Category:Language templates with no text displayed
ꯃꯤꯇꯩ ꯂꯣꯟ: ꯇꯦꯝꯄ꯭ꯂꯦꯠ {{Description}} ꯑꯁꯤꯅ ꯍꯥꯞꯆꯤꯟꯕ ꯆꯥꯡ ꯄꯨꯅꯕ ꯒꯤ ꯃꯆꯥꯈꯥꯏꯕ꯫ ꯃꯁꯤꯒꯤ ꯂꯃꯥꯢ ꯑꯁꯤ ꯂꯣꯟꯒꯤ ꯇꯦꯝꯄ꯭ꯂꯦꯠ ꯌꯥꯎꯏ, ꯃꯁꯤꯗ ꯄꯦꯔꯥꯃꯤꯇꯔ ꯱ (1) ꯑꯁꯤ ꯃꯥꯡꯏ꯫ ꯑꯗꯨꯅ, ꯃꯌꯦꯛ ꯑꯃꯇ ꯎꯗꯦ꯫ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ ꯃꯔꯛꯇ
ꯑꯁꯤꯅ ꯃꯁꯤꯒꯤ ꯋꯥꯊꯣꯛ ꯊꯣꯛꯍꯜꯂꯤ꯫ 1=
ꯑꯁꯤ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ ꯀꯤ ꯃꯃꯥꯡꯗ ꯁꯤꯖꯤꯟꯅꯕꯅ ꯋꯥꯊꯣꯛ ꯑꯁꯤ ꯂꯣꯢꯁꯤꯜꯍꯜꯂꯤ꯫Deutsch: Diese Seiten enthalten Sprachvorlagen, bei welchen der Parameter 1 fehlt. Entsprechend wird kein Text angezeigt. Häufig tritt dieses Problem auf, wenn der Text ein
enthält, dies aber nicht mittels 1=
abgefangen wird.
Es kann auch auftreten, wenn zwar ein Text mit 1=
versorgt ist, aber ein überflüssiger pipe ("|") Parameter (ohne Text) vorhanden ist und daher ebenfalls als Parameter 1 interpretiert wird und damit die erste Angabe überschreibt.English: Maintenance category added by {{Description}} template. These pages contain a language template where parameter 1 is missing. Hence, no text is displayed. A
in the text often causes this problem. Using 1=
before the text avoids this problem.Nederlands: Deze paginas bevatten Language template, waarbij parameter 1 ontbreekt. Als gevolg daarvan wordt geen tekst getoond. Dit probleem treed regelmatig op als de tekst een
bevat. Dit wordt voorkomen door de tekst te laten beginnen met 1=
.Español: Categoría de mantenimiento añadida por la plantilla {{Description}}. Estas páginas contienen una plantilla de idioma donde falta el parámetro 1. Por lo tanto, no se muestra ningún texto. A
en el texto a menudo causa este problema. Usando 1=
antes de que el texto evite este problema.Português: Categoria de manutenção adicionada por modelo de {{Descrição}}. Estas páginas contêm um modelo de idioma quando o parâmetro 1 está em falta. Assim, não é exibido nenhum texto. Um
no texto geralmente causa este problema. Utilizar 1=
antes do texto evita este problema.Regex: \{\{[a-zA-Z]+(-|)[a-zA-Z]+\|(1=|)\}\}
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Language templates with no text displayed"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Language templates with no text displayed"
The following 173 files are in this category, out of 173 total.
3- CAPRIVI MK1 - Special Security Forces Vehicles (My Trip To Al-Jenadriyah 32).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.01 MB
Ahmed Abdullah Al Masdoosi.jpg 233 × 400; 10 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-14-fws.jpg 1,018 × 768; 364 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-15-fws.jpg 1,092 × 750; 567 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-16-fws.jpg 1,180 × 864; 599 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-17-fws.jpg 1,116 × 1,026; 535 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-18-fws.jpg 1,026 × 1,023; 454 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-19-fws.jpg 834 × 876; 429 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-20-fws.jpg 825 × 963; 481 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-21-fws.jpg 984 × 1,005; 460 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-22-fws.jpg 1,108 × 964; 530 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-23-fws.jpg 1,058 × 846; 434 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-24-fws.jpg 1,131 × 873; 594 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-25-fws.jpg 1,163 × 738; 556 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-26-fws.jpg 1,124 × 655; 471 KB
Aphodius-sticticus-27-fws.jpg 1,106 × 872; 545 KB
Assessment of dual-purpose fish,oyster reefs in the Lynnhaven River, VA - USACE-p16021coll7-25387.pdf 2,000 × 1,125, 126 pages; 71.15 MB
Atzmon1.JPG 220 × 222; 14 KB
Award ribbon blue 1st.png 335 × 463; 49 KB
Birds Love.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.11 MB
Blender3D BezierAll.png 662 × 888; 18 KB
Blue Marble animation, 2002.webm 8.0 s, 1,280 × 720; 6.12 MB
Boden upload test, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-13.jpeg 785 × 442; 198 KB
Bucharest - Biserica Schitul Darvari interior 16.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 14.54 MB
Caramel Latte Macchiato.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 1.33 MB
Checkerboard test image, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-18.jpeg 674 × 533; 131 KB
Cirebon Bahagia logo for Cirebon regentorial campaign 2024.png 602 × 415; 359 KB
CPT团结村.jpg 4,160 × 3,120; 3.34 MB
De Sphaera - Allegory Sforza.JPG 1,321 × 1,752; 2.31 MB
Delta Connection Embraer 175 N226JQ BWI MD1.jpg 7,650 × 3,602; 11.1 MB
Demande Speciale Office Crop.jpg 1,347 × 932; 432 KB
Dixie Dugan no. 7 (cover art).jpg 975 × 1,408; 161 KB
EB1911-Elasticity Fig02.png 563 × 540; 5 KB
Facade test image, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-18.jpeg 242 × 242; 48 KB
Fahrrad upload test, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-20.jpeg 196 × 147; 50 KB
Fitzhugh-nagumo b = 2.0, with stable and unstable manifolds marked.png 1,314 × 1,321; 505 KB
Font Awesome 5 solid green address-card.svg 512 × 455; 891 bytes
Font Awesome 5 solid green book-reader.svg 512 × 512; 816 bytes
Font Awesome 5 solid green calendar-check.svg 512 × 585; 913 bytes
Font Awesome 5 solid green comment-dots.svg 512 × 512; 713 bytes
Font Awesome 5 solid green mouse-pointer.svg 512 × 819; 564 bytes
Gajic bara (između dva drveta) Stara Pazova.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 12.43 MB
Gajic bara (portrain)Stara Pazova.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 9.24 MB
God Defend New Zealand instrumental.ogg 1 min 3 s; 999 KB
Gontijocomil25000.jpg 864 × 561; 22 KB
Hakata 20110308203424 (8675464675).jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 743 KB
Hebrew Wikipedia 5 Years.png 133 × 155; 27 KB
Hosam Mohammed Ashraf Valle.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 200 KB
House Basset of Weldon.jpg 1,152 × 952; 106 KB
Hudson housing electrical system drawings - USACE-p266001coll1-11117.pdf 1,650 × 1,275; 399 KB
Hudson housing septic system pump station drawings - USACE-p266001coll1-11118.pdf 1,650 × 1,275; 334 KB
Hühnergott Heuvelland.jpg 3,024 × 3,024; 1.26 MB
Họ Mai.png 300 × 300; 20 KB
Invitation for bids and acceptance - USACE-p266001coll1-11397.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 28 pages; 1.18 MB
J. Percy Priest Lake- Poole Knobs - USACE-p16021coll11-2322.pdf 1,275 × 1,650; 1.53 MB
JUSTICE COFFIE 1.png 2,048 × 1,365; 5.04 MB
Kassaman instrumental.ogg 1 min 13 s; 3.61 MB
Philoctetes on Lemnos by Gerard Francksz. van der Kuijl, 1647.jpg 1,617 × 2,000; 322 KB
Kép1.png 1,158 × 895; 121 KB
L04 668e Kleines Torpedoschnellboot 961, Heck.jpg 5,858 × 4,084; 3.97 MB
Land of soldiers system support center Hudson,Stow, Massachusetts - USACE-p266001coll1-11102.pdf 5,400 × 3,600, 3 pages; 1.46 MB
Landschaftspark upload test 3, Wikidata Sandbox, 2025-02-08.jpeg 643 × 482; 170 KB
Lanzenanger Gedenkstein.jpg 3,056 × 2,292; 5.35 MB
Leonardo Pandapotan Siraot.jpg 3,734 × 4,405; 2.07 MB
Claude Lorrain, Flodlandskab med hyrder, , KMS4898, Statens Museum for Kunst.jpg 11,924 × 8,083; 73.15 MB
Lynnhaven River basin ecosystem restoration project - USACE-p16021coll7-23774.pdf 1,500 × 1,125, 10 pages; 2.46 MB
Lynnhaven River basin ecosystem restoration project- Phase 2 wetland design charette - USACE-p16021coll7-24157.pdf 1,500 × 1,125, 24 pages; 4.55 MB
May 3, 2022 meeting - USACE-p16021coll7-23773.pdf 2,000 × 1,125, 26 pages; 13.84 MB
Melanotus-villosus-or-castanipes-01-fws.jpg 2,916 × 2,144; 2.48 MB
Melanotus-villosus-or-castanipes-02-fws.jpg 3,216 × 2,136; 2.52 MB
Melanotus-villosus-or-castanipes-03-fws.jpg 3,216 × 2,136; 2.33 MB
Melanotus-villosus-or-castanipes-04-fws.jpg 2,832 × 1,988; 2.72 MB
Melanotus-villosus-or-castanipes-05-fws.jpg 3,012 × 1,860; 2.57 MB
Melanotus-villosus-or-castanipes-06-fws.jpg 3,717 × 2,136; 2.56 MB
Escudo de Minglanilla (Cuenca).svg 512 × 894; 75 KB
Mrs Chaturvedi after assuming the office of a Judge in 2022..jpg 4,128 × 1,908; 1.84 MB
MYoungfootballer.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 641 KB
Métis Woman In 1886 Cropped.jpg 417 × 461; 29 KB
Natick Soldier Systems Center, wetlands and wetlands buffers - USACE-p266001coll1-11098.pdf 2,550 × 1,650; 1.04 MB
Nguyenvannguyen1910-1953.jpg 150 × 200; 24 KB
NYC Montage 2014 by Jleon.jpg 579 × 749; 113 KB
Palaeur.jpg 600 × 450; 34 KB
Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana3.jpg 1,565 × 1,037; 819 KB
Papilio alexanor crisalide 1-Piemonte, Valle Gesso (CN).png 777 × 1,024; 1.23 MB
Pestistrasse 98-1, 2023 Üllő.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 967 KB
Platja llarga.jpg 1,024 × 768; 127 KB
DEU Pleizenhausen COA.svg 497 × 597; 118 KB
Plumb House, Inc., layout plan - USACE-p266001coll1-11097.pdf 6,068 × 4,231; 271 KB
Plumb House, Inc., sewage disposal system - USACE-p266001coll1-11119.pdf 5,947 × 4,268; 716 KB
Plumb House, Inc., sewage disposal system - USACE-p266001coll1-11120.pdf 1,650 × 1,275; 526 KB
Poole Knobs archery trail - USACE-p16021coll11-697.pdf 3,300 × 2,550; 257 KB
PUSHing Boundaries – Nazareth College, Rochester, NY.jpg 3,264 × 4,928; 1.68 MB
Re- 1A Bruen Road, Hudson, MA asbestos re-inspection - USACE-p266001coll1-11099.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 795 pages; 42.2 MB
Roma 2011 08 16 Palazzo dei Congressi BW.jpg 1,600 × 900; 165 KB
Roma 2011 08 16 Palazzo dei Congressi retro.jpg 2,848 × 2,134; 1.19 MB
Roma Cascate Laghetto EUR Palazzo dello Sport.jpg 2,848 × 2,134; 1.21 MB
Roma EUR Palazzo dello Sport da viale America.jpg 2,848 × 2,134; 1.25 MB
Roma Palazzo dello Sport da Piazzale Pakistan.jpg 2,848 × 2,134; 1.17 MB
Rumble Blocked In France.jpg 768 × 432; 36 KB
Russia 2522 (4108349471).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 14.06 MB
Russia 2608 (4117718872).jpg 4,339 × 2,924; 8.92 MB
Russia 2665 (4117779395).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 12.66 MB
Russia 2698 (4118854470).jpg 2,924 × 4,339; 8.25 MB
Russia 2701 (4118090849).jpg 2,998 × 4,388; 9.74 MB
Russia 2862 (4125482633).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 8.55 MB
Saints Peter & Paul Books 4 (Garrison Church lviv).jpg 800 × 1,200; 401 KB
Saints Peter & Paul Garrison Church tower.png 576 × 715; 518 KB
Seibu Iogi Station North Exit.jpg 320 × 240; 15 KB
Seibu Kamiigusa Station Platforms.jpg 320 × 240; 18 KB
Seibu Kamishakujii Station North Exit.jpg 317 × 232; 16 KB
Seibu Shimoigusa Station Building.jpg 320 × 240; 18 KB
Seibu Shimoigusa Station North Exit.jpg 320 × 240; 16 KB
Seibu Shimoigusa Station Photovoltaic Power Generation.jpg 320 × 240; 13 KB
Sky test upload, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-13.jpeg 583 × 328; 47 KB
Stadt upload test, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-13.jpeg 698 × 393; 108 KB
Statenormalandindustrial.jpg 341 × 172; 21 KB
Summer 2023 reef survey - USACE-p16021coll7-24435.pdf 2,000 × 1,125, 46 pages; 13.28 MB
SYED Jalaluddin Bukhari.jpg 1,280 × 778; 443 KB
Test image may be deleted at will, 2025-01-17.jpeg 477 × 552; 128 KB
Test upload landschaftspark, Wikidata-Spielwiese, 2025-02-08.jpeg 564 × 423; 130 KB
Test upload sky, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-18.jpeg 370 × 208; 52 KB
Test upload, Wikidata Sandbox 1, 2025-01-18.jpeg 310 × 174; 52 KB
The Navassa Island Riot (1889) page 4.png 2,964 × 1,354; 1,001 KB
Theodor Criveanu.jpg 673 × 989; 115 KB
Transfer and acceptance of military real property - USACE-p266001coll1-11122.pdf 1,650 × 2,550, 9 pages; 499 KB
TSRTC's TAYL Ticket.jpg 792 × 2,048; 185 KB
Ubekendt, Herkules og Antaeus, , KKSgb13558, Statens Museum for Kunst.jpg 4,033 × 3,910; 7.84 MB
Untitled Capture3938.jpg 1,920 × 2,880; 3.77 MB
Upload test Landschaftspark 2, Wikidata Sandbox, 2025-02-08.jpeg 1,019 × 764; 190 KB
Year 1 & 2- Princess Anne High School phase 1 wetland site - USACE-p16021coll7-24979.pdf 2,000 × 1,125, 18 pages; 9.1 MB
Escudo de Yuncler (Toledo).svg 512 × 894; 99 KB
Escudo de Zarratón (La Rioja).svg 512 × 894; 50 KB
Årtalsspik 20241016.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 3.42 MB
БогдановичНЕ.jpg 386 × 572; 51 KB
Грб породице Симић.jpg 2,250 × 3,446; 4.88 MB
Москва-2020 - запуск на Кольцевой линии метро.webm 4 min 20 s, 1,024 × 576; 92.09 MB
Мұқтар Индира Мұқтарқызы.jpg 981 × 1,467; 57 KB
Шымкент, водокачка станции сверху.jpg 2,243 × 2,992; 1.02 MB
Шымкент, конец путей ДЖД сверху.jpg 3,992 × 2,992; 1.91 MB
Шымкент, сад на Бадибек би, репница (1).jpg 3,943 × 2,957; 1.45 MB
בית העלמין גיזו, 2024 nov.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.35 MB
عکس محمد زارعی کوشا، فرماندار سابق شهر قم در دولت احمدی نژاد.jpg 1,333 × 2,000; 1.69 MB
موبائل اسکرین شاٹ برائے ترمیم.png 502 × 78; 6 KB
ویکی اشتہار 1.gif 468 × 60; 24 KB
ویکی اشتہار 2.svg 468 × 60; 10 KB
ویکی اشتہار 3.gif 468 × 60; 25 KB
ویکی اشتہار 4.gif 468 × 60; 113 KB
ویکی اشتہار 5.gif 468 × 60; 28 KB
ᠧᠸᠧᠩᠺᠢ ᠠᠶᠢᠮᠠᠨᠨᠢ ᠮᠧᠧᠨᠵᠢ ᠵᠣᠬᠠᠷ ᠭᠣᠰ in QaganTig.SVG 283 × 220; 28 KB
【雪】ディズニーリゾートライン舞浜リゾートライン10形(リゾートライナー) 東京ディズニーシー・ステーション駅 2020-3-14 14-39 【東京野次馬】.webm 34 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 44.45 MB
胎児317aと317b, ツタンカーメンの子供.jpg 3,608 × 3,270; 3.83 MB
臺灣銀行 3590.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 9.34 MB
대전경덕중학교.jpg 960 × 721; 87 KB
우당탕 커다란 순무뽑기 대소동(영화).jpg 640 × 480; 47 KB