Category:Map projections with Tissot's indicatrix
English: Maps of the World with Tissot's Indicatrix of deformation.
Français : Cartes du monde avec indicatrice de déformation de Tissot.
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Media in category "Map projections with Tissot's indicatrix"
The following 115 files are in this category, out of 115 total.
Adams Doubly-Periodic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 574 KB
Aitoff with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 595 KB
Albers with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 788; 595 KB
American polyconic projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 2,760; 2.42 MB
American polyconic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,226; 613 KB
Armadillo projection Tissot.svg 854 × 490; 293 KB
August epicycloidal projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 2,560; 2.4 MB
Azimuthal Equal-Area with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 601 KB
Azimuthal equidistant projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 2.53 MB
Azimuthal equidistant projection with Tissot's indicatrix.png 680 × 680; 51 KB
Azimuthal Equidistant with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 596 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Balthasart equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 2,311; 1.06 MB
Tissot indicatrix world map Behrmann equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 1,271; 1,017 KB
Behrmann with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 679; 508 KB
Tissot behrmann.png 1,193 × 504; 41 KB
Boggs eumorphic projection Tissot.svg 852 × 430; 213 KB
Bonne projection defined at 40°N 0°E with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 3,360; 2.94 MB
Bonne with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,519; 615 KB
Cahill-Keyes with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 757; 581 KB
Cassini with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 567 KB
Conformal Conic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 815; 599 KB
Craig retroazimuthal projection defined at 50°N 0°E with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 1.97 MB
Dymaxion with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 512 × 242; 321 KB
Eckert I projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2.86 MB
Eckert II projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2.85 MB
Eckert III projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2.85 MB
Eckert IV projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2.86 MB
Eckert IV with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 591 KB
Eckert V projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2.86 MB
Eckert VI projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 1,800; 2.87 MB
Eisenlohr projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 2,320; 2.39 MB
Equal Earth with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 779; 601 KB
Equidistant Conic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 798; 593 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map equirectangular proj.svg 3,000 × 1,500; 1.44 MB
Equirectangular with rhumb+circle+triangle.svg 515 × 260; 84 KB
Equirectangular with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 295 KB
Fuller projection with Tissot's indicatrix of deformation.png 3,638 × 1,734; 216 KB
Gall Stereographic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,200; 521 KB
Gall-Peters with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,019; 515 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Gall-Peters equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 1,906; 1.13 MB
Gnomonic projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 1.32 MB
Gnomonic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 558 KB
Goode homolosine projection Tissot indicatrix.svg 898 × 392; 167 KB
Goode homolosine projection with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 1,568; 2.52 MB
GS50 with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,100; 252 KB
Guyou with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 583 KB
Hammer projection with Tissot's indicatrix.png 1,240 × 600; 51 KB
Hammer retroazimuthal projection defined at 50°N 0°E with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 2,250; 1.71 MB
Hammer Retroazimuthal with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 605 KB
Hammer with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 598 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Hobo-Dyer equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 1,514; 1.14 MB
Hobo-Dyer with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 809; 510 KB
Kavrayskiy VII with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 924; 605 KB
Lagrange projection of 0.75 sphere in circle with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 1,800 × 1,200; 2.27 MB
Lagrange projection of 0.75 sphere in circle with Tissot's indicatrix centering 30°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 2,400; 2.41 MB
Lagrange projection of 1.5 sphere in circle with Tissot's indicatrix centering 30°S 0°E.svg 1,800 × 3,200; 2.39 MB
Lagrange projection of sphere in circle with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 2.43 MB
Lagrange projection of sphere in circle with Tissot's indicatrix centering 60°N 0°E.svg 1,800 × 1,800; 2.36 MB
Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 2.49 MB
Lambert cylindrical with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 509; 501 KB
Lee Tetrahedral (triangular) with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,386; 586 KB
Littrow projection with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 2.2 MB
Loximuthal projection defined at 50°N 0°E with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 2,000; 2.88 MB
Tissot indicatrix world map Mercator proj.svg 3,000 × 2,984; 550 KB
Tissot mercator.png 777 × 720; 47 KB
Mercator with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 528 KB
Miller projection with Tissot's indicatrix.png 840 × 640; 47 KB
Miller with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,173; 526 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Mollweide proj.svg 3,000 × 1,500; 1.53 MB
Mollweide with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 597 KB
Natural Earth with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 832; 599 KB
Oblique Mercator with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 612 KB
Oblique Stereographic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 612 KB
Ortelius oval projection Tissot.svg 1,340 × 674; 330 KB
Tissot world from space.png 842 × 824; 38 KB
Orthographic projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 1.49 MB
Orthographic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 585 KB
Peirce quincuncial projection with Tissot's indicatrix.png 840 × 840; 79 KB
Peirce Quincuncial with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 588 KB
Perspective with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 580 KB
Plate Carrée with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 425 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Robinson proj.svg 3,000 × 1,522; 1.48 MB
Tissot robinson.png 1,194 × 628; 58 KB
Robinson with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 812; 599 KB
Sinusiodal earth circles.png 777 × 306; 199 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map sinusoidal proj.svg 3,000 × 1,500; 1.51 MB
Sinusoidal projection with Tissot's indicatrix.png 1,240 × 640; 65 KB
Sinusoidal with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 512 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Smyth-Craster equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 1,500; 1.07 MB
Spilhaus Hammer Oceanic projection with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 1,800 × 3,600; 2.36 MB
Spilhaus Oceanic Conformal projection with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 1,300 × 1,800; 2.28 MB
Stereographic projection with Tissot's indicatrix centering 0°N 0°E.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 2.39 MB
Stereographic projection with Tissot's indicatrix.png 840 × 840; 64 KB
Stereographic with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 591 KB
Strebe 1995 with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,007; 621 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map cyl equal-area proj comparison.svg 512 × 1,536; 1.44 MB
Tissot indicatrix world map Kavrayskiy VII proj.jpg 1,000 × 578; 80 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Lambert cyl equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 953; 1.44 MB
Tissot indicatrix world map Tobler equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 3,000; 1.06 MB
Tobler Hyperelliptical with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 800; 598 KB
Transverse Mercator with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 594 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map Trystan Edwards equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 1,513; 1.07 MB
Two-point Equidistant with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,545; 616 KB
Tissot indicatrix world map unnamed 40 deg equal-area proj.svg 3,000 × 1,627; 1.06 MB
Van der Grinten with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 1,600; 611 KB
Waterman Butterfly with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 1,600 × 898; 586 KB
Werner projection with Tissot's indicatrix.svg 3,600 × 3,600; 2.94 MB
Tissot indicatrix world map Winkel Tripel proj.svg 512 × 313; 827 KB
Winkel Tripel with Tissot's Indicatrices of Distortion.svg 512 × 313; 320 KB