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Category:Mayors of Zagreb

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<nowiki>sindaco di Zagabria; Zágráb polgármestere; Zagrebs borgmästare; ordfører i Zagreb; мер Загреба; Мэр Загреба; ראש עיריית זאגרב; Bürgermeister von Zagreb; mayor of Zagreb; Méara Shágrab; عمدة زغرب; Sìndico de Zagàbria; alcalde de Zagreb; capo dell'amministrazione comunale di Zagabria; közhivatal (1851–); public office; head of the capital of Croatia; رئيس بلدية مدينة زغرب; назва посади міського голови столиці Хорватії; должность главы столицы Хорватии</nowiki>
mayor of Zagreb 
public office; head of the capital of Croatia
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Instance of
  • public office
Subclass of
  • Croatia
Applies to jurisdiction
  • 1851
official website
Authority file
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This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.

Media in category "Mayors of Zagreb"

The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total.