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Category:Louis of Burgundy

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<nowiki>Luis de Borgoña; Louis de Bourgogne; Людовик Бургундский; Ludwig von Burgund; Luís da Borgonha; Людовік Бургундскі; Лудвиг; Луј Бургундијски; Luís da Borgonha; Ludwik Burgundzki; Людовик Бургундський; Lodewijk van Bourgondië; Lluís de Borgonya; Λουδοβίκος της Βουργουνδίας; Luigi di Borgogna; Louis of Burgundy; Lois de Borgoña; لويس من بورغندي; Ludvík Burgundský; 路易·德勃艮第; Príncipe da Acaia; Fürst von Achaia und Titularkönig von Thessaloniki; prince d'Achaïe; Prince of Achaea; Príncipe de Acaia; حمل لقب ملك سالونيك; achajský kníže; vorst van Achaea en titulair koning van Thessaloniki; Louis de Bourgogne; Ludwig; 亞該亞親王路易吉一世; Lodewijk van Bourgondie</nowiki>
Louis of Burgundy 
Prince of Achaea
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Date of birth1297
Date of death2 August 1316
Place of burial
Noble title
Authority file
Wikidata Q717968
VIAF cluster ID: 7783156858676449780004
PLWABN ID: 9811232258505606
FranceArchives agent ID: 18771034
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Media in category "Louis of Burgundy"

The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.