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日本語: 立法機関
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Vilicht gliichwärtig | Legislative | ||||
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S wäre 29 vu insgsamt 29 Unterkategorie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
Medie in dr Kategori „Legislatures“
S wäre 99 vu insgsamt 99 Dateie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
1st Tambaram Municipal Corporation Council.png 2.993 × 1.589; 148 KB
2021 Fitzgeralds New Jersey Legislative Manual.jpg 1.200 × 2.100; 509 KB
30th Dáil (May 2007).png 982 × 615; 46 KB
A worker putting his ballot in to the box 1948 China.jpg 728 × 957; 132 KB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearing.jpg 4.000 × 2.253; 838 KB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingAFamilyAffair.jpg 4.000 × 2.667; 1,09 MB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingAnEmotionalMoment.jpg 3.648 × 2.917; 1,34 MB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingAnotherEmotionalMoment.jpg 2.319 × 2.324; 693 KB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingAnotherHugAfterTestimony.jpg 3.335 × 3.335; 1,15 MB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingAQuietMoment.jpg 2.719 × 2.720; 802 KB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingHappyToBeAndToBeHeard.jpg 4.000 × 2.667; 868 KB
AddThe4WordsIdahoHearingYetMoreEmotionalSupport.jpg 3.566 × 2.379; 916 KB
Administration de l'althing.PNG 864 × 636; 35 KB
Bermuda-The State House.jpg 450 × 337; 117 KB
Cambodia National Assembly chamber.jpg 800 × 600; 252 KB
Centralmärzverein.jpg 384 × 547; 88 KB
Charlotte Amalie 2fer.JPG 4.162 × 2.774; 3,74 MB
Constituziun franzosa 1791.png 618 × 959; 164 KB
Câmara Municipal de Santo André (São Paulo) - atual.svg 360 × 185; 2 KB
Câmara Municipal de São Paulo - atual.svg 360 × 185; 12 KB
De-Legislative.ogg 2,3 s; 23 KB
Donetsk People's Council.svg 360 × 185; 6 KB
Erfurter unionsparlament.jpg 723 × 1.066; 319 KB
Albert J. Fountain.jpg 165 × 245; 42 KB
Frank McAveety MSP.jpg 3.039 × 2.014; 1,71 MB
French constitution of 1791.svg 1.052 × 744; 37 KB
FSU Student Senate 2020.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Gandhi Sarkar.jpg 3.000 × 3.000; 1,95 MB
Germanische-ratsversammlung 1-1250x715.jpg 1.221 × 688; 641 KB
Government official at polling booth 1948 China.jpg 894 × 683; 117 KB
JK Legislative Assembly.svg 360 × 185; 7 KB
Josef Grohé.jpg 534 × 703; 61 KB
Khatri adduh parlamento extremadura (cropped).JPG 388 × 626; 69 KB
Khatri adduh parlamento extremadura.JPG 1.600 × 1.200; 589 KB
Lcpanetpublicsenat formatwikipedia.jpg 126 × 78; 12 KB
Legislative procedure uk.svg 1.400 × 1.700; 4 KB
Legislatura de la provincia de Jujuy - Argentina.jpg 4.624 × 2.604; 7,62 MB
Logo congreso CDMX.png 302 × 379; 48 KB
Luther Elkins.jpg 175 × 216; 4 KB
Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Updated July 2022.svg 360 × 185; 19 KB
MaineHouse2020Non-Voting.svg 360 × 185; 718 Bytes
MaOnShanSportsGround FoundationStone.jpg 1.280 × 1.024; 237 KB
Nordic Council Updated Version.svg 360 × 185; 6 KB
Ordinary legislative procedure majorityrules.svg 332 × 337; 77 KB
Portland City Commission 2022.svg 852 × 430; 4 KB
Raumer Friedrich Ludwig Georg.jpg 390 × 500; 31 KB
Ribenorm2010.png 939 × 145; 27 KB
Salon Azul, Legislative Assembly of El Salvador.jpg 4.032 × 3.024; 1,37 MB
Seimas2008.jpg 484 × 345; 19 KB
Sign in a car park in Ripon, North Yorkshire.jpg 1.728 × 3.072; 1,83 MB
SofiaCityCouncilStructure2019-2023.svg 360 × 185; 4 KB
Svgfiles 2020-07-03-07-27-08-907921-17959638251076253419.svg 360 × 185; 937 Bytes
Svgfiles 2022-05-04-20-01-20-618499-231627025644228113.svg 360 × 185; 1,64 MB
Teymourtash among deputies to the Eighth Majles.jpg 1.765 × 1.157; 1,25 MB
Uni and bicameral Map.png 1.920 × 974; 331 KB
Uni- and bicameral parliaments.svg 2.754 × 1.398; 1,06 MB
Unibicameral Map.png 2.000 × 1.015; 313 KB
Unibicameral Map.svg 2.754 × 1.398; 1,05 MB
University professors at polling booth 1948 China.jpg 959 × 729; 122 KB
US2020statelowerhouses gain.svg 959 × 593; 31 KB