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<nowiki>Longo; Longosz; Longos; Longos; Longus; Longos; Лонг; Лонго; 朗格斯; Longos; Longus; ロンゴス; Longos; Лонг; Longus; Longos; Longoso; Longos; Longo Sofista; Longus; Longos; Longo; Longs; Лонго; Longo; Longo; Longos; Longo; Longos; Longos; Longus; Longus; Լոնգոս; Лонг; Лонг; Longus; Longos; Λόγγος; Λόγγος; scriitor din Grecia antică; auteur grec de l’époque romaine; ލިޔުންތެރިއެއް; schrijver; древнегреческий писатель; grecko-rzymski autor pasterskiego romansu; griechischer Autor; scrittore greco antico; Ancient Greek writer; نویسنده در یونان باستان; αρχαίος συγγραφέας που έζησε την Ρωμαϊκή εποχή; novelista griego, aprox del siglo II a.C; Longo de Lesbos; Λόγγος; Longus; Longus; Longo; Longos; Longus Lesbius; Longus; Longus Sophista; Longus Scriptor eroticus</nowiki>
Ancient Greek writer
Иллюстрация Рафаэля Коллена к изданию романа «Дафнис и Хлоя» (1890)
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Name in native language
  • Λόγγος
Date of birth2nd century (statement with Gregorian date earlier than 1584)
Date of death2nd century (statement with Gregorian date earlier than 1584)
Work period (start)
  • 2nd century
Work period (end)
  • 3rd century
Authority file
Wikidata Q314949
ISNI: 0000000355800016
VIAF cluster ID: 163408645
GND ID: 118574213
Library of Congress authority ID: n50043501
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11913309q
IdRef ID: 026993937
NDL Authority ID: 00448003
Libraries Australia ID: 35312298
NL CR AUT ID: jn19981001764
SELIBR ID: 72318
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000085772
National Library of Spain ID: XX1129496
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 069807256
NORAF ID: 90111846
NUKAT ID: n96209131
NLP ID (old): a0000001144843
National Library of Korea ID: KAC200803033
Libris-URI: 20dgb8xl0n2st63
PLWABN ID: 9810542985305606
J9U ID: 987007264619705171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA01291667
SBN author ID: CFIV073377
Open Library ID: OL271570A
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