat des enfants d'Edouard by Theodor Hildebrandt

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<nowiki>Die Ermordung der Söhne Eduards IV.; Die Ermordung der Söhne Eduards IV.; L'Assassinat des enfants d'Edouard by Theodor Hildebrandt; Zamordowanie synów Edwarda IV.; L'Assassinat des enfants d'Edouard; dipinto di Theodor Hildebrandt; Theodor Hildebrandt festménye; pintura de Theodor Hildebrandt; quadre de Theodor Hildebrandt; Gemälde von Theodor Hildebrandt; pintura de Theodor Hildebrandt; painting by Theodor Hildebrandt; maleri af Theodor Hildebrandt; pictură de Theodor Hildebrandt; obraz Theodor Hildebrandt; målning av Theodor Hildebrandt; måleri av Theodor Hildebrandt; pintura de Theodor Hildebrandt; schilderij van Theodor Hildebrandt; peinture de Theodor Hildebrandt; pikturo da Theodor Hildebrandt; cuadro de Theodor Hildebrandt; painting by Theodor Hildebrandt; pintura de Theodor Hildebrandt; pentraĵo de Theodor Hildebrandt; maleri av Theodor Hildebrandt; pintura di Theodor Hildebrandt; The Murder of the Sons of Edward IV; Die Ermordung der Söhne Eduards IV.; The Murder of the Sons of Edward IV</nowiki>
L'Assassinat des enfants d'Edouard by Theodor Hildebrandt 
painting by Theodor Hildebrandt
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Instance of
DepictsPrinces in the Tower
Made from material
Inventory number
  • 1835
  • 1,752 mm
  • 1,500 mm
Authority file
Wikidata Q17280620
Google Arts & Culture asset ID: fQFQZWChT9W7_g
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Media in category "L'Assassinat des enfants d'Edouard by Theodor Hildebrandt"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.