Category:London Victoria station

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<nowiki>estación de Victoria; 維多利亞站; London Victoria pályaudvar; Victoria geltokia; Estació de London Victoria; London Victoria Station; London Victoria Station; Stazion de Londra Victoria; London Victoria station; ایستگاه ویکتوریا; 倫敦維多利亞車站; Victoria Station; Victoria İstasyonu; لندن وکٹوریہ اسٹیشن; Victoria; תחנת ויקטוריה; 倫敦維多利亞車站; 伦敦维多利亚车站; 伦敦维多利亚车站; Victorian asema; London Victoria station; Victoria; stazione di Londra Victoria; লন্ডন ভিক্টোরিয়া স্টেশন; Londres Victoria; 倫敦維多利亞車站; 伦敦维多利亚车站; 韋庫拖里阿站; לאנדאן וויקטאריע סטאנציע; 伦敦维多利亚车站; محطة فيكتوريا; Estação Victoria; London Victoria station; Gorsaf reilffordd Victoria Llundain; Виктория; Victoria; 倫敦維多利亞車站; Station London Victoria; Estação Victoria; 伦敦维多利亚车站; Лондон-Вікторія; Victoria Station; Victoria stasjon, London; 倫敦維多利亞車站; Stacidomo Londono-Viktorio; gara Londra Victoria; σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός Βικτώρια; Victoria raudteejaam; Estación de London Victoria; فيكتوريا; stasion de Victoria; ヴィクトリア駅; stazione ferroviaria britannica; যুক্তরাজ্যের রেলওয়ে স্টেশন; Londoni vasút és metróállomás; באן און לאנדאנער אונטערגרונט סטאנציע; Londoner Bahnhof; railway station in the United Kingdom; 位於倫敦西敏市的英國國鐵車站; gară din Regatul Unit; イングランドの鉄道駅; محطة قطار في المملكة المتحدة; jernbane- og undergrunnsstasjon; järnvägsstation; Лундын митрасы стансасы; תחנת הרכבת התחתית והרכבת של לונדון בווסטמינסטר, לונדון, אנגליה, בריטניה; metrostation in het Verenigd Koninkrijk; London Underground and railway station in Westminster, London, England, UK; gare ferroviaire britannique; stasiun kereta api metro di Britania Raya; rautatieasema Lontoossa; estación de ferrocarril de Londres; railway station in the United Kingdom; σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός του Λονδίνου; железнодорожная станция Великобритания, Англия, Большой Лондон, Вестминстер; gara London Victoria; gara Victoria; ヴィクトリア・ステーション・アンド・ピムリコ鉄道会社; gare de Londres Victoria; וויקטאריע סטאנציע; Estación de Victoria; Estación Victoria; London Victoria; VIC; stazione di Victoria; Victoria station; Victoria railway station; Victoria Railway Station The Former London, Chatham And Dover Railway Station Including Train Shed; VIC; ভিক্টোরিয়া স্টেশন; ভিক্টোরিয়া রেলওয়ে স্টেশন; Βικτώρια Λονδίνου; Victoria station; London Victoria station; estación Victoria; London Victoria; VIC; estacion de Victoria; estacion Victoria</nowiki>
London Victoria station 
London Underground and railway station in Westminster, London, England, UK
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Instance of
Part of
Named after
Owned by
Has part(s)
Heritage designation
Date of official opening
  • 1 October 1860
Significant event
  • Victoria & Paddington Station bombing
Elevation above sea level
  • 16 m
Connecting line
Adjacent station
Interchange station
official website
Map51° 29′ 42.02″ N, 0° 08′ 36.88″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q985210
VIAF cluster ID: 308197070
GND ID: 1050268865
Structurae structure ID: 20009449
National Heritage List for England number: 1266689
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1572443
TOID: 4000000073334719
Vision of Britain place ID: 23890
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Main English Wikipedia article: London Victoria station.
Former London, Chatham and Dover Railway Station including Train Shed
This is a category about listed building number 1266689.

Former London Brighton and South Coast Railway Station and Rear Concourse
This is a category about listed building number 1389322.


Media in category "London Victoria station"

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