Category:La Bastide-Clairence

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English: La Bastide-Clairence, Bastida or La Bastida de Clarença is a municipality in the Basque province of Lower Navarre and administratively part of Pyrénées-Atlantiques department. Occitan culture is also present.
Euskara: Bastida Nafarroa Behereko udalerri bat da. Administratiboki Pirinio Atlantikoak departamenduan dago. Okzitaniera ere garrantzitsua da.
Occitan : La Bastida de Clarença qu'ei ua comuna de la Baisha Navarra au Bascoat tamben de lenga occitana. Administrativament qu'ei aus Pirenèus Atlantics.

<nowiki>La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; 克萊朗斯堡; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Ла-Бастід-Клеранс; 克萊朗斯堡; 克莱朗斯堡; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Ла-Бастид-Клеранс; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; 克萊朗斯堡; 克莱朗斯堡; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastida-Clarença; Ла-Бастид-Клеранс; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; لا-باستىيد-كلەرانس; La-Bastïd-Klerans; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; 克莱朗斯堡; Ла-Бастид-Клеранс; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Bastida; لا بسٹائیڈ کلیرنس; لا-باستىيد-كلەرانس; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Bastida; Ла-Бастид-Клеранс; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Ла-Бастид-КлегӀанс; La Bastide-Clairence; La-Bastïd-Klerans; 克莱朗斯堡; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; ラ・バスティード=クレーランス; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Ла-Бастид-Клеранс; La Bastide-Clairence; لا باسٹیڈی-کلایرینکی; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastida de Clarença; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Bastida; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; comune francese; település Franciaországban; sveitarfélag í Frakklandi; Nafarroa Behereko udalerria; municipi francès; 法国市镇; коммуна во Франции; بلدية في فرنسا; französische Gemeinde; comuna francesa; komunë në departamentin Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Francë; commune française du département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques; 法国大西洋比利牛斯省市镇; kumun Bro-C'hall; Fransa'da komün; comuna francesa; obec v departemente Pyrénées-Atlantiques vo Francúzsku; una comuna occitana enclavada en Bascoat; fransk kommun i departementet Pyrénées-Atlantiques; gemeente in Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Frankrijk; kommune i Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Frankrike; komune di Peurancih; 法國市鎮; 法国大西洋比利牛斯省市镇; comun fransexo; chemun de la Franzia; commune in Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France; komunumo en la departemento Atlantikaj Pireneoj de Francio; obec v departementu Pyrénées-Atlantiques ve Francii; муніципалітет у департаменті Атлантичні Піренеї, Франція; Bastide-Clairence; ラ・バスティード・クレーランス; ラ・バスティッド=クレーランス; Labastide-Clairence; Bastida; Bastida Arberoa; Bastide-Clairence; Bastida Arberoa; La Bastide-Clairence; Bastida Klarentza; Ла-Бастід-Клернсе; La Bastide-Clairence; La Bastide Clairence; Bastida; Bastida Arberoa; Bastide-clairence; La Bastide-Clairence; Bastida; La Bastida de Clarença; Bastida; Bastida Arberoa; La Bastida</nowiki>
La Bastide-Clairence 
commune in Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
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Instance of
Located in or next to body of water
  • 987 (2022)
  • 23.39 km²
Elevation above sea level
official website
Map43° 25′ 48″ N, 1° 15′ 22″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q317214
VIAF cluster ID: 309727808
Library of Congress authority ID: n2016042588
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 15270111k
J9U ID: 987010356754005171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 2163858
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Media in category "La Bastide-Clairence"

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